
Ryths were reading the data that Syth had sent to him inside a quiet space. Ryths Fodden, who was 19 years old, stood 2 meters tall and had a lean physique. His black ponytail hair and silver eyes occasionally glowed a crimson red color. Despite being a teenager, he had a good-looking face that was more on the side of a mature man.

Ryths' world revolved around the fictional settings of movies and books. He was initially an introverted person who disliked socializing.

He had psychological issues starting at the age of 12, but he doesn't believe he had a lycanthropic personality disorder (a delusional personality), and he is convinced he is descended from werewolves. Although his parents don't say much, his peers have avoided him since rumors of his mental illness first surfaced, and he has been quietly withdrawing from the group while lost in his fantasy.

Although it took place two months ago after a 7-year wait for his bloodline to awaken. Yes, his early fantasies were not just hallucinations.

However, the process of reawakening his bloodline was similar to a hunted dream, with demons mocking him and the devils whispering and raving voices in his ears.

Demons or vampires all quavered in his presence of him, proving that he was a true alpha werewolf. He pursued all of the demons, vampires, monsters, and his peers who were making a lot of noise. He bit them, tore them apart, and ate their very flesh, leaving only himself in his dream of being pursued. Rhys had the most enjoyable period of his life after awakening on the plain near hilly areas that day.

His high is at the ideal 2 meters, and his skinny body is now quite seductive, as he claims. He doesn't go on a killing spree like other werewolves do; instead, he keeps a low profile. Why? Because he is the main character in his own story; he is not a simpleton who doesn't know what he's doing; and because he has made good use of his exposure to literature and film.

He began to assemble his small pack of wolves, transforming three people each week into members of his family. One of them is Syth Krishna, who is this town's mayor's secretary and can eventually become mayor as well.

But after their hiding place was taken over by Bernett Group construction a week ago, his carefully thought-out plan ran into a brick wall. They had irritated him a good deal, and the information Syth provided today has only made him angrier.

The hell with implanting chips; at least their location and their abnormal body status would be visible to everyone if the chips were inserted.

The Bernett Group doesn't currently have many rivals, Ryths thought, so if he can win over the chairman and his brilliant friend, the Bernett Group will be his vocation.

Although it is a risky strategy, he was unable to resist the obvious rewards of controlling the Bernett Group. If he wants to succeed, he can't let this opportunity pass him by.


As the day wore on, the night began to creep closer. At 11:45 p.m., the moonlight has faded to a crimson-red hue, and the night sky is blanketed in twinkling blue stars. In the mother's night embrace, Bram town was dozing off in the dimmed crimson light.

From the northern outskirts of Bram, about 20 shadows were running on all fours toward the Bernett Group's laboratory in the dimmed crimson light. They have wolf heads and humanoid bodies.

The laboratory of The Bernett Group was split into two rings: an inner ring where major projects were conducted, and an outer ring where employees lived and worked on smaller projects. Because so few people now resided here, the enormous laboratory building was mostly deserted in the interim.

Under the cover of the outer ring's buildings, the shadows advance. The leading figure makes a stop sign with his hand after reaching the inner ring's boundary.

He was left with no other option, despite the hurried and inexperienced planning. He learned from Syth that today is the last day to get the Bernett Group chairman; after tonight, his chances of doing so are almost nonexistent because Bram will be inundated with more Bernett Group personnel and combatants.

He formed four groups of five werewolves each to surround and disperse the night watchmen. Ryths cautiously crept beneath the cover of the building, gradually edging closer to a night guard. The laboratory alarms began to sound as he was about to leap onto the guard. He admits that a dozen bullets grazed and banged into his body as he suddenly howled in panic and began to retreat.

He is unsure of what went wrong. He then realized firsthand how immature he was when up against skilled opponents. He wants to slit the guard's throat, but the machine guns' close-range fire is too much for him to withstand. He made a U-turn and dashed into the wilderness.


Kai had a very vivid dream after taking his allotted dose of Limiter today; this could have been the result of a mental demon or the stress he had been under since learning about SGV. Certainly a pleasant dream. He attempted to move on to the fourth round when his partner abruptly yelled at him. What's wrong, sweetie?

Kai awoke suddenly from the alarms, tried to understand what had happened, and after a brief period of confusion, he hurriedly walked towards the bathroom while wearing a furious expression. Wolves howling and gunfire disturb the otherwise quiet night.

15 minutes after the minor disruption.

The guards were reported to Smith at the inner ring's main gate. Kai approached Smith and asked as he walked.

"What happened?".

After noticing Kai, Smith turned to face the sound.

He made a sign.

