Chapter 385: Death Eaters

Ivan seemed to hear a voice, a long lost voice ringing in his mind. "Fear is the only thing on this island!"

He shook his head and hurried to keep up with Dumbledore and Sirius.

It didn't bode well to hear the voice of that evil god suddenly in this place.

"That guy over there is Rabastan Lestrange," Sirius said after returning from his Animagus form. "Along with Barty Crouch Jr. he was sentenced to life in prison for using the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottom couple. I didn't expect him to still be alive. He doesn't look so strong, does he?"

Rabastan Lestrange, a gaunt, pale man, turned his head to look at them, no emotion in his eyes.

"All prisoners are like that. He's still fine. In fact, he keeps his conscience. It's really amazing - in my opinion, he's just a coward!" Sirius said scornfully, "But he's done a lot of bad things, a lot of crimes..."

Ivan stared at Lestrange for a moment, and the voice that had just disappeared from his mind reappeared. "The old Azkaban is full of cruel and horrible crimes, beyond your imagination."

Ahead of him, Sirius stopped in another room.

"Let's see who it is, Antonin Dolohov!" Sirius' voice was laced with hatred. "He's the most loyal Death Eater. He went to Voldemort to learn deeper and crueler magic. He is cruel and enjoys torturing Muggles!"

Inside the room, Ivan saw a strong man with large arms on the bed.

He had dark brown hair and a long, pale, twisted face. Long-term malnutrition did not erase the cruelty and ferocity from his face.

"He was the first Death Eater to follow Voldemort. According to the news we received later, he personally tortured and killed countless Muggles and opponents of Voldemort." Sirius said in a heavy tone, "Ron's mother, Molly Weasley's two brothers, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, died under his hands."

Ivan stepped forward and wanted to see what Dolohov looked like.

He also knew that this guy killed Lupin in the final battle in the original story.

Antonin Dolohov did not move, nor did he look at the three people standing in the doorway of his room.

He was still asleep, dreaming an unknown dream, and his face showed a cruel smile from time to time.

But he immediately screamed, and the dream turned into a nightmare in an instant.

"You can't escape the fear of Dementors. Sleeping can only make things worse, because you will see countless illusions in the dream, facing the fear itself."

Ivan listened to Sirius' explanation, but the voice in his mind had another way of putting it. "Sleep will give you peace; madness and despair wander out of your sleep."

In the silence of the darkness, only the footsteps of the three echoed.

They climbed another floor, and Sirius stopped again in front of an empty cell near the stairs, a pained expression on his face.

"I've been in this room for thirteen years." Sirius pointed to the slightly larger gap between the two banisters and said, "Fudge gave me a newspaper on his last regular visit to Azkaban, from which I learned that Peter Pettigrew was still alive. I was very thin at the time, like a piece of paper, and I went straight over here."

The black railings were stained with blood. The Ministry of Magic and the Dementors would never imagine someone escaping like this.

"The most terrible thing about Azkaban is the desperation caused by the Dementors themselves. The vast majority of people can't last a few days, and their spirit is broken. The only thought is death!" Sirius said, "I was thinking about death too. If it hadn't been for my conviction that I was innocent, I would have fainted with terror, like everyone else."

Ivan nodded, and the deep voice sounded quietly in his mind again. "Crime and disaster will not end in death, and the deceased will not rest forever."

He looked around, and there was no one else around him except Dumbledore and Sirius. He didn't know who was talking, or perhaps it was the darkness itself.

In a cell not far away, there was a prisoner.

"It's my dear cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange!" Sirius simply commented, "A madwoman who bites people!"

Bellatrix seemed to have heard Sirius' words, and suddenly flew towards the iron railing, making a wild laugh that sounded chilling.

Ivan had seen her picture in the old Black family home. Bellatrix had dark hair and bright eyes, but more than a decade of Azkaban imprisonment had left her with a gaunt face and crazed eyes.

"Like my dear mother and the rest of the Black family, she is the most loyal defender of the pure bloodline." Sirius looked at Bellatrix and said, "Prejudice against Muggles and half-blood wizards. That's how it was when I was in school."

"SIRIUS!" Bellatrix didn't completely lose her senses like everyone else, at least she could speak, she shouted loudly, "BLACK'S TRAITOR, YOU WITNESSES SUGLORIA."

His voice was hoarse and raspy, and sounded uncomfortable.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you to show me what to do!" Sirius shouted. "I'm out, and you're in. That speaks for itself."

"I'M GOING OUT. I'll kill you with my bare hands, I swear" Bellatrix licked her lips and laughed out loud in a high pitched voice.

She was clearly talking to Sirius, but her eyes looked up and down at Ivan.

This made Ivan very uncomfortable. He seemed to have been reminded of her, which, like that voice, did not bode well.

"Come on, I lost my mind arguing with this crazy woman." Sirius said angrily, "It's been a while since we've seen each other, but she's as annoying as ever, like my dead mother."

Sirius pushed Ivan forward, and Bellatrix was still laughing loudly from behind.

Perhaps because of her interruption, the strange voice that appeared repeatedly in Ivan's mind didn't appear this time, which relieved him a little.

Maybe it just disappeared, and it was all his delusion.

"He's closer to Voldemort than any other Death Eater. He has more magic from him than others. That may be why she's still rational, but she's a madwoman. It doesn't matter if she's rational or not." Sirius leaned in close and said, "Think about it, if parents and relatives are a whole bunch, who can take it?"