
Time flew by and after eight days.

The deep red glow from the setting sun covered the area of rolling hills like a blanket. A well-maintained highway is built over the hilly terrain 20 km from Bram city.

A semi-truck is being escorted on the road by four armored vehicles while moving slowly.

Kai is seated at the forefront vehicle, lost in thought while observing the hilly landscape.


He is awakened from his dreamlike state by the vehicle's trembling and the sounds of the tires rubbing against the pavement. He crouched down and peered at the front of the car as he approached the driver's seat.

Four enormous wolves, similar to those in myths, were what he discovered beneath the car's headlights; on average, they were between 7 and 9 feet long and stood at least 2 meters tall.

Their hunting posture, saliva-dripping canines, red eyes that shone in the headlights, and the unsettling sound of their alpha howling sent chills down his spine.

The wolves raced up to the car and pounced on the vehicle.

"Bang. Bang." The brutal force of two wolves charging at it caused the windshield to shatter.

Kai and the others emerge from their revere.

"Retract your vehicle. drop back." He screamed at the driver who was being driven by fear. The driver quickly responded and yanked the car back.


In front of the semi-truck, the vehicle reversed and moved forward. The semi-truck reversed about 30 meters before coming to a stop. The two armored vehicles from the rear guard then drove in front of it and joined forces with the other two. The front of the semi-truck was surrounded and blocked by all four armored vehicles.

The well-trained combatants of Bernett Group take position quickly.

"Rat. ta. tat. ta. tat" The 7.62mm Tank machine guns from the armored vehicles started to rain down the bullets. The peace under the setting sun is broken by the symphonies of chaos.

Under the raining down of guns fire, the wolves started dancing and singing their hunting ritual. Kai crouching behind the vehicles peeked out his head and checked the situation. The 7.62 mm bullets can't make fatal damage to the wolf because of their swift movement, but under the 4 machine guns, they can't advance easily either.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!" A heart-wrenching scream entered Kai's ears. He looked at the source of the screaming. God knows when 2 more wolves flanked from the left side and pounced on their's defensive line. The combatants behind the blockage aim their's guns at two wolves.

Kai grab the hand of Ray who is looking intensely at the wolves and dragged him to the semi-truck. From the semi-truck driver seat window, a shotgun poked out and fired.

"Bang! Bang! ".

Kai looked at where the shotgun fired, there were two more wolves. The driver get down from the truck and tossed a military knife at Kai.

Kai looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Boss, don't look at me like that. We can't outrun them with a semi-truck after they have surrounded us. We can't abandon little Ark here, do we?" Mr. Smith said with a wary smile and fired toward the wolves.

"Bang! "

Kai peered around the bloody scene; there were two wolves here and six wolves at the defensive line, but the alpha was nowhere to be found. Kai's body was being pushed away right then. He collapsed to the ground and glimpsed up.

In place of Kai, a wolf attacked Ray who had knocked Kai to the ground. Rolling backward on the ground, he makes a diving escape. The wolf, having lost his prey, adjusted his stance. Ray furrowed his brows as he reached into the pockets of his lab coat to find something.

He pulled out two syringes and threw one at Kai. The liquid in the syringes was a golden-green color. Ray injected the syringe at his neck without saying anything.

When Kai saw his friend take this crazy action, he did not object and did the same.

Kai felt as though his body and mind had melted in peace after injecting the syringe, and for a brief period, time seemed to stand still. He heard the voices of his late father and his wife, whom he sadly missed, over the sounds of chaos and the hazy views.

With soothing sounds, the voices urged him to let go of all his stress. Yes, life is boring in any case, and I'm no longer attached.

Kai, who was lost, was awakened by a numb left cheek and dazed eyes and yelled, "Slap!".

Ray knocks him out cold.

"You effing donkey. Don't forget your son. The afterlife cannot be entered at this time."

After arousing Kai, he pulled a scalpel from beneath his lab coat and engaged the wolf in combat. It didn't take long after the wolf surprise attacked Kai.

The raving voices of lab rats (which included Cravers) and others, his raging greed and thirst for knowledge. The intense desire to dissect the wolf's body and learn more about its inner workings.

These thoughts engulf him like a tsunami. (well. well. You must be more insane than I am if you want to control me; right now, it's not even close.)

His mind is now completely under control, and the mindset of a researcher has taken over. He mumbled under his breath.

