Chapter 428: Book of Abraham

In this bizarre space, the surrounding atmosphere felt extremely strange and evil.

Ivan wanted to go and stop it, but he was tightly surrounded by the souls of the fallen centaurs. They blocked him in the middle like thick walls, and his body was cold as ice.

The big ship slowly moved forward, and the huge body of the evil god became clearer and clearer.

As seen in Gryffindor's illusion, his body was distorted and ugly.

It was like a cysticercus that had been magnified many times, or like a giant tree root with countless branches.

It rose slowly from the horizon, hovering in the air, with its huge mouth open in the middle, waiting for Ivan.

The large mouth was covered with green mucus, and filled with many black fangs.

On its uneven body, there were many mouths of different shapes, marked by the wrinkled skin surrounding it.

Above the head of the evil god, at both ends of the rim of black flesh, two large disproportionate eyes stared at Ivan.

The dark red eyes rolled slowly inward, following Ivan's position.

Its body was surrounded by countless endlessly writhing tentacles, with eyes or claws hanging from it.

It was too large and seemed to be filled almost to bursting point, with several cracks opening and closing everywhere.

Pale green liquid poured out of its interior, littering the surroundings.

"Young human wizard, surrender to the fear before you!" He said slowly, "Give me the Philosopher's Stone, then kneel on the ground and tremble. The great presence approaches, and pleading is all you can do."

Hearing the call of the evil god, Ivan subconsciously wanted to cast the Patronus incantation.

This spell had a strong resistance to all negative emotions and protected him from the evil god's Mind Reading.

In the illusion, Ivan had tried it and had gotten good results.

When he put his right hand on his waist, he realized that he did not have a wand.

He looked around, not knowing what to do.

This sudden and strange space, as well as the absurd scene in front of him, was very strange.

In the Temple of the Centaurs, the evil god and Voldemort were fighting, and clearly he had not yet arrived in the real world.

Ivan began to doubt the things he was seeing at that moment.

Could it be that he had entered another illusion, an illusion created by the evil god?

None of this was real. It had never happened, and there was no need to worry about it.

But Ivan had the inexplicable feeling that if he really was swallowed by the evil god in front of him, it would all be over.

No, he had to run away!

He pushed aside the centaur in front of him, pressed himself against the edge of the big boat and jumped.

The current was swift, and Ivan did his best to move forward, hoping to stay clear of the evil god.

He didn't know how to get out of this space, but he remembered that Dumbledore had arrived earlier.

As long as he held on to him, there would be a way.

"Stupid human, like your ancestors, you choose to resist futilely!" The huge body of the evil god leaned forward and looked coldly at Ivan. "That's ridiculous, I didn't destroy you immediately. That's already the most benevolent thing in the world."

"Don't you know that from the moment the world was born, my companions and I were already there, feeding on each other in the darkest corners of the world." The evil god said in his cold voice, "We were still very weak at that time, but with the constant supply of evil, darkness, fear, greed and all the other negative forces in your hearts, we slowly grew stronger."

The evil god continued to advance, and its tentacles were already capable of touching Ivan.

"Thousands of years ago, your ancestors discovered the space where we existed. As soon as they ventured there, they were shocked by the reality of what they saw with their own eyes." The evil spirit said slowly, "That is the present of our world, and the future of your world. Remember, beneath the vast ocean, there are endless secrets..."

The next second, the evil spirit's tentacles reeled Ivan straight up, no matter how hard he struggled.

The evil god lifted Ivan to his forehead, and seemed ready to swallow him.

"Human wizard, do you want to explore our world and the mysteries of fear like your ancestors?" The voice of the evil god sounded deep in Ivan's mind. "You have the Philosopher's Stone upon you, which means you are qualified to enter our world. But your end is long doomed, not to be driven mad and become our follower like other creatures; but like your ancestors, to flee from the light into a new age of darkness and seek an illusory peace and security."

The tentacles of the evil god were wrapped tightly around Ivan, and beneath him was his huge body, like a black mountain.

Its cold, glassy eyes stared at Ivan, and its large mouth slowly opened. "Come on, take a look at the truest fear in the world, and welcome your end!"

Without any warning, its tentacles loosened violently, and Ivan fell vertically from above.

Staring at the evil path that came closer and closer, his heart pounded violently.

As the evil god said, it was all coming to an end....

Ivan did not know what that world of the evil gods was like, and he did not want to visit it.

Surely, if he was swallowed by the evil god, he would die!

He tried his best and could not come up with any solution to the current problem.

This was a true illusion created by the evil god. Everything that happened here was beyond his comprehension.

Never mind any magic book, there were no such ridiculous and horrible things in them.

Just as Ivan thought, a thick magic book suddenly flew out of it.

The pages glowed with a golden light, spinning rapidly in front of Ivan, as if blown by strong winds.

Ivan looked at the magic book with surprise - it was the Book of Abraham given to him by Nicolas Flamel!

The pages advanced at a very fast pace and soon they reached the first page of the third part.

There, all the pages of the book were still covered with ink, and the specific contents could not be seen.

But Ivan noticed that the thick ink in the middle part seemed to melt, and the color became lighter and lighter.

In the blink of an eye, a pattern appeared there, looking very abstract.

Ivan recognized it at a glance. It was the image of this horrible evil god in front of him.

"This is the power of the seal..." The evil spirit said in a disgusting tone, "Foolish human, no matter how powerful your magic is, you can't stop me from returning to the world. One day, I will come!"

His voice grew fainter and fainter and soon disappeared.

The things Ivan saw in front of him disappeared as quickly as the ink melted into the water, and the surrounding scene receded backwards.

Before long, he was back in the real world.