
The next morning.

Kai wandered around town checking out the atmosphere. People go about their daily business as usual, but the air around them seems different.

A sense of contradiction, the air around them seems depressed as if trying to contain difficult emotions.

Most people seem to be unemployed when he look around. "Let's Go to City Hall"

He throws out the cigarette and heads towards the town hall.


"Mr. Mayor, Mr. Kai is here for you."

Doyke put the files down and rubbed his neck. There was so much work to do that he could hardly sleep.

The new guidelines and procedures have only made things worse. If it's not for the survival of this city, it just wants to give it up.

"Let him in"

" I am already here." As Kai said and Syth watched in silence.

"Syth, give us some space"

"Yes, Mr. Mayor"


"What's so important that Mr. President has to come in person?" Doyke asked sarcastically. Kai doesn't care. "I don't like the vibe of the city."

Kai doesn't care. He doesn't have time for nonsense either.

"They felt like they couldn't cope with the current situation, plus most of them are free."

I mean they literally have no vigilance

We've been in deep shit and they don't change their minds. People tend to have silly thoughts when they have so much free time. "

"Mr. Kai, it's their freedom. What do you expect from normal people whose world changes in a few days?" Doyke frowned at Kai's words.

This is not false, but the situation does not allow it. Kai took a deep breath and calmed his mind. "Is freedom so important in a situation like this? We are running out of time. We must do what we can. If they don't have a job, I can give them some."

"They need time, Mr. Kai and some of them don't even want to comply with the new policies and procedures. Don't even think about working for you."

"You don't know or are you just being dumb? While our employees were doing all the work, your stupid townspeople lamented and drowned in misery.

If we don't update the news before it's done, this town would be dead already. You are luckier than others. What's the point?"

"I can understand them and sympathize with them, but what about my employees who risk their lives doing all the dangerous work? Aren't they human too? They have their families and their worries. If you continue like this, how can I convince them?

Do you think it's fair for them? Even their family members helped as best they could."

"Then why the hell are you coming to our town?" Go anywhere as far as you can, we won't call you or need you."

"Bam..." Kai slapped his hand on the table and looked at Doyke with unbelievable eyes. Perhaps from the start, he gave little thought to human nature.

" All the best.."

Kai storms out of the mayor's office, leaving only one last word and a crumbling table.

Syth looked at Kai's back, which looked like a box of gunpowder, and walked into the office.

" Mr. Mayor? What happened?"

"It's just a bit harassing. He just wants to control everyone in this town. Don't worry, we always have what they need from us. " Doyke just waved and answered.

He cannot allow Kai to rule from the start because the safety of everyone in the city is at stake. Above all, he must protect the interests of the citizens.


"Hi, Linda..."

"Yes President, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Call the site. For the fort just built about 3m high and finished, we will plan the new project after that.

And an emergency meeting leaves the mayor. Don't put that bastard on the board from now on."

"What happened President?!!"

"That's it, see you at the meeting." Kai cuts the call.

"Go back to base." Last time, he got in the jeep and checked City Hall again.


"That's the situation, I don't care what they think or do. From now on, the safety of our organization is our number one priority. Unless there's an emergency, don't go into town. Even if you have to leave town, just use the road out of town and get out."

The meeting room becomes silent when the situation suddenly changes.

General Daka frowned and bowed his head.

There was no call for an increase in the division of labor, but on the contrary, he said that they must follow instructions closely, except that the protection of the interests of the organization was the top priority.

What about town dwellers?

Aside from the rationing issue, he's come to this town primarily to protect civilians, not those of the Bernett Group.

"Rules, Kai. Anyone with the ability must take responsibility. Did you discard citizens just because they don't fit your bills?

If you do, what's the difference between you and those motherfuckers? People without rules are no different from animals. "

"Rules? ah…, rules are supposed to be for the greater good of an organization or a country. But if rules don't benefit an organization or a country, then what's the point?

Don't you feel the irony of our situation? Your TCF and our staff are moving like there's no tomorrow. But those damn bastards just moan and do nothing. Their only productivity is problems.

And the fucking mayor says they don't need us and don't welcome us. leave them alone, I don't give a fuck."

"Stop... stop…" Ray gestures to Linda and

"Sorry gentlemen, let's move on tomorrow" as he pulled Kai out and left the office.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Calm down Kai, we need to talk."

"You Talk Damn"

Out of the blue, Kai punched Ray, even though it was a sudden attack, Ray easily dodged the attack.

The punch broke through the concrete wall.

"Rumble..." The building shook a bit and the wall was full of cobwebs, the general's bodyguards hurriedly grabbed their weapons and aimed at Kai. "Don't shoot..." Ray hurriedly pulled out a syringe.

"Bang...bang..." But it's too late, bullets are stuck in the back of Kai's tuxedo.

"Click," One bullet after another falls to the ground. The tuxedo wasn't bulletproof at all, just some quality material that prevents burns and knife-sharp weapons that cut.

Kai looked back with red eyes, the aggro was shifted to the bodyguards.

"Bang..." The wall crumbled under the force and the floor cracked. He rushes at the bodyguards like a cannonball.

"Kai., No... !!!!"

With no other options, Ray used his ability, and followed Kai, injecting Kai's neck with the syringe. Kai suddenly fell to the ground, but the damage was already done.

One of the bodyguards was beaten, and his forearms protecting her head were broken and bloody, his body slipped through the floor and crashed into the other wall, vomiting blood.

"What Happens to Him"

The other members looked warily at the unconscious Kai and watched the crumbling wall.

All the guards came in and targeted the TCF members. "Take the President to the Lab"

"But Dr. Ray..."

"Shut up and do as I tell you. Go away, you have nothing to do here."

Linda hurried after the guards.

Ray looked at the board members,

"Do you all think it's that easy for him? You... you... You... He carried all that bullshit you did.

Under normal circumstances and situations, this is not a problem. But the accumulated stress and side effects of SGV, luckily it does not turn into cravings. He pointed to General Daka, Ryths, and other members.

"Let's talk tomorrow." He ended the meeting and left the room.