Chapter 464: A Sudden Storm

While they were discussing this matter, a wizard suddenly appeared by the fireplace. It was Barty Crouch.

He could not have made a greater contrast to Ludo Bagman, lying on the grass in his old waspish clothes.

As Ivan had seen earlier, Crouch had complied with the rule about Muggle dress.

He was stiff and erect, dressed in an impeccable suit and tie. His narrow toothbrush mustache looked as if he had trimmed it with a slide rule. His shoes were neatly polished.

Crouch's arrival made the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere serious and tense.

He came to Ludo Bagman because the Bulgarians asked for another 12 seats for the Top Box.

"Oh, that's what they wanted!" Bagman suddenly realized, "I thought the guy was borrowing a pair of tweezers from me. His English accent was too thick to understand what he was saying."

He waved disapprovingly, ignoring Bulgaria's request for more seats.

"Mr. Crouch!" Suddenly seeing Crouch, Percy became so excited that he gasped. He sank into a sort of half-bow that made him look like a hunchback. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh," said Mr. Crouch, looking at Percy with mild surprise. "Yes, thank you, Weatherby."

Hearing this, Fred and George laughed so hard they choked on their own cups.

Percy, very pink around the ears, busied himself with the teapot.

Crouch's gaze lingered briefly on Sirius and then quickly turned back to Mr. Weasley.

He spoke to Mr. Weasley about a foreign wizard who wanted to import flying carpets to Britain.

Flying carpets are very popular in countries near the Mediterranean, where few people use flying brooms.

This type of flying tool is defined as a family vehicle, and can carry up to twenty people at a time, depending on the size.

Of course, this doesn't work in the UK, because the carpet is defined as a Muggle artifact by the Register of Forbidden Enchanting Objects.

Even if it were allowed to be sold, it is estimated that only a few people would buy it. British wizards should still prefer their broomsticks.

After that, Crouch talked them through some business matters before urging Bagman to go with him.

It was in line with his style. All he thought about was work, rigorous to the extreme, and he didn't even drink his tea.

The only funny thing was that although Percy considered Crouch an idol, and often spoke of his name and practice, Crouch didn't even remember Percy's name and kept calling him Weatherby.

This gave Fred and George the opportunity to laugh at him, and also affirmed that Percy was not important in Crouch's mind.

Bagman wanted to stay and tell them about the upcoming Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts.

But Crouch wouldn't let him say anything, which piqued everyone's curiosity, what event was Hogwarts going to hold?!

Seeing Crouch, Ivan wondered if he was hiding his son, Barty Crouch Jr. in his tent right now.

Tonight would be a good opportunity to catch him.

After lunch, Mr. Weasley and Sirius told everyone to go back to rest.

Since tonight's Quidditch final was going to last a long time, it was necessary to maintain enough energy.

They all entered the tent one after the other, ready to take a nap.

Silence suddenly fell over the camp, as everyone noticed the clouds rapidly gathering in the sky.

Ludo Bagman seemed to bring misfortune with his words, and the gloomy sky began to rain.

With the roar of thunder, the rain grew louder and louder.

Listening to the sound of raindrops falling to the ground outside the tent, Ivan tossed and turned in bed and could not sleep.

He didn't want to watch the Quidditch match in the pouring rain, which would be really terrible.

But he didn't worry too much. Summer storms always came unintentionally and left quickly, and this sudden heavy rain should stop at the beginning of the final on the following night.

Sirius's tent was very large. Everyone could fit in and he also made sure everyone had a small room.

Mr. Weasley, Sirius, Bill and Charlie lived on the first floor. Fred and George occupied the largest room on the First Floor. The remaining three rooms were for Percy, Ivan, Harry and Ron.

As for the second floor, it was Hermione and Ginny's. Even then, there was a storage room left.

Since there were no windows to let air in, the tent was very warm, Ivan got up and took off his coat.

He was not sleepy as he listened to the sound of the rain.

He was thinking about his plans, Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr. and the vampires.

After a long time, he shook his head hard, trying to calm down.

Since he couldn't sleep, Ivan decided to study the ancient magical writing some more and decipher the first part of the "Book of Abraham" as soon as possible.

Improving his strength now was the surest way to deal with whatever the future held for him.

As soon as he got up, he heard a knock at the door.

"Master Ivan!" Kreacher's bored voice rang out.

"What's wrong?" Ivan wondered why the house elf Kreacher was knocking on the door.

Although the relationship between them had generally improved, Kreacher never took the initiative to speak to Ivan.

The dogmas that had long formed made him very reluctant to contact wizards of Muggle origin.

"There's a lady looking for you, old Kreacher brought her." Kreacher said in a long voice.

Ivan was stunned, there was a girl looking for him, who could it be?!

First he thought of Hermione, but Hermione didn't need to bother Kreacher to find him.

Could it be Cho Chang? The girl's beautiful red face appeared in Ivan's mind.

The conversation between them in the morning had not ended, and Ivan also felt that Cho was in love with him.

But it seemed that Cho would not come directly to his door. It was really bold, not like something Cho would do!

Since it wasn't Cho, it could be Fleur or Gabrielle.

In the morning, Ivan was discovered by Beauxbatons students, who knew his store was here.

A few days ago, Ivan had received a letter from Gabrielle, and he knew that they should also come to see the World Cup.

He remembered the angel-faced girl. If she knew he was here, she would probably come.

The last time they had met at Beauxbatons, the contact between them had been too hasty.

Gabrielle only thought she had looked at Ivan from afar in the Great Hall, and didn't say a word.

In her letter, she had been talking about this matter, and said that when they next met, she should make up for this regret.

Of course, Gabrielle probably never dreamed that Ivan had been in her arms most of the day.

If Gabrielle came, her sister Fleur would surely follow.

At the thought of this, Ivan felt a little headache.

Unlike the cute and smart Gabrielle, Fleur was too arrogant and difficult to deal with.

There was nothing this girl couldn't do. If she got close, he wasn't sure what would happen again.

Ivan quickly pulled on his shirt and went to open the door. The girl standing outside was....