6 - "Awakening in Another World"

On the 15th of October, 2015, in a lab illuminated by the soft glow of scientific equipment, Dev's voice broke through the stillness.

"Swayam... wake up, Wake up Son. What are you doing in my lab? And why are you wearing the 'Neurotransmitter Pulse Repulser'?"

Swayam, roused from his slumber, blinked in confusion. "Dad...? When did you come back? And why do you look younger? And what happened to the Time Machine?"

Well... I can't blame him for his odd behavior since I am the one at fault here. It was I who was carelessly trying to communicate with my future self that day, the 15th of October, 2015, or in other words, today. If I remember correctly, the day when I wore the 'Neurotransmitter,' I had a dream of being grown up and being stuck in a device that caught fire afterward. Because of the smoke, I fainted and then returned to my body in 5 minutes.

That must be the reason I don't remember being scolded by Dad, because the one being scolded by Dad that day was my future self, who also happened to be in contact with the 'Neurotransmitter.' Due to the connection of all three elements - the 'Neurotransmitter,' the Nuclear Reactor, and the malfunctioning Time Machine - the brain of my future self switched places with my present self, or perhaps even my past self.


After 5 minutes, they switched places again with each other. When they did, the Future Swayam, or the Swayam who had attempted to time travel, regained consciousness only to find himself surrounded by fire and choking smoke. With no means of escape from the burning Time Machine, Swayam began shouting for help.

Coincidentally, a girl was in the nearby forest, gathering firewood, when she heard Swayam's desperate cries for help. She spotted the billowing smoke and headed toward the source of the voice. As she arrived at the scene, her eyes widened at the sight of a massive object nestled in the heart of the forest. Inside this contraption lay an unconscious boy, his body marred by critical wounds. The sight of his blood oozing out left no doubt – he was teetering on the brink of death.

At first, the girl was undeniably frightened by the peculiar object and the dire condition of the boy. However, her compassionate nature wouldn't allow her to stand idly by and let someone perish before her eyes. Determined to help, she cautiously approached the enigmatic device and discovered a stubbornly jammed door.

Undeterred, she resourcefully cut down a nearby tree, fashioning a makeshift lever to pry open the door. With great effort, she managed to extract the unconscious boy from the mysterious contraption. Carrying the injured boy with unwavering resolve, she carefully transported him to her cottage, where she would begin the task of tending to his wounds.

Once she had administered first aid to the wounded boy, carefully bandaging his injuries and ensuring his safety, the girl wasted no time. She swiftly made her way to meet with their King, her heart weighed down by the mystery of the burning object in the forest. She urgently conveyed the details of the situation to the monarch, explaining how she had rescued an unconscious boy from within the enigmatic device, and was now nursing him back to health at her cottage.

Upon hearing her account, the King wasted no time in issuing orders to his soldiers. He commanded them to venture into the forest, tasked with extinguishing the fire and recovering the enigmatic object for thorough examination and analysis.

Having issued his directives to the soldiers, the King turned his attention back to the informant. He issued a stern command, instructing her to keep this matter completely confidential, forbidding her from sharing any of these details with anyone. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of her continued care for the injured boy, as he harbored a deep curiosity about the enigmatic lad and the burning object that had brought him to their land.


Following her audience with the King and the weighty responsibility placed upon her shoulders, she made her way back to her cottage.

Arriving home, she found herself drenched in sweat from the urgency of the situation. Realizing that her clothes had become uncomfortably wet, she resolved to take a refreshing bath before tending to the needs of the injured boy.


In the meantime, Swayam stirred and gradually regained consciousness. He found himself in a completely unfamiliar place, bewildered by the surroundings. What shocked him most, however, was the discovery that the wounds he had sustained inside the Time Machine, which should have left lasting scars, had miraculously healed without a trace. The only logical explanation that crossed his mind was that he must have been in a coma for an extended period, leaving him disoriented about the passage of time.

His mind raced with questions as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The place where he had awakened bore no resemblance to a hospital, leaving him perplexed about his current location. He couldn't help but wonder who had tended to his wounds and where exactly he might be. The mysteries surrounding his situation deepened with each passing moment.


Lost in thought, Swayam's curiosity got the better of him. He began to explore the unfamiliar house, eventually coming across a door that seemed to lead outside. Without much thought, he opened the door and stepped into the doorway, only to be met with an unexpected sight – a girl in the midst of washing herself.

While in the midst of her bath, the girl was startled by the sound of the door opening. Her gaze snapped towards the entrance, revealing the presence of the boy she had rescued and taken into her care. Despite understanding that it wasn't his fault, embarrassment washed over her, and she impulsively hurled anything within her reach at him in her haste to cover herself.

Swayam made a frantic attempt to shield himself from the objects hurled his way, but as he moved, his foot landed on a slippery bar of soap. The next instant, he lost his balance, stumbling backward and colliding with the doorknob. The impact was jarring, and with a dull thud, Swayam's world went dark as he slipped into unconsciousness once more.
