chapter -47

The morning sun began to rise gently east of the dreamy cliff. The cool air, carrying the smell of salt floating on the sea, kissed Kai's cheek and moved to a distant place.

"Are you up so early? What's going on?" A familiar voice awoke Kai's morning thoughts. Kai turned around and wasn't surprised to see Ray.

"Likewise, here and there: what do you think of these cravers? They were stupid monsters when they first changed. But yesterday proved that they are not mindless monsters. What do you think?" Kai looked at the sea again and asked.

"I have nothing to say, I don't have enough information and I don't have time.

We have only one thing to do and that is to be stronger than them." Ray looked at the sea the same way he did and answered.

"What do you think is on the other side of this ocean, another country or an infinite ocean?"

Kai was stunned for a moment by Ray's sudden question, and only answered, "Who knows?"

"If you think about it, we are omnivores in the cage.

To the north and east is a strange sea, and to the west and south is Mount Hannika, where wild animals live. Needless to say. Let's go do something useful," he said and left.

Ray didn't walk back with Kai, but continued to stare out to sea, muttering, "Someday I'll have to discover the secrets of this whole world," and he turned away.


In the armor manufacturing building of Project Fear, the scientists are busy with their respective cases.

"What kind of attack does the president like? Depending on your attacking style, we will make this armor according to your requirements." One of Ray's assistants asked Kai during the explanation.

Kai scratched his head and didn't know what to answer. In his younger days as a young student, he only played a few boxing matches.

"Don't do anything special, just reinforce his armor and hands for melee combat," Ray answered for Kai.

Wide-eyed at Ray, Kai replied, "What does that have to do with you making the armor I have to wear?"

"I don't need much for the armor. Twenty missiles and it's good if it can able to fly for a while. If I can add lasers, I will add them." The nearby scientists stared at Kai, who was constantly talking to himself.

Kai didn't get an answer, so he looked around and saw the scientists staring at him, and his face turned red.

"Um, um. Forget what I said. It's not important right now, is it? I'll think about it a bit." said and leave immediately.

The project's scientists smiled as they saw Kai move away from them.


"President Ryths requests permission to meet." Ketz's voice came from the room outside.

"Let him enter," thought Kai for a while and allowed it.

"Hello, Mr. President" REZ entered Kai and greeted and welcomed him.

"Sit down, what's going on, Mr. Riz?" Kai pointed out the chair and told him that he should sit down.

After Riz sat on the chair, Rice settled his thoughts and started saying: "The president, don't you protect Bram?"

"Yes, yes, I think there will be advantages for both sides," replied Kai immediately. Riz closed her eyes and calmed down for a moment. After a while, "the president knows better that there is no mutual benefit".

"I don't think the whole town of Bram should be neglected because of a few ignoramuses."

Kai looked at Ryths for a moment and said, "Here I tell you. For the fact that you tried to attack me? I can forgive it.

They're attempting to maroon each other, and it's making things difficult. I Don't care.

For the matters that we don't do, even if the whole town blames us I don't even care.

But the blood of our comrades who gave their lives for them on the battlefield has not yet dried. Do they dare blame us before they know the truth? I don't give a fuck anymore.

To forgive them every time they do wrong, we are not their parents!"

"If you have nothing else to say, go."

Ryths sighed and left the room after Kai told him to leave. According to his research, there are only 3 people who can change Kai's decision, Kai's secretary Linda, Ray the mad researcher, and General Daka.


A densely populated area of ​​the town of Bram. A small number of the town's inhabitants are gathered in a hall.

"The reason is this: how do we proceed? The Bernett Group no longer includes us in its defense plan." Cratos looked at the crowd and said.

'Aren't they petty? We just blame them a little, and they don't want to protect us anymore? Who insists on their protection?" a middle-aged man said.

"We're not here to discuss who's wrong and who's right. We're discussing what to do next," Kratos answered patiently.

The crowd began to whisper and confer among themselves.

After a while, a representative came among them and asked Cratos, "Is the mayor retired?"

"He is retired," Kratos replied, nodding.

"The most important thing now is to re-elect a leader, then we will decide for the safety of our town," the representative said.

Kratos looked at the crowd and asked, "Are you sure you're not even thinking about apologizing to Bernett? And the mayor?"

"If a pack of monsters attacks Bram like yesterday, will we be able to defend ourselves? Consider your children and families behind your decision."

The representative ignored Cratos' words: "Whether they want to protect us or not, they have to finish the wall. Is it over? It's not over yet.

If other monsters come, they must be protected against the wall. If the monsters invade Bram, they will lose their source of food and drink," the representative replied with a smile.

As Cratos listened to his words, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Is this the spirit of the inhabitants of his beloved town of him?

Where did the descendants of the warrior go the situation is not as simple as they say. He had seen firsthand that Bernett Group was not vegetarian.

He shook his head and asked, "Is this your final decision?" The crowd nodded back.

When Cratos sighed and wanted to leave the room, the rep asked, "Aren't you part of our leadership team?"

"I don't plan to play house with kids," he said, making the crowd angry.