16 - "A Letter of Destiny"

As Swayam listened to her speak of four girls, a sense of curiosity stirred within him. "What is going on here?" he wondered silently. Instead of immediately pressing her for answers, he opted to maintain his composure, urging her to unravel the rest of the tale.

In the midst of it all, Swayam held a notion, a faint inkling of what might have transpired with Windy. However, uncertainty still veiled his thoughts.

As she was on the verge of resuming the narrative, a faint rustling interrupted their conversation, originating from the shadows behind them. Curiosity piqued, they pivoted to investigate the source, only to discover Vale standing there, a silent enigma.

Swayam, a hint of panic coloring his voice, inquired, "Vale, what brings you here?"

Vale regarded them both, a measured expression on her face, and replied, "It's the same question I could pose to the two of you."

Windy, with an air of nonchalance, continued, "We were merely taking a leisurely stroll, engaging in conversation about various topics. Although, did you happen to overhear any of our discussion?"

Vale acknowledged, "Indeed, I overheard a few snippets. Phrases like 'Coup d'état' and 'A Shining Object with four Girls' caught my attention."

Windy, with a resigned tone, remarked, "Yes, you've caught on to nearly everything. I had hoped to keep it all under wraps. Personally, I never intended for you to be privy to any of this."

Vale, puzzled, questioned Windy, "But why the secrecy? Why didn't you want me to know?"

Windy's words hung heavy in the air. "Because if I were to reveal that Commander Jacob had deceived all of us, including the Werewolves, you might have to bear the weight of guilt for those you ruthlessly dispatched that unfortunate night."

Observing the anguish in both Vale and Windy, Swayam interjected, "Windy, enough of this self blame. No one here is at fault, and there's no need for accusations. In fact, I believe it's time Vale knows what truly transpired that night."

Windy, sensing the reassurance in Swayam's gaze, relented, saying, "Alright, if you insist."

With the air cleared of tension, Windy resumed her narrative precisely from where she had left off earlier.

"So, as I was explaining," Windy continued, "out of nowhere, a radiant object materialized, and from its midst emerged you, Swayam, accompanied by four girls. And one of those girls," she added, gesturing toward Vale, "was none other than Vale herself."

"Upon witnessing this spectacle, I couldn't help but think, 'These must be the final moments of my life, with God Himself coming to claim my soul,'" Windy recounted, a hint of amazement in her voice. "As I muttered those thoughts, the young boy, none other than you, Swayam, approached me and inquired, 'Are you alright? Can you stand up?'"

Windy's recollection continued, "Yet, as I witnessed you extending your help, a question nagged at me: 'Why would God concern Himself with my well-being?' Doubts surfaced, and I pondered, 'If this person isn't God, then who is he? And how on earth did he appear out of thin air?'"

Sensing that the boy, whose name remained a mystery to me at that moment, harbored no ill intent, I hesitated briefly before mustering the courage to inquire, 'Who are you? And why are you helping me?' recounted Windy.

With a warm, familiar smile gracing his features, the boy introduced himself, saying, "My name is Swayam Shekhawat, and I'm assisting you because I have a favor to ask of you."

"What favor?" Windy inquired, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "What can I do for you in return for helping mend my wounds? Please, don't hesitate to ask, and if it's within my power, I'll gladly do it."

Swayam, the enigmatic figure with a warm smile, disclosed his request. "It's not a significant task," he assured Windy. "All I ask is for you to go to 'King Gabriel' and inform him about 'Commander Jacob's' deceptions and the whereabouts of his hideout. Additionally, I'd like you to consider joining the soon-to-be-established 'Lunar Eclipse Institute.'"

Windy, while contemplating Swayam's request, expressed her understanding. "I comprehend your reasons for wanting me to approach 'King Gabriel,'" she began. "But what remains unclear is why you're insisting that I join this academy. Could you shed some light on that?"

Swayam retrieved a letter and clarified, "As I mentioned earlier, the favor I ask is for you to return this letter to me during our next meeting."

You handed me a letter and reassured me that we would meet again. Then, just as mysteriously as you arrived, you entered the shining object and vanished, leaving me with a sense of wonder at the enigmatic encounter.

However, dwelling on the enigmatic encounter would have to wait for another day. Following your disappearance, I wasted no time. I hastened to approach King Gabriel's troops, exactly as instructed. After which I recounted every detail about 'Commander Jacob,' exposing his treacherous schemes and revealing his precise hideout location. Then, with unwavering determination, I petitioned King Gabriel to admit me as a first-year student at the forthcoming 'Lunar Eclipse Institute,' eagerly anticipating your eventual return.

With her part of the story shared, Windy approached Swayam, handing him the letter as promised. "Here, take it. This is the letter I've been safeguarding for you," she stated. Then, with determination in her eyes, she added, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a stalker to confront."

Swayam acknowledged, "I've been aware that he's been trailing us for some time now." He then contemplated silently, "Although I don't sense any immediate hostile intent from him, there's an underlying tension, especially directed at me."

As Swayam voiced his thoughts, Windy wasted no time. She swiftly departed from their location and approached the individual concealed within the bushes. Without hesitation, she confronted and incapacitated him, dealing a thorough thrashing to the mysterious figure.