
That day was the announcement of admission to high school. Yuana, Bobby, and Manfred were as they expected, accepted into the same high school. The three of them were so happy because they could be together again at the high school.

"The three of us are accepted. Great!! We're still together. Let's go for a walk? We need to celebrate this wonderful day," said Bobby.

"Will you treat us?" Manfred looked at Bobby.

"It is fine. Yuan, you like to go, don't you?" Bobby turned to Yuana.

Yuana did not immediately answer looking thoughtful.

"Yu! Say somtehing! You don't have anything to do, right? A family special time?" Bobby asked.

"No. Well, okay, okay ..." said Yuana. Actually, she was afraid that Yoel would find out she was out with her best friends. She might get slapped again. Whatever! Who care? Yuana didn't want to think about it. She wanted to enjoy the great day she had.

The three cheerfully headed towards the town center. They roamed the lined malls, looking for new school prep stuff. Along the way they joked. They burst out laughing with joy. It was Yuana's happiness. When she was with these two very good friends. Especially with Bobby who has a special space in Yuana's heart.

"What the special subject for you in high school?" Manfred asked. They sat in the town square watching the fountain in the middle of the pond. While they enjoyed ice cream.

"Of course, science. I like Physics and Biology," Bobby answered.

"Do you want to be a doctor like your father?" asked Yuana.

"Yes, that's what I am going to be. What about you?" Bobby asked Yuana back.

"I don't know yet. Maybe I want to be a teacher." Yuana answered carelessly.

"Teacher?" Bobby and Manfred looked at Yuana.

"Kindergarten teacher." Yuana laughed. Obviously, she was kidding.

Bobby and Manfred laughed together at the same time. Manfred pointed in a direction some distance in front of them.

"What?" said Bobby. He followed Manfred's eyes.

"See, there were visitors." Manfred pointed at three white women who were walking towards one of the malls. "Come on, let's practice English."

"Okay, why not?" Bobby stood up. Then walked towards the three tourists. Manfred and Yuana followed him.

"Hello, good afternoon!" greeted Bobby.

"Oh, hello!" said the blonde woman with a smile.

"I am Bobby. This is Manfred. And this is Yuana, my bestfriends." Bobby introduced themselves.

"Nice to see you ..." said Yuana. They shook hands.

The acquaintance continued. The three tourists watched Manfred. His face and posture looked like a white boy, but when he spoke, he didn't sound like a boy who usually speak English. Manfred's skin was white, his eyes were blue, his hair was wavy reddish brown.

"Yeahh ... I am an Australian, but I have lived here since I was very young," Manfred replied, explaining who he was.

"I see ..." The three replied together with a smile.

The conversation continued as they walked towards the mall that was already in front of them. Then together they entered the mall. Bobby showed me a well-stocked shop for souvenirs.

It wasn't until three o'clock then they returned home. In about fifteen minutes, Yuana arrived home. Yuana went straight to her room. She just climbed the stair to the second floor, still five steps and …

"Yuan!" call Yoel. From the tone of his voice, he sounded angry.

Yuana turned to look at Yoel.

"Where were you?" Yoel stepped closer to Yuana.

"From school," answered Yuana slowly.

"What time are you supposed to be home?" Yoel looked furious.

"Ten o'clock." Yuana felt her heart beating fast.

"But you came home at this hour. Where have you been!?" Yoel looked forious.

"I went to the town with my best friend." Yuana strengthened her slightly scared heart.

"Friends you say?!" Yoel glared. "Those guys wouldn't care if something happened to you. Look, you can be their friends, at school. But if you hang out with them, don't expect it to happen again."

Again, Yuana was caught leaving and made Yoel angry. But this time Yuana had to be brave to defend herself.

"None of your business. I'll go where I want, with whom I like. Just like you. How do you know I was going with them?" Yuana ventured to look at Yoel.

"I was passing by the mall and saw you laughing for nothing with those boys. Listen, I really don't like it! They are not good boys, if you know," Yoel snapped.

