4 - "The Unexpected Obstacle"

As he contemplated the complex words within the blueprints, a striking resemblance to his own reference book dawned on him. With the essence of the situation coming back to him and his recollection of the book's peculiar terms, he rushed into his room in search of the ME (Mechanical Engineering) 1990 reference guide. After an impatient five-minute search, he eventually located it buried beneath a disheveled pile of books, leaving his room in chaos.

Without wasting another moment, and with no interest in tidying up his disheveled room, Swayam delved into the pages of the "ME 1990's version" book. His primary aim was to decipher the enigmatic words that had been cryptically used in the blueprints of the Time Machine.

While reading the "ME 1990 Book" and cross-referencing it with the time machine blueprints, Swayam made a startling revelation. The intricate designs in the blueprints of the Time Machine bore a striking resemblance to those of his own inventions and his father's creations. Some of these he had already brought to life, while others were still on his drawing board, waiting to be realized.

After some contemplation, Swayam couldn't shake the feeling that the uncanny similarity between the Time Machine blueprints and the designs his father had provided for his inventions couldn't be mere coincidence.

As he grappled with the bewildering confluence of blueprints, time travel, and the ME 1990 Book, a startling theory began to take shape in Swayam's mind. It seemed increasingly plausible that his father had been aware of the mysterious envelope all along, having encountered it at some point in his own past. Furthermore, his father had likely attempted to decipher the enigmatic words within the envelope but had met with only partial success. It stood to reason that the true key to decoding this language, composed by the "Future Swayam," lay in the hands of the "Present Swayam" – himself.

Amidst his growing certainty about the situation, a persistent question continued to haunt Swayam's thoughts. It was a question with multiple facets, each one raising more uncertainty. "What if his father had been aware of the envelope all along?" he wondered. "And if that were the case, what reasons could he possibly have had for not disclosing it to me? Even if there were valid reasons for such secrecy, why hadn't he sought my assistance in deciphering its contents?" The enigma deepened as more questions surfaced, demanding answers.

Amidst these swirling questions and theories, another perplexing notion took root in Swayam's mind. It led him to consider the possibility that the Swayam from the original timeline had indeed created a time machine based on his father's blueprints. This raised an even more puzzling conundrum: What did the cryptic message, "For the sake of A Good Future You Must Go to 1990's," truly mean? Had the original Swayam chosen to travel to 1990 for a specific reason, or had it been a random decision? The web of time and causality seemed to grow more intricate with each passing moment.

With each new question and theory that surfaced, Swayam's curiosity swelled. The enigmatic allure of what lay in store for him in the year 1990 gripped him tightly. Fueled by this growing interest, he embarked on the task of constructing the time machine. Blessed with the resources and ingenuity of both himself and his father, both accomplished inventors, he possessed everything necessary to begin this extraordinary endeavor.


After a year and several months of relentless toil, punctuated by both successes and setbacks, Swayam achieved a remarkable feat. On the 17th of July, 2017, he finally completed the construction of the Time Machine. Fueled by an unquenchable eagerness to unveil the mysteries of the year 1990 and to decipher the purpose behind the Future Swayam's enigmatic actions, he wasted no time in preparing for the maiden voyage of his creation.

As Swayam was on the cusp of embarking on his journey to the past, an unexpected and cruel twist of fate intervened. In the midst of preparing the Time Machine for launch, he was struck by a sudden bout of despair. He collapsed and lost consciousness, likely due to the deficiency of essential nutrients, as he had missed his last dose of protein pills necessary for maintaining his body's well-being. This unforeseen setback threatened to disrupt his grand plans.


Approximately 30 minutes later, Swayam awoke to find himself lying in the comfort of his own bedroom. This fortunate turn of events could be attributed to the Maid Robot, a special creation designed by his father. The Maid Robot's purpose was to assist Swayam whenever his relentless work took a toll on his health, causing him to faint or lose consciousness, often due to neglecting proper nutrition and sleep.

After replenishing his energy with a proper meal and some much-needed rest, Swayam received a recorded message from the Maid Robot. To his surprise, the voice on the message was none other than his father's. The message conveyed a fatherly concern for his eager and curious son. It gently admonished Swayam for pushing his limits and urged him not to overexert himself any further. His father advised him to take a break, eat, and recharge before embarking on his test run with the Time Machine.

Swayam was taken aback when his father mentioned the Time Machine, but his shock was short-lived. He had already suspected his father's involvement in this enigmatic journey. However, one burning question remained unanswered: "How on earth did his father know that I would faint on the 17th of July, 2017, due to hunger and lack of sleep?" His father's mention of the Time Machine only deepened the intrigue. Could it be possible that his father had also ventured into the realm of time travel? With each revelation, Swayam found himself confronted with a new and compelling mystery to unravel.


Heeding his father's counsel, Swayam indulged in a hearty meal and allowed himself some much-needed rest. Following this rejuvenating interlude, he wasted no time and proceeded directly to his father's laboratory. His goal: to initiate the long-awaited test run of the Time Machine.

As Swayam made his way to his father's laboratory, the Maid Robot tagged along, likely following its programmed instructions from his father. However, once inside the laboratory, something inexplicable occurred. The Maid Robot suddenly malfunctioned, initiating a reverse countdown from 10 before self-destructing as it reached zero. The aftermath was unexpected and chaotic, as the malfunction unleashed powerful magnetic waves that wreaked havoc on the laboratory's power supply.


After approximately a minute, the backup power supply kicked in, and the laboratory's ventilation systems worked to clear the dust-laden air, expelling it from the room. However, this unforeseen incident presented Swayam with a new challenge. He had recently discovered a hidden message within the blueprints of the Time Machine, which emphasized the need to charge the device before operation. Given the disruption to the power supply caused by the Maid Robot's explosion, Swayam now faced the pressing task of finding an alternative method to charge the Time Machine.

As Swayam pondered possible solutions for charging the Time Machine amidst his current predicament, fatigue overtook him. Recognizing the need for rest and knowing that clear thinking would require a refreshed mind, he opted for a quick nap before delving back into the problem of providing power to the machine.
