Chapter 562: Arrangement of the curriculum

The Hufflepuffs were now very unfriendly to all Gryffindors, including Ron. They were cold and tried not to talk to Gryffindor students. When they did meet, they would turn around and walk away.

Even their headmistress, Professor Sprout, was the same way. One Herbology lesson was enough to prove it.

Actually, this was very easy to understand. Hufflepuff house rarely got glory or fame.

Cedric was one of the few who had given them any, having once beaten Gryffindor in Quidditch. What made their resentment stronger was that they felt Ron had stolen the glory that belonged to them.

To make matters worse, many of them began to hurl all sorts of vile insults at Ron as the Slytherins.

As for the Ravenclaw's, they were not as supportive of Ron as they were of Cedric.

Although they still maintained a relatively rational restraint, most of the Ravenclaw's seemed to think that Ron had been desperate to gain fame by tricking the Goblet of Fire into accepting his name.

In fact, Ron was still bragging about becoming champion. He was completely unaware of his current bad situation or, rather, his selective neglect.

They were all jealous of him, jealous that he had become champion.

Now he was completely immersed in champion status, immersed in the great glory it entailed, admired by other young Gryffindor wizards, and bragging about his fictional decoding of Dumbledore's magic to trick the Goblet of Fire.

He didn't even listen to Ivan's, Harry's or Hermione's words, or think about the first test.

This was bad enough, wasn't it?

Ivan could only deliver persuasion to Harry and Hermione, and he hadn't put much stock in Ron.

He entered a bottleneck in the study of the powerful "Silence" spell acquired by the relics of the bog. It took him a long time to rummage through the library to find all sorts of old magic books, and match them with the magical symbols that appeared in the spell.

Ivan got Caresius' approval, and Madam Pince reluctantly gave him a collection of books in the Restricted Section.

She could not understand at all why this student got permission every year from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Former Professors Lockhart, Lupin, and Black did the same thing, and now even Mad Eye Moody was no different.

Were these professors mad to let a thirteen-year-old wizard encounter esoteric horror?

Madame Pince had been working in the library for decades and this was the first time she had touched many of these books.

These magical books had been quietly placed in the Restricted Section for centuries, and had not been touched before Ivan.

Beyond that was an understanding of the contents and knowledge of these records, most of which were not even titled by Madam Pince.

Ivan ignored that she always frowned at him. Besides getting into the bottleneck in the study of spellcasting, he did not make much progress in the study of ancient magic.

Ancient magical scriptures, especially the older ones, could not be learned just by reciting and memorizing, but also by understanding and mastering the meaning and changes created by them.

These things had kept Ivan busy, not to mention that he had to find time to learn the language of the water people and alchemy.

The homework for each class also took up a lot of his time. Without Hermione's help, Ivan wouldn't know what to do.

In this case, naturally, he had no time to deal with Ron, who had not yet recognized the seriousness of the matter.

Perhaps after learning the contents of the first task, he would come to him for help.

Ivan also learned the latest news from Caresius. Barty Crouch Jr. sent him a note through the owl network asking him to do what he could to help Ron during the tournament.

Barty Jr. turned Ron into a champion, not only to kill him, but to plot something else.

But Ron was not the only champion.

Fleur gained the support of all the male students with the greatest speed. She was now the most discussed topic among the boys. A beautiful girl with Veela ancestry; she was most men's dream lover.

However, among the girls, Fleur's reputation was not very good, even at Beauxbatons.

As for Cedric, he looked more like a champion than anyone else. He was exceptionally handsome, with his straight nose, dark hair and gray eyes.

Not to mention that he was also very strong, and had performed well in every aspect. Even

Caresius didn't hesitate to praise him. From the way he looked at him, it seemed like he wished he could become a vampire too, which was too scary.

Viktor Krum was not as handsome as Cedric, but his popularity was also very high, especially among girls.

Ivan had more than once observed girls by the Durmstrang nave or near the Great Dining Hall, asking Krum for autographs on scrolls, bags, accessories and even underwear....

I couldn't understand his frankness and craziness at all.

For the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students who had to stay at Hogwarts, there had been a curricular arrangement.

Since they had to stay to watch the tournament and cheer on the champions of their schools, they could not return to their schools until the end of the term.

Therefore, they were assigned to Hogwarts classes according to their age and learning progress to learn with the young wizards of Hogwarts and ensure that their studies did not fall behind.

Since all the students were over 17, they were concentrated in the sixth and seventh years, except for Gabrielle. She was the only visiting wizard who was under seventeen.

On Monday, after the selection of the champions, Ivan was surprised to have Gabrielle in his own class. He didn't realize what was going on until he learned that the girl had chosen the exact same courses as him.

"Don't be so surprised. Both Madame Maxime and my sister think I can learn more about magic and integrate more quickly with you." Gabrielle said, a mischievous grin on her face, "Ivan, you'll take care of me, right?".

In fact, Professor McGonagall had just sent Gabrielle here and had asked Ivan by name to take care of her.

Apparently, Madame Maxime had specifically spoken to Dumbledore about this matter; Ivan could do nothing but agree.

From Gabrielle's appearance, he felt she might have a little more energy.

Taking care of a foreign pupil in life and study was an important task.