Chapter 345: The Magic of Gryffindor

About fifteen minutes after Ivan left, Harry, Ron and Hermione successively recovered from the magical illusion of the stars and realized where they were.

They looked around in confusion, their faces full of doubt.

"Sirius, what just happened?" Harry said in amazement, unable to believe the surge of magic in his body. "The stars in the night sky are giving me a strange sensation, where I feel like I've become a star, with strange fluctuations; my magic is growing..."

"Me too!" Ron shouted with delight, "Though it's not much growth, it's very noticeable, what in the world is going on?"

Hermione didn't speak. She frowned and felt it for a while, with a slightly dubious expression.

She also felt a slight increase in her magic, which was too incredible, even contrary to what she had learned before.

Hermione wanted to hear Ivan's opinion, and suddenly realized that he wasn't here.

She hurried over to Sirius, who was standing next to her, and asked, "Where's Ivan?"

"Don't worry, I'll answer your questions one by one." Looking at the confused and anxious Harry, Ron and Hermione, Sirius smiled and said, "First of all, don't worry about Ivan; he was the first to recover. He has followed Magorian to see the old man, not too far away. We'll be there soon. Secondly, about the reasons for your magical growth..." Sirius pointed to the starry sky above his head and explained, "Indeed, this is due to the powerful magic of the temple at your feet and the countless stars in the night sky. When I first came here, I was amazed by the scene in front of me and my magic also increased slightly."

"Magic?" Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at Sirius in surprise, wondering what he meant by magic.

"Yes, it's magic!" Sirius said quietly. "This magic is so powerful it's beyond your imagination."

Under the night sky, no one spoke, and everyone waited for Sirius to continue explaining.

"The centaurs once told me that this magic had been arranged by Godric Gryffindor himself. Unlike our usual magic, the magic he had left behind involved knowledge of alchemy and magic." Sirius said quietly, "Even today, after a thousand years, it still works."

Hearing what he said, Harry and Ron unconsciously raised their heads and looked up at the starry night sky again, as if they were trying their best to feel the powerful magic that Gryffindor himself had left behind. But there was nothing. They could not enter into that feeling.

Now the sky was full of stars, like the stars they saw every Wednesday night in the tower of the Astronomical School. Other than a wider horizon, there was no difference.

"Only the wizard who comes here for the first time will naturally enter the state you just felt to adjust, because the magical rhythm in his body does not match the energy emitted by the stars." Sirius laughed and said, "After the adjustment, you can no longer enter that state."

"The conjunction of magical rhythm and star energy?" Hermione remembered that she seemed to have seen hints of this in some book, a very old magical book.

She had seen the book on Ivan's desk earlier, picked it up and read it when he was idle. It was so abstruse that she didn't understand much of it in many places.

"The magic left by Gryffindor helps the first time wizard adjust his magical rhythm. During the adjustment process, your own magic will also increase slightly." Sirius continued, "The more talented and magical the wizard, the shorter the adjustment time. That's why Ivan was the first to wake up."

"Well, we know why magic grows, but why did Gryffindor leave this magic here?" Hermione asked confused.

"Maybe to help us grow our magic." Ron whispered.

"Obviously he wouldn't have that much free time on his hands! A powerful magic set up in the centaur colony, deep in the Forbidden Forest, just to help three young wizards enhance their magical power?" Hermione glared angrily at Ron and was not satisfied with his unfounded answer.

"On this subject, I have done some in-depth research with James and Remus. The final conclusion was that this magical effect was gathering star power in the temple." Sirius said, "Gryffindor used these powers to support his final proof here."

Listening to Sirius' reasoning, they were again deeply shocked. It was hard to imagine what Gryffindor's final test would be like. It was incredible to use the star power of the entire night sky for support.

Since entering the centaur colony, they had come into contact with too many things beyond their imagination, discovering that the magical world was not as simple as what they learned at Hogwarts.

"On our first trip to the centaur colony a few months ago, I told them that the final test left by Gryffindor was a powerful illusion magic." Sirius said, "That magic allows you to enter a totally different world, a surreal world, where everyone sees different things. Only by overcoming the challenges he put inside can we finally achieve what he left behind."

"It looks like you've just entered the endless starry sky, which is actually part of the illusion." Sirius pointed to the lines on the black obsidian platform beneath his feet and continued, "Look at the lines on the ground. This is what Gryffindor had laid out. You can mix the temple of the centaurs with the stars in the night sky."

Everyone looked hurriedly at the lines under their feet. They thought they were the same as the ones on the walls; they were all trajectories of planets. They didn't expect them to be magic left by Gryffindor.

These lines formed a complex pattern that extended deep into the platform.

Looking ahead, they could see Ivan and two centaurs standing at the end of the lines.

Because of the distance, their figures appeared very small.

Behind them was the silhouette of a giant, which appeared to be part of the Temple, and they could not clearly see its specific shape.

Up along the giant, at the top, through the thick clouds, was a red light. It shone softly like a star.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had originally thought so, but now it seemed that this thing was not a star.

They looked off into the distance, and the red glow of the clouds echoed off the dark red moon above them, looking eerie.