Chapter 418: Terrible speculation

In addition to magic, the evil spirits that came to this world needed a lot of flesh and blood to build their new bodies.

In the illusion made by Gryffindor 800 years ago, Ivan once saw the fallen centaurs prepare a staggering number of flesh and blood sacrifices to summon the evil god.

In the Temple of the Moon, Ivan entered a huge circular chamber filled with clotted blood, qu used to be filled with the corpses of various creatures.

Even the ceiling was stained with thick blood.

According to Okegiga, that was just one of the many sinful rooms of the Temple; the fallen centaurs expanded outward at a maddening pace. They hunted every creature they could find and offered their bodies as sacrifices to the evil god.

Those sacrifices, along with the Philosopher's Stone, were a necessary condition for the evil spirit to come into the world.

Thinking about this, Ivan suddenly shuddered.

Maybe those vampires hiding in the darkness also wanted to summon the evil spirit?! What if, after the fall of the fallen centaurs, the evil god found himself a new servant? These pure, dark creatures were much more cunning and difficult to deal with than the centaurs!

Ivan was frightened by his own speculation. This was too terrible-if it was true, then it meant that everyone in the ruins would die!

Ivan told Sirius his reasoning, and he seemed very surprised as well.

The gravity of the situation was beyond imagination, and there was no word from Dumbledore.

"No matter what the vampires are going to do, we have to stop them!" Sirius said in a heavy tone, "We have to find out the truth about this."

That said, knowing exactly what to do was difficult for both of them.

They couldn't tell other people directly about this matter. Regardless of whether they were startled or not, judging by the current situation, it was estimated that no one would believe it.

All the wizards who entered the centaur ruins were fascinated by the gold. Judging by their eager eyes, each one was almost the equal of a goblin or greedier.

Tell them that all these treasures had been cursed and they would definitely see you as a madman.

Moreover, they might think Ivan and Sirius wanted to steal their gold and kill them outright.

"We must find the vampires lurking in the shadows, expose their plots in public, or stop this thing outright." Ivan analyzed, "If possible, we should find some of the evil god's minions. Maybe that will sober these guys up."

In the illusion, Ivan once saw three living creatures of the evil spirit.

They were some kind of insect monsters, with an indescribable shape.

They were about five feet tall each. Their bodies were covered with a thick red shell, and resembling on the whole some kind of fungus.

They had a strong magical illusion that could act directly into the depths of a person's heart and cause the victims to lose their minds and actively extend their heads into the creatures' huge mouths.

Their mouths were in the center of their bodies, full of fangs and sharp teeth.

With a single bite, they could slice and shred a man's head!

Any spell and most physical attacks were meaningless against these monsters. The Patronus charm contained them, but the correct way to kill them was to attack the core inside their heads.

With his previous experience, as long as he could find these monsters, Ivan had the confidence to kill them.

He believed that their bodies would surprise all the mages who saw them for the first time.

Perhaps then, they would believe whatever plot he exposed them to.

"It is also crucial to get the Philosopher's Stone in hand as soon as possible." Ivan analyzed, "If we get the Philosopher's Stone, we could prevent the evil spirit from getting any closer."

This was also the most important purpose of Ivan's journey. The completed Philosopher's Stone would break Voldemort's curse on him, and then he could regain his strength.

He would be able to use all his magic, and he would not be as bound as he was now.

Before getting the Philosopher's Stone, Ivan's magical power was on par with Sirius' thanks to the medallion and the Slytherin planks in Aragog's pit.

With the help of the Philosopher's Stone, he could cast all the magic he mastered at will to fight, including many more powerful spells than usual.

There was one more method that Ivan did not mention.

In fact, the most complete method was to find the statue of the evil god brought by Okegiga that year, which was like the root of some plant. That was the root of all evil.

By destroying it, they would completely sever all connections between the evil god and the real world, and put an end to this boundless evil.

Although in the illusion, he arbitrarily used magic to break the statue, it certainly wouldn't be so simple now. Ivan wasn't willing to go it alone this time; finding it and handing it over to

Dumbledore was the right choice.

"That's right, first we go to the Temple to find the Philosopher's Stone, and then see what the vampires are up to!" Sirius said.

The Temple in the center of the ruins was similar to the Temple of the Moon he had entered over a month ago. It too was made of large blocks of obsidian and granite.

It depicted abstract statues and murals, highlighting the past glory of the Centaurs.

Over time, the thin curtains that hung from the walls and corridors had deteriorated, leaving only a pile of ropes and hemp-like rags hanging behind.

In the lower part of the Temple, Ivan also saw many adventurers.

They were like chasing flies running through various rooms, searching for all the valuables.

They held their wands and seemed unfriendly to all the people passing by.

The smell of gunpowder in the Temple was very strong, and from time to time fierce fighting broke out.

In many places, Ivan saw fresh blood and even corpses.

Everything in this ruined temple seemed chaotic and dark. Without the restraint of secular law, the most evil aspect of human nature was vividly reflected here.

They could only see gold. In turn, the gold cursed by the vampires stimulated them to become even more insane.

The more you get, the faster you lose it and fall.

After seeing several adventurers wandering around the temple, looking extremely abnormal, muttering strange words in their mouths, like walking corpses, Ivan finally learned what magic the vampires cast on the gold.

This curse could make the people who found the gold become confused, gradually lose their senses, and finally become part of the evil in this dark temple full of taboos.

As the evil god had said, countless ancient and horrible crimes were committed in these ruins, and their count was only increasing!

Madness gripped the ruins, and even those who kept their sanity had mostly died, their flesh and blood added to the sacrifices for the coming evil god.