14 - "Whispers of Familiarity: A Memory Unearthed"

Vale, as she heard the fourth counsil member talk about this information, felt a surge of anger welling up inside her. She wasted no time in reprimanding him sternly. "Ramon, stop it at once!" She admonished him, her voice filled with frustration. "This is Top-Secret information. What do you think you're doing by saying it out loud? Don't you fear if anyone heard you?" It became apparent that the person who had revealed this information to Swayam was none other than Ramon, and it was increasingly clear that he harbored deep feelings for Vale.

With his head hung low, Ramon offered an apology. "I'm truly sorry, Miss Vale," he admitted remorsefully. "But when I saw that guy talking to you in such an intimate tone, I couldn't control myself, and those words just slipped out." The tension in the corridor was palpable, as emotions and secrets began to surface.

Unaware of the hidden feelings harbored by the fourth council member, Vale raised her voice in frustration, countering Ramon's apology. "I believe it's high time you understand your place," she scolded him. "You have no right to shout at him. In contrast, he has every right to speak to me however he pleases because we are a married couple. Why wouldn't he use an intimate tone with me?" The corridor grew tense as the complexity of the situation unfolded.

While Vale was in the midst of reprimanding Ramon, the fifth member of the Student Council, who had been observing the scene nearby, finally interjected. "Enough, Miss Vale," she urged, her tone calm yet authoritative. "Continuing to shout at Ramon will only demonstrate that the person you're defending is indeed nothing more than a 'runt' who can't speak for himself. I assume that's not the image you wish to portray, considering he is your husband." The tension in the corridor seemed to escalate further as the situation became increasingly tangled.

It became apparent that the fifth member of the Student Council was a girl, and she possessed a remarkable skill for sweet-talking anyone she encountered. Her presence added another layer of intrigue to the already complex situation, as her words had a way of diffusing tensions and creating a different dynamic within the group.

Vale fixed her gaze on the final member of the Student Council, known as Windy, for a few moments before speaking firmly. "I understand your intentions, Windy, and for now, I'll let him be," she declared. "But if Ramon dares to use his foul language again and speaks ill of my husband, I won't hesitate to make my point clear through actions."

With that statement, Vale and Swayam departed to meet with the Principal, leaving behind a corridor filled with unresolved emotions and a web of unspoken truths.


As they walked together towards the Principal's office, Swayam appeared lost in thought. Observing his distant demeanor, Vale couldn't help but inquire, "What's on your mind?"

Swayam wore a perplexed expression as he confessed, "I can't quite place it, but I feel like I've encountered that girl before."

Vale pressed for more details, asking, "Who are you referring to?"

Swayam replied, "The girl you were just talking to. I can't explain it, but I have a strange sense of familiarity."

Vale reminded him, "You know that's not possible, Swayam. You only arrived in this world three days ago."

After a moment of contemplation, Swayam finally shrugged and said, "You're right. It must be my imagination."

Despite their lingering doubts, they eventually reached the Principal's office.


Upon arriving at the Principal's Office, Vale rapped on the door, and after receiving permission, they stepped inside. The welcoming sight that met their eyes was the Principal of the 'Lunar Eclipse Institute,' a man in his mid-fifties who stood near his desk with a warm smile. He addressed them, "Welcome. You must be Mister Swayam, the individual who is decrypting the formula inscribed on the Monolith. We are profoundly grateful for your assistance."

Swayam responded, "You don't need to be so humble, especially considering you're older than me."

The Principal, with a sense of gratitude, replied, "I find it hard not to extend courtesy to someone who's helping us."

Swayam persisted, "At least drop the honorifics; it's more convenient for me."

The Principal agreed, saying, "As you wish, Mister Swayam."

There was a moment of pause before the Principal continued, simply addressing him by name, "Swayam." The air was filled with anticipation as they delved into the heart of the matter.


Their conversation with the Principal continued for nearly half an hour, discussing about various topics.

With their discussion concluded, Swayam's hunger became evident, and he suggested to Vale, "How about we grab a bite to eat before heading home?"

Vale's face lit up with happiness at the invitation, and she eagerly replied, "Okay, let's go wherever you want to go."

Together, they made their way to the school cafeteria.


Swayam, despite not being accustomed to eating raw meat, devoured his meal due to his intense hunger. Once he finished his portion, he excused himself to wash his hands. However, an unexpected encounter awaited him.

Upon entering the washroom, he was taken aback to find Windy waiting for him. She promptly closed the door and questioned him, "Swayam? Is that truly you?"

Confused by her question, Swayam responded, "Yes, I am Swayam, but who are you?"

The girl introduced herself, saying, "I'm Windy, Windy Wolfester."

Swayam was puzzled and repeated, "Windy? Windy Wolfester?"

Windy looked at him with anticipation and replied, "Yes, Windy. What happened to you? You don't remember me?"

Swayam furrowed his brow, struggling to recall, and said, "I have a vague sense of knowing you, but I can't remember at all. Can you help me remember where we've met before?" The mystery of their past connection hung in the air as they tried to unravel it.
