Chapter -57

While holding an exhausted Nora, Kai stared at her with malice. It was difficult for him to resist tightening his hold and causing her neck to snap.

"I will only let you live this one time after you shot at me, and there will be no next time. " After a warning, he threw her.

He cast a red-eyed glance down at Dante, who was about to pass out. "And you too, it applies. Because you're a little stronger than most, don't become arrogant. ".

Still trembling, the survivors gather their weapons and point them at Kai.

"Put down your weapons or say goodbye to tomorrow." Out of nowhere, Tate's voice erupts.

The survivors turned to look when they heard the voice and discovered that the guards had already surrounded them.

They exchange long glances before putting their weapons down and parting with grave expressions.

"Bring these two to the hospital, and keep an eye on them. Take the appropriate action if they don't behave themselves," Kai told Tate as he came over to join him.

Through Tate's strange eyes, Kai noticed that a pair of arms still encircled his waist.

"Linda, you may now let go of your hands. ".

Then, with a red face, Linda withdrew her hands.

"I thought that I could continue to watch it for a little while. You're a really stupid man, Tate. ".

Linda glared at Ray for his rambling speech.

"Linda relocated the newly arrived survivors to the survivor camp. If you need anything, ask Tate for help." Kai stopped them in their tracks as he gave them instructions.

(We must clear all the nearby villages as soon as we can.) Kai murmured as he turned around to head back toward Bernett Laboratory.


Linda's angry voice resounded through the conference room, "Kai, stop your nonsense!".

"What nonsense, all I'm trying to do is clear the closest village.

We cannot continue to leave this village in this manner."

"You are the leader of all of us. I know Smith is hurt, but Tate and Ketz are still there, what if something happens to you?

Tell me something absurd if this is not absurd."

Kai looked at a red-faced, angry-sounding Linda, whose head was throbbing.

"Then tell me, which of those you mentioned is stronger than I am.

They weren't even close to Smith's strength. Who will protect my guys if something similar to the last time occurs?"

Nobody could guarantee that it wouldn't happen again like the last time, and every guard's life was valuable, so the entire meeting room fell silent.

"My decision is now final. Continue constructing the wall. We should also be ready for emergencies. That is all."

Ray is being pressured by Linda, who is staring at the ceiling, to persuade Kai to reconsider. As Ray picked up the files and left the meeting room, he said something irreverent, much to her dismay.

"Today's climate is pleasant. ".


Kai asked as he peered through binoculars at a small settlement: "There are about 200 Cravers. How many of us are there?"

"There are currently over 280 guards and close to 800 former TCF members in Bram." Tate paused for a second before responding.

"Order 200 TCFs and 100 guards to arrive with their weapons drawn. We'll obliterate this village as soon as they show up. ".

Using his binoculars, Kai peered back at the settlement. A ghostly silence has fallen over the village of about 300 homes. Ruined walls, bloody streets, and fragments of flesh that humans could not distinguish from animal flesh.

No one knew what the Cravers were looking for as they snifted around. Kai sighed and retracted the binoculars. Even he was unable to put into words how he was feeling.

Three cars and eight trucks arrived at Kai's location about fifteen minutes later.

"I can not accept any Craver escapes, so I will clear the village with 200 people from the north side to the south side.

If any Cravers manage to escape the village, the remaining 100 people will hunt them down and kill them. Are you clear?".

"Sir! Yes, sir!".

"All right, Tate, take a hundred people with you outside the village. The other two hundred people will follow me. ".

Tate said, "Boss, Miss Linda, and Boss Smith told me that I have to stay with the boss," while he was rubbing his head.

"Who will you listen to between them and me?"

"I'll just follow the boss's advice, haha. ".

"But whether or not. Follow my instructions and go to that location." Kai yelled as he glared at Tate.

Tate fled to a group of a hundred people as soon as Kai screamed.

Kai muttered as he observed Tate fleeing, "How did this guy become a soldier? He is so terrified."

Ketz, who was standing behind him, furrowed his brow while muttering to himself that being a soldier has nothing to do with being afraid of the boss.

"Are you cursing me," Kai asked Ketz as he turned around.

"Haha! Nobody in Bram has yet dared to curse the boss." Ketz answered, swallowing his saliva in silence.

Kai gave the order, "Then let's go out," and eight cars and more than 160 people marched to the village's north entrance.

The Cravers gathered hastily at the village entrance even before Kai's group arrived there.

In anticipation of their arrival, they regarded the soldiers in the march with hungry eyes. Be patient; they won't even approach us with our firepower, Kai said, pulling out his shotgun. "Before shooting, aim carefully."

At the village's entrance, Kai could only see about eighty cavers. Kai was unsure if the other Cravers didn't know or if it was due to something he hadn't considered.

Kai commanded, "Shoot!" after clearing his confused mind.



Gunshots started to reverberate throughout the surrounding area.

It does not deter Craver's group either. They started to run towards Kai and the 200 people in chaos as soon as the gun was fired.

When Craver leaped on him, Kai put the gun barrel in his mouth and let it go off.
