The Chessmen closed in on Tony from various sides and ran towards the broken villa. Jumping in dark like a ghost and avoiding the falling debris, they made sure to cover the entire manor tightly. Three of these men reached the metallic blast doors outside the basement and planted a series of explosives.
Tony saw that these attackers were using his own weapons against him. This explosive set is called Rapido that which was designed for an easy, powerful, and controlled explosion to blow any doors that might prevent military in operations.
"Fuck!" smashing on the glass panel, Tony hurriedly went towards a secret safe and dragged a few strange exoskeleton parts. This was the result of Tony Stark's motivation and research after the Alien attack. The weapon was designed by him to destroy any Alien ship flying over his head. However, this was far from complete.
The only complete parts of the exoskeleton were the legs and the back. He is yet to manufacture and combine the neural nodes in the hands, chest and helmet with the rest of the suit. For power, he designed a miniature model of a Stark reactor, but this was as big as a football and was put in the front near the chest area. This was clearly different from the famous Iron Man suit and closer to the MK1 version. Tony started installing the exoskeleton faster and started the software program to combine the legs and the back part while fixing the chest area.
He had no time to fix the complete arms for the exoskeleton, so he simply dragged the prototypes that were yet to fit with the outer covering.
In this way, while the Chessmen were waiting to go inside the basement, Tony was assembling his suit to jump off the manor and wait for Rhodey. However, if he knew that a certain group of Chessmen were also attacking the building where Colonel Rhodey lives with his family, he would not have kept his hopes pinned on him.
Similarly unknown to him, Pepper Potts was now tied and placed in the backseat of a car that was heading toward a private facility controlled by Stane. For Stane, project Checkmate means the end of Tony, Rhodey and Pepper. All these people might create trouble for him in future and hence they were targeted in this operation.
"Howard, do something!" Maria Stark was going hysterical looking at the live telecast on the screen. Her son was being attacked by terrorists and it must the backhand of Obadiah Stane! This monster whom her husband treated as a brother is now going to kill her son and she was helpless to do anything.
"I already called military support and Shield support, but they need time. Martha also informed the Shadow Isles but currently, most of them are on a mission.
Three days ago, Steve and Bucky went on a mission and are currently injured and need medical care.
Phil and his family are going inside Quantum Realm to check and monitor Phil's mutations.
Others were also dispatched on their respective missions and the only people we can find is the Inhuman group. So, King Black Bolt and his wife Medusa are coming to rescue Tony. As far as we know, King Black Bolt only needs to speak a word, and all of this will be sorted out. So, all we need is to delay those attackers and buy time for Tony."
Howard replied to his wife while he was currently tinkering on a Flacon Drone.
A few minutes later, he refitted two Gatling Gun barrels on the two wings of the Drone and released it. He is Howard Stark. He can design weapons in his sleep, and no one should think he is powerless.
"Martha, drive this drone to Tony's place at the top speed. I also need visuals on the screen. Also, please show me available drones in the area." Howard with a calm mind took control of the situation and started making rescue plans for his son.
The Chessmen planted the 'Rapido' at the basement blast door and moved sideways. In less than 10 seconds, five small blasts happened, and it almost made a big hole in the middle of the iron door.
Tony saw the situation was extremely unfavourable at him and picked up the prototypes of the arm. Three small gun barrels popped up from the arm and they started firing at the hole preventing the attackers from rushing inside.
Meanwhile, the attackers outside were suddenly attacked by falling drones on them.
Rapid explosions took place outside the broken Malibu Villa and there were screams of attackers who were caught in explosion and fire.
Howard chose the simplest way to deal with the attackers and it was bringing the drones on their heads. These four small drones were the only available drones near the area, but they were enough to delay these bastards.
The attackers inside suddenly lost connection with the team outside and one of them walked out to check the situation. Meanwhile Tony was wearing the exoskeleton framework inside. Four robotic arms simply picked up all the parts of the suit and started covering Tony in them. However, due to the poor prototypes of hand parts and the lack of helmet, Tony was still in a vulnerable state.
Tony was still at 30% of the software installation when the bullets ran out from his hand prototype. At this moment, he was basically defenceless. However, he has three AI helpers protecting him.
The robotic arms that had equipped Tony with the suit parts were controlled by Martha and she simply picked the large table in the room and pushed it to cover the hole. Jarvis also showed his effectiveness and simply hacked the communication satellite that linked these attackers and shut it off.
The Lady was more extreme. She was the first to find JARVIS and she knew that most of the servers of JARVIS were in the basement and if that is destroyed, JARVIS would die along with Tony. Hence, disregarding many protocols Phil had set, she had hacked a drone from the military station in Washington DC, and simply drove it here.
There were still a few attackers who had survived the previous drone falling attack on them but this time, they were attacked by the rapid-fire of the military drone and small missiles loaded on it. It was a bloodbath for them.
Seeing the situation getting extremely unfavourable, a few of these attackers took cover but this time, another drone that had two Gatlin Guns on it, came for them.
"SHIT!" before a Chessmen could even say anything, the melodious sound of death started singing in the area. In no less than 3 minutes, all but three attackers survived in this attack. If Obadiah thought Tony was without protection, he was wrong.