Chapter 461: Ivan's problems

Behind Wood, they also saw Mr. Diggory and his son, who were about to visit the Quidditch pitch early.

Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of about seventeen. He was the captain and seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team at Hogwarts.

One could try to paint him as lightly as possible, but this meant that he was the enemy of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Especially considering they beat the Gryffindor team in the first Quidditch match the year before, which made him somewhat unwelcome to everyone.

Fred and George didn't even say hello to him, they hadn't forgiven him so far.

Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, was a red-faced, brown-bearded wizard. He worked in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic and knew Mr. Weasley. He could tell he was very proud of his son.

Amos stared at Harry and Sirius for a long time, especially the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Cedric has talked about you, of course," Amos Diggory said. "He told us all about the game against you last year. I told him, I told him... When you're old, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren about. That's amazing, you beat Harry Potter!"

Defeating Harry Potter was a very provocative speech.

Sirius gave him an unfriendly look, and Fred and George frowned again.

Only Cedric stood there and looked slightly embarrassed.

"Harry fell off his broom, Dad!" he whispered. "I told you, it was an accident..."

"Yeah, but you didn't fall off, did you?" roared Amos genially, slapping his son on the back. "Always modest, always the gentleman, being able to understand that compassion for the weak is a rare virtue, but the better man won, I'm sure Harry would say the same. One falls off his broom, one stays on; it doesn't take a genius to know which is the better seeker!"

This sentence was really quite far-fetched, and almost everyone looked ugly.

"Well, I need some water!" Mr. Weasley hurriedly pulled out a large dusty teapot. "Children, can you come back, please? You can take this opportunity to take a walk around the camp. Don't worry about the weather."

At Mr. Weasley's insistence, they quickly set off and everyone looked disgruntled.

"Unbelievable, that guy said he'd beaten Harry! If it wasn't for the Dementors..." Ron complained.

"Dad's always like that, he's too nice!" Fred shook the kettle vigorously.

"If it were me, I'd hurry up and smack that Amos and teach him a lesson!" George said.

The rest didn't comment, but didn't object to what George had said, even Hermione.

Of course, she was looking a bit abnormal nowadays and wasn't as eager to voice her opinions as she used to be.

Since what had happened the night before, she had been trying to avoid Ivan all morning and hadn't spoken to him.

When their eyes occasionally met, she would turn red and quickly look away.

She was ashamed; she was just an innocent young girl....

This was the main reason for her abnormality. She wasn't angry that Ivan climbed into her bed - perhaps, she even felt a little good about it!

Even though Ivan was as clueless as she was, she knew it was time to take advantage of her unexpected victory. However, she didn't stand a chance.

From the morning until now, the two of them were never alone, not even for a second. They couldn't say anything in front of so many people.

In general, the two had always maintained this eccentric relationship.

They crossed the camp and arrived at the water pump, where a small line had formed.

Fred and George saw Lee Jordan. He was their friend at school and they often got into trouble together.

The three of them huddled together and muttered for a while, then left the team in front with a smile and the others didn't know what they were doing.

"What are they going to do?" Ron said suspiciously, looking at the back of the three.

"I don't know!" Harry shook his head and picked up the teapot Fred had left.

They lined up, and in front of them, two men were having a heated argument. One of them was a very old wizard wearing a long flowered nightgown. The other was clearly a Ministry wizard; he was wearing a pair of striped pants and was almost crying with exasperation.

"Put them on, Archie, he's a nice guy. You can't walk around like that. The Muggle at the door is already getting suspicious..."

"I bought these in a Muggle store," the old wizard said stubbornly. "Muggles wear them."

"Muggle women wear them, Archie, not men. What they wear." Said the Ministry wizard, and brandished the striped pants.

"I'm not wearing them!" Archie said indignantly. "I want a healthy breeze around my privates, thank you."

Overhearing their conversation, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Hermione especially, she was overcome with such a fit of giggles at this point that she had to duck out of the queue and only returned when Archie had collected his water and walked away.

A few minutes later, walking more slowly because of the weight of the water, they made their way back through the camp.

This kettle was very large and very heavy when full of water.

Without magic, they had great difficulty carrying it.

Hermione and Ginny could not hold the kettle, and Ivan, Harry and Ron took turns holding it for a while.

On the way, they saw many Hogwarts students.

Among them, the most impressive was Cho Chang, who had just arrived.

Cho was a very pretty girl who played Seeker on the Ravenclaw team.

She waved and smiled at everyone, and Harry threw quite a bit of water in front of them as he waved back.

"Hi, hi, I just met Cedric and he told me you're pumping water here!" Cho said happily, her face was red and full of concern and excitement, "Ivan, how are you? since you left school early at the end of last term..."

She asked specifically about Ivan's situation, obviously very worried.

Ivan and Cho had a good relationship. Since they first met, they became very friendly overtime.

Cho seemed to have a crush on Ivan, but well, most of the girls at school had a crush on Ivan.

"Thanks, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong!" Ivan replied with a smile. "How have you been over the summer..."

Before continuing, he saw Hermione appear behind him.

After seeing Cho, Hermione, who had been hiding for a day, chose to approach her, and her face was full of vigilance.

Ivan smelled a trace of tension, and the situation seemed to be a little off.

Fortunately, the expected bloodshed did not occur.

After seeing Hermione's appearance, Cho quickly separated from them, and her little face was still red.

Looking at Cho's back, Ivan felt a little relieved, but he didn't realize that the real trouble that awaited him was behind his back....