Chapter -54

"Shall we compete with each other?" Kai thought about letting go of his heavy heart a little.

"Aha! The boss must be joking.

A busy boss doesn't have time to be with us. Isn't that right, my boys?" Smith asked his group of guards, avoiding Kai's gaze.

'NO! We want to see the competition between the president and the boss." The whole group of guards shouted that they did not know where they came from.

"Yes, we want to see the manliness of the department head," Smith's face darkened gradually as the guards shouted.

"Shut up! If you want to see that much, I have to show my manhood. Be sure to watch it!" After speaking, he entered the battle arena.

"Boss, I still can't control my skills very well, mind you," Smith said, taking off his shoes and clothes.

"Oh! I can't control my anger very well too, be careful," Kai replied with a smile.

"Hey, Boatsman, who do you think will win?" Cratos asked a nearby guard watching from below the arena.

"I don't know, I saw the boss attack for the first time the day before. But they're both monsters," Boatsman replied, shaking his head.

"I think it's Boss Smith. His skills are unfair. As soon as you get close to him, you're already halfway there," Tate replied after thinking about it.

While they were talking, "Boom..."

The two in the battle arena started their competition. Kai ran up to Smith and punched him in the face. But Smith responded with his fist. The fists of the two met in the air and caused the environment to vibrate.

It also started crackling under their feet in the battle arena.

"Hey guys, hold on, the battle arena won't hold anymore." With Tate's shout, the nearby guards retreated. Smith took a step back when Kai's punch numbs his entire hand. At that time, he no longer thought of directly competing with Kai.

Kai saw Smith back up, took a step forward, and punched Smith in the face again. This time, Smith dodged his punch by lowering his head and hitting him between the ribs with a hooked fist.


Kai's body recoiled. He felt a slight pain between his ribs and gasped for air.

"You're a real freak! Are you still okay in the pressure ring, after you get hit by my fist?" Smith shook his hand and complained to Kai.

"It hurts, Your punch hurts," Kai said, trying to control Smith. Smith easily dodges a leaping Kai and kicks him in the lower leg, throwing Kai face-first into the ring.


The battle arena started to collapse after Kai's body crashed into it.

"Shit! Smith, aren't you a man? Why are you avoiding me head-on? Try to fight me directly." Kai angrily stood up and started yelling at Smith.

Smith said nothing, muttering to himself that even Cravers wouldn't fight you directly. Due to Kai's lack of fighting skills, he began to suffer from Smith's abuse in the ring.

"You! You! Come here!" Kai got up and called out to Smith angrily. Smith pretended not to hear, waiting for Kai to attack.

"Do not move!" Kai yelled in rage and ran to Smith and tried to knock him over. Smith couldn't let Kai get close and attack from a distance with some kicks.

"Smith!" As for Kay, the longer he couldn't catch Smith, the angrier he became, and his body was even bruised from the attack.

"I think that's enough, boss." Smith saw Kai's anger and got scared. He is sure that in one round or another, it will be played again.

At that point, Smith tried to avoid Kai's attack, but he couldn't move his body. His body parts defied his orders and remained motionless. Every cell in his body froze as if something was haunting them.


Kai and Smith's bodies collided directly. Kai was confused because he thought Smith would avoid him this time too. So he tried with all his might to catch him.

Smith was thrown through the air and fell into the group of guards.

"What the fuck, Hey! Smith, what's going on?" Kai hurried to go down to check on Smith's condition. Smith's mouth was bleeding and he was unconscious.

"Faster, send him to the emergency room!" Kai didn't know what to do. He quickly contacted Ray and said, "Quickly come to the emergency room, I don't know what happened to Smith all of a sudden."


"What is happening?" Ray come forward and asked.

"I don't know. While Smith and I were fighting, He suddenly stopped, I'm out of control at that time, and collided with him." Kai scratched his head and replied.

"Is he seriously injured? What did the doctors say?

"The internal organs were slightly shaken, but there were no major injuries. I was afraid that he suddenly stopped moving. Since he had no injuries, I was afraid that something was wrong."

"Has he regained consciousness?

"Not yet, what are you going to do?"

"How would you know what's going on without asking him? I'm not free. Don't call me whenever something happens," Ray told Kai in a depressed tone.

"How do I know? If something went wrong, there's nowhere to go."

"Let's go inside," he said with a sigh.

When they entered, Smith was conscious again in the hospital bed. "Now, Mr. Testrat #1, tell me what's going on," Ray asked impatiently.

"I don't know. While I was fighting with the boss, my body stopped moving by itself." Smith gave Ray an incredulous look and said.

"And don't call me a lab rat," Smith growled through clenched teeth.

Ray shrugged, "Tell me, what did you feel other than not being able to move?"

"Fear. At the time, I thought the boss would be angry with me. Subsequently, the fear itself grew." Smith thought for a moment and explained his feelings about him as best he could.

"Is there no other pressure on you?"

"No! At that time, I'm in my pressure field, there is no interference in my field."