New Phase of Life

The Savage land base or as Phil called it 'Shadow Isles' were beginning to take shape after the first six months. Most of the people who were part of shadow knights have shifted here and currently living in the pod houses. These Pods were basically shipping containers that were transported directly to this base and then refitted with modern amenities here.

Vibranium had modified the basic genetics of all plants growing on the land here. These plants and trees that absorbed vibranium via roots would then go on to add this quality to the entire food chain of these lands. Hence high-quality food was in abundance here.

Phil tried to find anything similar to Wakanda's heart shape plant but he is yet to discover something like that. The possibility of such a plant is extremely high and most likely it is in the depth of the vibranium mountains.

Apart from these herbs and plants, Phil discovered something else. This Vibranium, unlike the one in Wakanda, was also displaying a completely opposite effect. Instead of binding metal and absorbing vibrations, it would instead destabilize atomic bonds turning metals into liquid form and nullifying vibrations. It must be used as a pain coating or in its pure form.

This anti-vibration can also be used to tap into quantum energy. The creation of Quantum bridge which was supposed to take something like five to ten years could now be produced in two-three years. If a structure is made properly of this anti-vibranium, it can lead to great stability as it is completely unaffected by radiations and vibrations.

Phil began creating a common suit for all the knights that can give them a better identity and give a proper military structure.

----Phil POV-----

I am currently working on new designs for all the members here at the base. I want to put some original ideas here that can boost their identity and give them more of a futuristic look.

"How are the new designs coming?" asked Melina entering my room. I have shifted her from the operation team to the research team. Considering we are the only two permanent researchers here, it was nice to spend time with a beautiful woman who can hold a conversation with me in science.

She is a trained killer but also has a gifted mind. The research room was my private room so we could spend a lot of time together.

"These are the new designs I made. For the knight's team, it is a standard back costume, kevlar mixed with vibranium coating. They have additional Helmets giving night vision and heat vision. It's practical and effective.

Captain Rogers and Bucky have full-body black armour that has an exoskeleton base giving higher combat power. They can jump and punch ten times faster and harder now.

Plus Knight Commander, Steve rogers will have an energy shield instead of a physical one and the gun holster that he requested.

Bucky will have retractable knives that can be thrown and called back via his arm guard. It's actually the magnetic coating on the knives that help in this and vibranium gives the knife ability to vibrate at a very high frequency to basically cut any known metal on the planet.

Fury loves long coats so considering his eye patch and long coat I came up with this. His personal request of an armour that can deflect even energy weapons that HYDRA came up with in the last war gives this whole design a bulky look. Thanks to Vibrainum, it's lightweight and weight won't be an issue.

Mine is more personal and different compared to the whole group. It's a personification of the owl I have always imagined. There were some rough sketches but this is the final design. Full body armour with vibranium-kevlar helmet and cape and full shoulder pads, knee pads and boots. In future, I will make it more sleek using nano-tech but that will take a lot of time."

I showed all my suit designs to Melina. Somehow we all love to show off our work to others. Especially to a lady, we are trying to impress.

"Wow! This looks like something from Star-Trek movies," Melina exclaimed.

"Star Wars." I corrected.

"What is star wars?"

"We will get some movie time on our next date. I can only explain then." I sighed.

I mean how to properly explain Star Wars and Star Trek to a newbie. Just because they have Star in front does not make them any similar. It's like two completely different worlds.

"I don't think I agreed on any date?" She said with a sly smile.

"I think, you can see what I feel around you. I am a rich, handsome, genius and I fight the good fight. Also, I think Natasha and Yelena will approve of me." I presented my case seriously.

"You taught Nat how she can learn fighting from the training room and gave her free permission and Yelena, you gave her that hook gun and vibranium batons. Of course, they will accept you." She shouted and well it did make sense.

I learned this trick from Fury anyway. That bastard can dig anything he wants no matter how private using pretzels or bagels with knives from Yelena. Since I am trying to win their mother, I can only do better.

"But you don't hate it. Do you?" I asked openly. Now was the time boy. Let it out in open.

"You know Phil, I was cycled through the red room four times. They don't give us super serum or anything but teach us how to be perfect killing weapons. They take away any ability from us to start a family. I already have two girls now and I am happy but can you accept that? I am not something you can fix using vibranium." Melina said in a very low voice. There were tears in her eyes.

This was not something I learned for the first time. I had seen the avengers and already knew this. But so what? I am not ready to have kids anyway at this point in time. Besides, this is MCU world. In future, we can grow missing limbs via extremis so anything is possible here.

I hugged her tightly in my arms and whispered in her ears "I know. Anyway, you came, I saw and I am ready to conquer. Kids or no kids, I want you. Besides, you are 25 and I am 22. So I think we still have a lot of time to talk about the future."

"Quoting Caesar is truly stupid you know!" She said before we locked our lips. We both were tightly in an embrace and kissing each other when we heard someone.

"I won. So I will take the fighting class now. You can have my bagels." It was Yelena who was watching us with Nat hiding behind the display table. They both looked at us and we looked at them. I had no idea what to say to these two teenagers.

"What ... do you think?" Melina finally asked them and I held my breath.

"We think he is good. Better than asshole Alexi. He never loved us anyway. People follow Phil and no one shouts at us and we are the leaders here. We can even beat Erik but no one will say anything. I also get free sweets. Nat also thinks you are good together." Yelena said happily. She was seriously always full of energy. Oh my god! Those bagels and pretzels were finally not given in vain.

"Come here," we called them for a family hug and now it felt much better. A new family, a new base and a new phase of life.