"Boss, some human-like monsters were trying to break into our lab. 2 of them have been taken captive. ".

"Any injured or casualties?".

"No, boss, we had set off the inner ring security alarms as a result of your prompt reminder, and we took the initiative to shoot them. "

Kai shook his head and said, "Let go, I want to see our uninvited guests.".

While guiding Kai toward the cells where the monsters were held, Smith pays little attention to Kai's unhappy expression.


A werewolf was laying on the laboratory floor inside a cell. The monsters' silver fur was covered in blood, and their necks and other four limbs were chained to the ground with reinforced steel.

Even with its severe wounds, the werewolf is still able to breathe, and occasionally one can hear the sound of bullets bursting from its wounds and hitting the ground.

When Dr. Ray checked the monsters from outside the cell, the monster's regeneration surprised him somewhat. It's just like in the movies their regeneration was perverted.

Within 50 seconds, a young woman with a completely necked body was found lying there under the watchful gaze of Dr. Ray. Her hourglass figure, painted with blood, and her shimmering silver hair that reached her waist.

He threw the prepared prisoner clothing into the cell with reluctance.

"Dress it, I'm sure you'll get what I'm saying.

"I am unable to wear them with these chains. "The weak, sweet voice of the chained woman.

The matter-of-fact Dr. Ray said, "Stop the bullshit, we designed them to wear and take off even with chains."


When Kai arrived at the cells, Dr. Ray was already there and they were conversing. Kai was perplexed by what he saw. Do Cravers have the ability to transform back into humans?

Kai hastened to approach the cells. A stunning woman was locked in the cell; she stood 1 point 9 meters tall and had silver hair that fell to her waist and misty blue eyes.

Kai was quite surprised when he first saw the woman because, although she was the mayor's secretary, she appeared much younger and more attractive.

Kai enquired, "What did you get?".

"Ray responded with twitching lips, "Well, some kids want to take our chairman under their wings and take control of Bernett Group."

Syth's face flushed when she heard Dr. Ray's response. She wasn't particularly impulsive by nature, but after Ryths turned her into a werewolf, she found it difficult to rein in her behavior when the moon was full.

Kai glanced at Ray after briefly focusing on her attractive face.

"How are they different from the Cravers, and how can they change back into human form while remaining mentally stable?"

"Slow down, Mr. Chairman. You can go back and rest. I just started questioning her. The rest is up to me. "

"You've got such guts now, don't you? Are you trying to frighten me away?"

"What can you do" Ray seemed to be asking Kai as he mockingly gazed at him.

" Ha. "

Kai sighed deeply. He cannot, in all honesty.

"If you can communicate with them, don't use them as test subjects; I need a report as soon as possible. ".

Kai's words caused Dr. Ray to snort, but Syth's face turned paler.

"We didn't kill any humans, Mr. Kai, the only time we went hunting was on a full moon day far from Bram. Please stop using us as test subjects. Give us a chance, if you would. "

"To be honest, I have no control over the research and science department. If you want a chance, work well with Dr. Ray. "

"Send 5 combatants to the mayor's manor, Smith!

and pray that nothing bad happens to him. And as yet, keep your guard up. "

"Yes, Boss," Smith replied.

"This morning, I need a complete report."

Kai reminded Dr. Ray and went back to his room.


"Hello Miss, as you may have heard, I am the one in control of this department, so please work well with me. Even though you serve as the mayor's secretary, you are aware that the mayor is only one of the employees of Bernett Group. ".

"Can you guarantee that you won't use me as a test subject? Syth looked down at the ground and asked in a quiet voice.

"No, not possible. However, I can promise that I won't intentionally hurt you while conducting my research, use you to test dangerous drugs on you or desecrate your body. "

She gave it some thought but realized she was out of questions.

"Just ask, and I will answer. "

"How and when do you turn into a werewolf? "

"I just changed a month ago once more; when I returned home after a night out, I was surrounded by them and turned into werewolves. "

"How did you feel the first time you changed, did you experience any pain or other problems?"

"No, the only thing I know is that after getting bitten by a Ryths, I go unconscious for half a day. However, I don't have any clear memories of the procedure because it was my first time changing under a blood-red moon. "

Syth still recalls the previous month; after that devoted day, her life descended into a minor muddle. Strong smell sensitivity, extraordinary hearing, quick healing, superhuman strength, and last but not least, the most troublesome of all, anger and a strong thirst for blood and flesh.

"If so, how did you discover your transformation into a werewolf?"

"They imprisoned me, and Rhys transformed into a werewolf in front of me before telling me what I had to become. The difficult thing is that I can't or perhaps don't want to defy his orders. I'm also unsure of it."