"Not bad, but let me first test the first stage of the gift.

His crazy gray eyes were glazed with a red hue, and his smiling mouth looked like the devil himself. "You, will you mind?" he asked.

Ray was attacked by the wolf, his face screamed for a beating. Ray knelt and made a slit-like cut across the wolf's open, wide stomach before rolling to the left.

He could see the wolf's weaknesses from every angle, and they begged to be disassembled. The wolf is howling from its stomach wound, where the intestines of the animal are pouring out of the cutting wound.

He charges the pain-stunned wolf and uses his scalpel to slice off its neck. He held his fist firmly and gauged the strength after dispatching the wolf. In his case, he doesn't experience any anxiety while battling the wolf; instead, all he experiences is the comfort of an operating room.

After going backward for a short while, Kai felt lost when Rai slapped him in the face, jarring him awake. Ray reminds him of his son, and his eyes harden at the mention of the boy.

Yes, he still has a responsibility to fulfill; even as the world disintegrates into tiny pieces, he will construct a secure heaven for his little Ark.

The calming voices started to fade in his head. Kai sped over to the smaller wolf and pounced on it with a military knife in his hand after looking at Smith who is holding two wolves at bay.

"Roarrrr." He screamed like a lion.

He had the impression that he could even fight a dinosaur, but reality stinks. The wolf that Kai was charging at refuses to back down and continues to swipe at Kai with its claw. He had to cross his arm over his face to block the wolf's claw because the wolf was moving more quickly than him.

His left arm muscles were torn apart by the wolf claw as it struck him, leaving bloody scratches on his forearm.

He snapped out of his fantasy by taking a look at his left arm, which was completely wasted.

He made fun of himself and prepared for the wolf's ensuing attack, saying, "Too much for a fucking grow-up."

The wolf did not immediately charge under the cover fire of Smith's shotgun; instead, it avoided the gunfire and waited for a chance to strike. The smaller wolf limped backward after having its left hind leg torn by a stray projectile.

Kai, who notices the opening, doesn't rush in like before.

Kai glared at the wolf, who in turn glared back at Kai while putting his limp hind leg back on the ground as if it weren't hurt. Kai felt as though he was being made fun of because of the wolf's unsettlingly silly face.

Kai muttered under his breath, "Fucking dog, you're mocking your father, see how I, your father will fix you."

Before Kai could even think, the wolf suddenly charged toward him and pounced. It can catch up quickly with its four limbs. It arrives in front of Kai instantly.

Kai dove to the right side and half-rolled to the ground instead of blocking the wolf claws as he had done the first time.

At this point, he is furious. The wolf was looking at Kai with a lazy posture and was playing with him, as Kai could see.

"Swoot," a projectile piercing the air with a loud.

A scalpel is currently traveling faster toward the wolf's left eye.

The wolf howled in agony, "Awooo!," and bolted for the woods. Similarly, the other wolves left...

Kai collapsed on the highway while panting when he saw the wolf pack retreating. What a dumb ass, Kai thought to himself.

Kai hears a roaring sound accompanied by laughter.

"Hahaha." Ray's irritating laughter and mockery made him want to hide in a hole, so he pretended he wasn't hearing anything.

"Well, our chairman is a man to be respected; even in the fight, he paired up with the dominant member of the pack. Hahaha."

Ray approached Kai while he was walking and examined the state of his left hand.

Kai, who was fed up with Ray's jokes, scowled and said. "I'll take back half of the resources from your department if you don't stop the clown show," he threatened.

When Kai was being angry, Ray's face suddenly became stiff.

While tending to Kai's broken muscles, Ray warned him not to act in such a way because doing so would impede the project's progress and put us in danger.

Kai asked what he wanted to know about the syringe that was given to him.

"It's GE solution that was extracted from the plants, and it's just a testing product and not even given a name yet," Ray stated without hesitation.

Kai isn't sure whether to laugh or cry when the doctor says, "You give me the fucking crude boost syringe. What if I fail to come around?".

"Be a man, not a sissy. It's a plant base and much milder than GE from animals, so what we injected was pure energy. If I wasn't confident in my creation, why did I bother to give it to you? I came up with that solution so we could experience a much milder outbreak of desires. As an added benefit, it temporarily increases body function by 50%."Ray objected.

"You know, even though it hasn't been thoroughly tested, it seems pretty useful."

He snorted and added a cocky statement, "At least we keep our lives."