Soviets - 1

--------Phil Pov--------

I am looking at the monitor where a guy dressed in a Red suit with a single star on it, is fighting a tank, a live tank. It's a walking talking poster boy for the Soviets. It's like a version of Steve but on the Soviet side.

'I don't remember seeing this guy before any of the movies I saw till the Endgame meaning if he was ever part of MCU, he was in a sequel and what do sequels have? Flashbacks and Back history! And somehow, I am part of this history with my butterfly effect! F*ck*** Plot holes!'

I keep cursing this guy and the whole incident in my head while looking at the screen. Suddenly it hit me, he cannot be alone and without any backup, he won't act in such a high profile manner.

"Martha try searching soviet databases if you can find any information about any person or any mission for anything related to Ohio, US. Also, try to search for this guy's face in any of the known databases." I ordered Martha. I need to know who my enemy is and the plot.

From the corner of my eye, I see Fury coming towards the screen.

"Apparently SHIELD had no information about this attack until that Tank magically appeared and started firing shells near a private airstrip. However, the STRIKE team has left the base now and my guys, Agent Coulson and Melinda May are also in it. I have told them to take a slight detour but that is as much as I can do!"

He said without looking at me and I knew he had done his best. This is a test for me in his eyes and also personally, I would like to deal with this guy without anyone interfering.

I mean I just saved Howard and his wife, do you think I am playing the sidekick role here?

"Martha, where are Icarus and Valkyrie? When can I see our knights at the scene?" I enquired Martha and her reply came "Icarus is landing in 13 minutes while Valkyrie is in 14. Knights have taken choppers and will be landing in approx. 35 minutes while Commander Steve, Hope and Bucky Barnes will land in 30 minutes."

"Any progress on the data on this guy?" I asked Martha again.

"His facial analysis has matched with one Soviet agent who had disappeared and report killed in the line of duty during a mission. His file is displayed on the screen, sir.


Name : Alexei Alanovich Shostakov / Алексей Аланович Шестаков)

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 220 lbs.

Citizenship: Soviet (formerly), Russian




There was a lot of information about this guy. He was no less legendary than Steve Rogers in the Soviets. But this guy, Red Guardian, should be in Russia, not here in OHIO and if the first sighting is correct, he came here a year ago.

He came here with a fake name and a fake family, considering his origin. His wife and two kids. Both girls. They live in an apartment very close to this airstrip. The only thing I could find in Ohio is a 'SHIELD' cognitive research facility.

This is part of SHIELD, I doubt it. I looked at Fury and pointed him towards this information.

"Tell me, Fury, if you have any information about this SHIELD facility because mind control or mind research is clearly not SHIELD signature move."

Fury looked at me and then at the file info and then said "I need to make a call."

While I was looking at his file, I ordered a set of falcon bombers to target this institute. I was also looking for his 'family' that has suddenly disappeared. Fury came back after a quick call.

"This is a research facility, under Howard Stark himself, where all the projects and reports are under his authorization. It's above my level. Maybe only SHIELD director or founder like Howard can tell you clear information about this." Fury responded and this was confirmed my suspicion.

"Let me show you a magic trick Fury. Mr. Isiah, please look at this magic. This is a very special magic spell that I was going to show during our team meeting and explain the secret behind it. But here." I gave a chuckle and told them to pay attention.

"Martha connect me to the head of this institute." I ordered Martha and soon a call was connected to someone called 'Robert' if that is a real name.

"Hello?" a voice came. Both Fury and Bradley were looking at me confused and I said the two magical words "Hail Hydra!".

Both looked confused and shocked for a moment before a reply came - "Hail Hydra".

I cleared my throat and in a very monotonous and serious voice said "Ohio facility information has been leaked and Soviets have attacked us. Before SHIELD arrive at the institute, please follow the set instructions."

I cut the call and looked at them. I pointed to Fury. "You know Mr. Fury, I was going to explain the purpose of the meeting today but it seems the cat is out of the bag. HYDRA is the one running SHIELD now and if you need detailed information, my Martha here, a supercomputer I created, will fill you in all the details." I said.

While Fury was about to say something, Martha responded, "Sir, a car chase was reported by NY highway state troopers about a black car, high speed with only a woman and two kids matching the description of Mr. Alexei's family."

"Deploy a recon falcon team on them and just track from a distance. I need to know where they are going and who is helping them." I said and looked back at the fight between the tank and the soviet supersoldier. The tank is going to lose looking at the current situation. This guy, with his bare hands and a shield, again just like Steve, has almost destroyed a fucking tank.

"Martha connect me to ICARUS. Now!" I ordered angrily. As soon as Martha connected me to Icarus, I shouted "Why are you still 9 minutes away from the location? I have given command of direct flight and this is an emergency. Go stage 5 and tackle this guy in the red suit. Slice him up if possible for all I care. There are people at risk, the same people who we once saved. So fly at full speed Icarus. Save the tank and attack this red star. Do you copy?"

"Yes." came the one-word reply. What is with this guy and one-word answers! I think I am getting too nervous for my comfort.

Red Guardian is bashing and smashing the tank left and right and trying to get inside. Once he does, game over for Pym and Howard and I cannot have this on my watch. I am looking at Icarus in the map projection and he is about to make contact. Good!

He comes at a very fast speed, sweeps in and literally tackles the guy head-on. This red guardian is hit with the full force of the wings and he somehow managed to stay alive thanks to his shield but he was thrown in the air like some frisbee or something. He falls on land, face first, then takes a couple of flips and finally crashes after a long slide on the ground.

That must have hurt.

Icarus is also thrown off balance but he somehow manages to land safely. Then he runs towards this red guardian. The red guardian tried to get up but he was shot multiple times in his chest by Icarus.

The bastard still got up, yelled like a bear or a warrior and then rushed towards Icarus. They are standing at quite some distance and Icarus keeps firing. This guy uses his shield to avoid all bullets and keeps on running. Icarus also starts running, take a flight in the air and then starts firing from the sky.

While this is going on, I notice Val coming too fast from the sky and dropping her height. She flew into the scene and basically ended the fight by directly cutting off the head of this guy. Great teamwork in a moment of crisis and a great show of superior air force and machines. Val then slowed down near the tank and landed on top of it.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted at the victory and I can see Bradley and Fury both were also excited at the short fight.

"Val, check if Hank and Howard are safe," I ordered Val after calming my beating heart down.

I saw the live situation on the screen. Tank opened after Val said something and Hank came out. Val goes inside with him and they both drag Howard out. Both are clearly injured but this guy has been shot twice and is clearly in more threatening condition than Hank visually.