"Not good? You think you're a nice young man who act that sweet?" Yuana spoke more firmly even though her tone of voice was still the same. She remained standing where she was.

"You now dare to oppose me? Huh??" Yoel was getting angry.

"I'm afraid of you. But I don't want you to intimidate me. I know what I want, what I do. You know, my friends, they care more about me than you." Yuana still remained where she was standing.

Yoel went up two more stairs. His feet were in the same stair to Yuana's. But this time Yuana had to raise her head to look at her brother.

"I'm your brother! You have to listen to the words!!" Yoel snapped.

"Brother! What did you say? I never felt like I had a brother." Yuan smiled sarcastically. Her fear slowly disappeared, replaced by hatred that infiltrated.

"What a girl of a bitch!" Yoel's hand flew to Yuana's face. Yuana immediately swayed. She was holding on to the wall so he wouldn't fall. Her cheeks felt very hot.

"Slap me again! Do you think with your slap I will follow your words? For God's sake, I don't want to hear from a rude like you." Yuana ran to her room. She entered and locked the door before Yoel could catch her.

Yoel banged on the door angrily.

"Yuan!! Open!! I just don't want you to get hurt! Yuan!!!" Yoel just kept shouting.

Yuana ignored Yoel's screams. She stood looking at herself in the large mirror in her room.

Her face looked messed up. Her hair fell down to her back. Her eyes showed deep sadness. Her cheeks were wet with tears that she couldn't hold back. And there was a red handprint of Yoel's hand there.

There was the sound of footsteps walking away. Yoel finally left. And then the sound of the engine. Yoel left the house.

Yuana was still standing in front of the mirror. She took the scissors on the table. Whether because of anger, or because of sadness, she cupped her hair and then she cut it right at the back of her neck. The piece of her long and silky hair was grasped in her hand.

"I don't want anyone to control me. I have to do what I want. They have no right to do what they want. I do, myself, I will do all I want, my may. I'm tired ... so tired ..." Yuana said softly as she looked at her face in the mirror. That normally gentle face looked fierce and pitiful.


At seven in the morning, the new 10th graders gathered in the field. The school orientation period began. Yuana had not seen Manfred and Bobby that morning. She hoped she would not meet them. Luckily, they weren't in the same class. However, during break time, Yuana met with Manfred. Coincidentally when Yuana was going back to her class.

"Yuan?" Manfred was shocked to see Yuana's condition.

"Hi, Fred ..." Yuana glanced at Manfred then looked down again. She tried to smile but it was looked she got awkward.

"What's wrong with you?" Manfred felt strange with Yuana's face. "Look at me, Yu."

Yuana slowly raised her face. There was a bruise on her left cheek. Then her hair? It was very short and untidy.

Manfred was sure, something bad happened to his friend.

"We have to talk, Yu." Manfred pulled Yuana to a quiet place, at the back of the hall.

"What's wrong? Was it Yoel again?" Manfred asked. Yuana looked at Manfred. He looked even more handsome in his high school uniform.

Yuan didn't answer. She looked straight ahead. Her tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Tell me, Yu, let your heart feel relieve. Don't keep it to yourself," said Manfred softly.

Somehow, Yuana finally said all her pain. Everything. About Yoel, her father and mother. The anger and disappointment she felt. The fear and hatred that she planted deep in her heart. Everything.

"They don't love me. They never know what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking. If have to live this way, why did they let me still be born?" sobbed were heard from the beautiful girl.

Manfred pulled Yuana to sit on the wooden chair that was there.

"I hate them, I hate ..." Yuana continued. "You know, I've never heard my dad or mom say, Yu, how was it at school? What's a difficult class? Is there a friend bothering you? Nothing. What I hear is, hurry up and eat. Mom will say, I am busy. I can't help you, do it yourself. Or, dad? He often say, I have to go, I have been waiting for important meeting ..."

Manfred looked at Yuana. The pain Manfred saw from everything Yuana told him.

"I can't take it anymore. Everyone in the house just hates one another, blame one another. I don't know what I can do anymore." Yuana cried again. Her crying was deeper.