Chapter 445: Discussion with Hermione

They all went back to their rooms, and Ivan followed Harry, Ron, Fred and George to Ron's room on the top floor.

They sat on the bed and continued to discuss the Weasleys' magical products. Fred and George "magically" created tons of new products beyond everyone's expectations.

In Mrs. Weasley's last search, these things had not been found, so they were saved from being burned.

There were many things, including the candies Ivan had seen before, the Skiving snack box, tongued tongue candies, trick wands and so on.

There were also decoy detonators, smart response spikes, and new products they hadn't seen before.

"What's this?" Harry asked, holding up something that looked like an ordinary Muggle telescope.

"Be careful, Harry!" Fred said with a grin, "Unless you want to turn into a panda bear!"

"This is a boxing telescope. When held up to the eye, a small fist will reach out and punch you in the face. After it hits you, it will leave a special magic mark on your eyes!" George explained. "We haven't found any way to cure the purple bruise yet."

Hearing what he said, Harry stuck out his tongue and put the telescope as far away as he could.

"What about this one?" said Ron, looking at a bottle of pink Potions.

"That's from our WonderWitch line!" Fred's face wore a special grin.

"WonderWitch?!" Ron repeated and reached for the potion.

"No, my dear little brother, you'd better not touch this stuff. You know, we couldn't think of an antidote for it either. " George took the potion before Ron could act, "and it's very expensive to waste it here."

"What's the point of this? "Ron was a little dissatisfied. "If you don't want to say it, don't take it away."

"This is our special attraction agent, the most advanced attraction agent, specially prepared for girls in love." Fred said, "The effect can last up to 24 hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question..."

"And the attractiveness of the girl," George said smugly.

"Do they work?" Ron said suspiciously.

"Needless to say, though we haven't tested it on girls." Fred said, "But judging by the effect of the two of us currently using it, it may make us more attractive and entice girls to approach."

"Or maybe it's because Angelina already likes you so much!" said George.

"Yes, it's possible!" Fred nodded, "but I felt a little different that day. Alright guys, do you have any girls you like?"

Harry and Ron hesitated and nodded, they seemed interested in it.

Ivan had no intention of listening any longer. He knew all the formulas for love potions so far.

If he wanted to, he could boil them at any time.

He could even guarantee that the effect would definitely be much stronger than Fred and George's WonderWitch potions.

Ivan estimated the time, Hermione must have helped Mrs. Weasley finish things up, and he was ready to go downstairs to get her.

He made an excuse and left the room.

Moonlight streamed through the narrow windows and dappled the dark, shaky stairs of the Burrow.

Ivan went to Ginny's door and knocked softly.

Soon, Hermione opened the door in the pretty pink pajamas she had put on. Only the skin on her wrists and ankles was exposed.

Under the candlelight, Hermione appeared to be different in peaceful times.

She looked very beautiful and had a special charm and temperament.

Ivan held his breath for a moment, and the speed of his heartbeat increased slightly. He couldn't help but wonder if Hermione was using a love potion.

"Ginny's not here, she's gone to wash up!" Hermione waved Ivan into the room and said in a serious tone, "I just want to see you. I want to talk to you about your support for Fred and George to look into Weasleys magical products."

Ivan was entering Ginny's room for the first time.

The room was very clean and tidy. The only decorations were a few pictures placed on the headboard of the bed.

Ivan recognized them at a glance. They were all taken by Colin, and Harry was in every picture.

"Hermione, you're not still mad about this, are you?" He asked.

"You know I'm not mad!" Hermione said, "But I think Mrs. Weasley is right that Fred and George can't go on like this, like they did today with Harry's Muggle cousin Dudley, even though he deserved it. But... we can't punish him at will just because we're wizards and have the ability. it's too risky!"

Ivan had to admit that Hermione was right; no matter how strong or weak, magic could become dangerous when control was lost, like today when Fred and George turned Dudley into a pig. This was very much like what a Mortifizard would have done.....

They had been promoting the bloodline theory in the wizarding world, believing that pureblood wizards were supreme. Muggles and dirty-blooded wizards were inferior creatures, who could be enslaved and entertained at will.

"I'll convince Fred and George!" said Ivan.

The subject seemed to be a bit heavy, and things were progressing a bit beyond their previous assumptions.

The two had a brief, rare moment alone together; shouldn't they discuss some more relaxing topics that better suited their feelings?!

"It's not a matter of persuasion. It's just a matter of moving on. You should cut off help to both of them. Ivan, you can't use newspaper money to support Fred and George in their shenanigans." Hermione said sharply, "If they carry on like this, sooner or later they'll be caught by the 'Magical Office of Misuse of Magic', or even locked up in Azkaban."

Hermione's comments, though overly dramatic, were something that worried Mrs. Weasley.

It seems she should have listened to Mrs. Weasley's suggestions before coming to this conclusion.

"Ivan, I'm worried, worried about Fred and George, and worried about you!" Hermione raised her voice. "If they get into big trouble, you could get involved..."

"Fred and George have always been very disciplined, knowing where the line lies!" Ivan said quickly, "Don't worry, Hermione, as their partner, I will strictly control every product they put out for sale. And, you know, I learned a lot about alchemy from Flamel this summer vacation, and decided to introduce him to prop research later."

"Alchemy?!" Hermione looked at Ivan curiously and seemed interested.

Alchemy was a very advanced science of magic, with only a few magic books circulating in the world discussing it.

Many wizards, even if they wanted to learn, couldn't find a way to do so; it was a very mysterious field of magic.

"Yes, I'm going to use alchemy to transform those things." Ivan said, "In the future, not only joke products, we will also introduce various magic accessories that help in life, as well as defensive items against black magic."