Chapter 488: Power and Shock

The sound of scattered building debris and collisions with rocks echoed continuously in the sky. More than 100,000 wizards looked up and were deeply shocked. They could not imagine the sudden appearance of the giant, with Ivan and Hermione sitting on it.


Extreme shock!!!!

Other than that, there were no other words that could describe the scene in question. They simply could not believe that this was the power of a young wizard.

Turning the falling debris of a building into a stone giant only required a simple Transfiguration.

In the first lesson, all the mages learned it, as it was the basis for many other advanced spells.

But no one could use it like Ivan. It was totally unthinkable.

The enormous magic involved had gone beyond what ordinary people could understand. No one could do it except Ivan, who possessed the Philosopher's Stone.

Although the image of the giant was not realistic, and there were no exquisite and complex decorations on his body. It was only made of simple stacked stones.

This level of deformation would never get high marks in the classroom.

But through this crude style, everyone could feel the power that moved him.

This extremely powerful force made people bow down, almost worshipping what was the most direct manifestation of Ivan's willpower.

At this point, Ivan was no longer just a 13-year-old magician.

In many people's minds, he was already a powerful wizard who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Under the shock of witnessing this power in pure form, no one dared to violate his will.

"God, what do I see?" An old wizard muttered in disbelief. His legs were shaking, and the next second he was lying on the ground, muttering something in his mouth.

Wizards like him were not in the minority. In the face of powerful forces, submission was the wisest choice for many.

"Is he still a human?!" That was the question on everyone's mind.

"What's that young wizard's name?" another man asked.

"Ivan Mason, he's from Hogwarts!"

Ivan didn't expect to be on the front page of all the national magic newspapers tomorrow morning.

The Quidditch World Cup final, which was supposed to grab all the headlines, was backed into an inconspicuous corner.

No one cared which team won the match, and no one cared who caught the Golden Snitch.

Much space was devoted to the epic battle between Ivan and Caresius, as well as the powerful magic he displayed.

The existence of the Philosopher's Stone was a secret, and analysis of it by the mainstream media varied widely.

Whatever it was, all possible theories and legends had been rummaged through.

As for the rest of the pages, it was all about Ivan's life story, his various performances at Hogwarts and so on.

All in all, Ivan was in the spotlight.

Because of his performance tonight, the wizarding world, which had been quiet for a long time, was buzzing.

Overnight, Ivan became a celebrity known to all wizards, such as Dumbledore, Sirius and Harry.

All the media wanted to interview him and the Owl letters were almost filling him up.

With the news, Ivan had many fans, from all over the world.

Over 100,000 wizards left the site, spreading his name around the world.

Ivan was recognized by the wizarding world as the most promising wizard and the star of hope for the future of the wizarding world.

Permission from the Ministry of Magic was granted with the utmost speed.

The Order of Merlin First Class also granted Ivan, and the Dark Force Defense League invited him to become a full member.

This was far from the end of it, and the influence of the incident would continue to ferment.

Because of Ivan's actions, the most direct manifestation was the increased enrollment at Hogwarts the following year.

Many foreign parents sent their children to Hogwarts, hoping that they would be able to study with Ivan.


Of course, all this was what followed next!

At this very moment, Ivan, who would bring countless glories, was facing an unprecedented crisis.

He hugged Hermione tightly, or more precisely, he was lying on top of her.

Ivan supported her body, so that she would not fall.

They both held each other tightly, and beads of sweat, big as beans, kept pouring from Ivan's forehead.

He was enduring severe pain, and perhaps, passing out directly would be the greatest mercy for him.

Losing consciousness meant not having to endure the pain of the magic coursing through his body, to the point of nearly bursting.

Ivan's body, though as thin as normal, was stretched in its ability to take the magic like a balloon blown to the extreme.

Once a balloon exceeded its expansion capacity, it would explode with a bang, and then shatter into pieces!

Ivan now felt this way, and massive amounts of magic poured into his body from the Philosopher's Stone without stopping.

These magical powers were beyond his capacity, and he felt like he could explode at any moment.

Worst of all, the magic from the Philosopher's Stone was different from that normally produced in the human body.

It was more violent. Its flow through the body felt... hot, like magma deep in the earth's core.

While he endured the pain of being squeezed and exploded, he was also subject to the burning and destruction of the fiery magic.

It was true that Ivan couldn't take it anymore, but the intense pain had kept him awake the whole time.

It was the most horrible feeling worse than dying.

He did not know what to do. The magic was out of control and there was nothing he could do.

At that moment, Ivan couldn't even concentrate. He could not think at all.

It is known that the Philosopher's Stone was originally developed by ancient sorcerers to provide alchemy accessories for magic when making powerful magic.

It contained magic, powerful beyond imagination.

No one had ever used his body directly to absorb the power of the Philosopher's Stone like Ivan.

No wizard could hold the magic contained in the Philosopher's Stone by virtue of its power alone.

Not even the most powerful ancient sorcerers could do that.

This pure fragmentation was self-destructive and there was no difference between it and suicide.

After the first brief obstacle, when Ivan increased his absorption, the magic of the Philosopher's Stone continued to flow into his body.

This process would not stop until he was completely destroyed.

Ivan was thinking about it now. He could feel the Philosopher's Stone magic faster and faster, and much more than the consumption of the magic he is using.

He wanted to stop, but it didn't work at all.

Ivan's body was shaking with pain, and Hermione hugged him lost.

She could feel the pain Ivan was experiencing, but she didn't know what to do.

She could only hold Ivan tightly, in her own way, and continued to pray for the boy in her arms.

Perhaps it was her prayer that worked. When Ivan thought it was all about to end, the magic unleashed inside him suddenly found an outlet to vent, out of which came the accumulated power....