Chapter 435: Ivan's Visit

At Harry's mention of Sirius, the pupils of Vernon's small eyes contracted with sudden fear.

"All right! You can go to this bloody stupid World Cup. Write to them and tell these Weasleys, pick you up, watch out. I don't have time to go and drop you off all over the country. And you can spend the rest of the summer vacations there." Vernon said, "You might want to write to your godfather and tell him you're going. By the way, write a letter to the Mason son and tell him I support your contacts with him."

"I know!" said Harry happily.

He turned and walked toward the door to the sitting room, fighting the urge to jump into the air and scream.

Outside the living room, he almost ran into Dudley, who had been lurking behind the door, clearly waiting to hear Harry when he was told off.

He looked surprised to see the wide grin on Harry's face.

"That was an excellent breakfast, wasn't it?" Harry asked. "I feel pretty full, don't you?"

Laughing at the terrified look on Dudley's face, Harry took the stairs three at a time and dashed up to his dormitory.

There, Hedwig was waiting for him with Ivan's answer.

On the ceiling, there was a small owl flying around the ceiling lamp, which was Ron's little owl.

After handing the letter to Ivan, he followed Hedwig to Harry with another letter from Ron.

"Calm down!" said Harry.

At the sight of him, the little owl swooped down, chirping madly.

Harry looked first at the letter delivered by pig. It was Ron's handwriting, heavily scrawled.

"We're coming for you, whether the Muggles like it or not, you can't miss the World Cup, only Mum and Dad think it's better if we pretend to ask their permission first. If they say yes, send Pig back with your answer soon, and we'll come and get you Sunday at five o'clock.

"Friday afternoon!" Harry looked at the calendar, it was a day and a half away.

Just as Pig was banging all over the place, Hedwig landed softly beside Harry.

She seemed to show Pig what a true owl messenger should do, and her demeanor was surprisingly steady.

Hedwig stretched out her leg and let Harry untie Ivan's reply tied to her.

Then she pecked gently at Harry, chirped in a noble gesture, and flew back to her cage.

Ivan's handwriting was very clear. First, he explained the dream and suggested that Harry practice Occlumency.

Then he said they would go to the Dursley's house tomorrow afternoon and leave with Harry to go to the Burrow.

Harry didn't know what Occlumency was, and looked quizzically at Ivan's advice.

"Every night before you go to bed, empty your mind?!" Harry read it in bewilderment.

He looked at Ivan's letter to make sure he wasn't mistaken!

"Empty your mind?" Harry couldn't see how that would help.

Immediately, he noticed the following contents. Ivan and Hermione were coming tomorrow afternoon.

Harry decided not to think about the strange dream and Ivan's strange suggestion for the moment, and the great joy was still on.

All he had to do was put up with the Dursleys for one more day and he could leave the house.

Perhaps this would be the last time she would return here.

When Sirius recovered, he could move in with him and be rid of the Dursleys for good. Harry smiled. He picked up his quill, grabbed a fresh piece of parchment and wrote, "Ron, all is well, the Muggles say I can go. See you tomorrow at five o'clock. Can't wait."

He folded the very small letter, and the little owl hopped in place excitedly.

Harry had a lot of trouble tying the letter to his leg. As soon as it was tied, the owl took off.

It flew away from the window and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Harry wrote a letter to Ivan and Hermione. The contents were similar, which would explain the day.

"Hedwig, please come back to Ivan's house!" Harry paused, "Then wait for me at Ron's, understand?"

Hedwig pinched his finger affectionately, then, with a soft hum, spread her huge wings and flew out the open window.

Harry watched her out of sight, then crawled under his bed, plucked the loose board off the floor and pulled out a large piece of cake.

He sat on the floor eating it, savoring the happiness that flooded him.

He had cake to eat, and Dudley had nothing but grapefruit.

It was a bright summer day, he would be leaving Privet Drive tomorrow, his scar felt perfectly normal again, and he was going to see Sirius and watch the Quidditch World Cup.

At that moment, Harry found it hard to worry about anything, and not even Voldemort could spoil his joy.

The next morning, Ivan and Hermione packed early.

With the help of Dobby, the house elf, their things were quickly shipped to the Weasleys' Burrow.

Ivan and Hermione had planned to walk to the Dursleys, but their father insisted on driving them.

Shortly after two o'clock in the afternoon, as at the dinner party two years ago, Mr. Mason's car came to a gentle stop in front of gate No. 4 on Privet Drive.

It looked exactly the same as before, only a little shabbier.

"Here we are!" Ivan whispered.

"This is Harry's aunt and uncle's house?!" Hermione asked curiously, which was the first time she had been here.

Over the past few years, she had heard Harry tell countless stories about the Dursleys.

Hermione knew what kind of people they were and how they treated wizards.

She looked carefully around the house and looked for Harry, but saw nothing.

Harry didn't come out, but the Dursleys waited outside the door early. They came out to meet Mr. Mason and looked extremely polite.

Mr. Dursley looked very strange in his best suit and a reluctant smile on his face.

Next to him was Harry's aunt Petunia, whose face was not so friendly.

"Welcome, Mr. Mason!" said Mr. Dursley, looking at Ivan and Hermione unnaturally. "It's a great honor to have you visit us again. Come in for a cup of afternoon tea."

A few polite comments were made before they entered.

In Ivan's impression, the house was tidy and the furniture polished and shiny.

However, there were more and more toys and other items related to Dudley, but still no sign of Harry's existence.

"Where is Harry?" Ivan asked.

It was still more than two hours before the appointed time - they were early! "Oh, he's in his room upstairs!" Mr. Dursley said disgustedly, "You can go look for him."

In his opinion, it was the worst thing to have three young evil wizards gathered in his own house. However, looking at Mr. Mason's face, he did not express this sentiment.