Chapter 1 – Ages

Gods really exist?....."

I ask, a tender and youthful voice

"if they exist..."

A warm and reassuring voice came from beautiful lips.

"...How do you know?"

Moving her beautiful lips to form a smile, she said


Chapter 1 – Ages

The conversations resounded endlessly and only increased with the passage of the road, arriving in front of a beautiful door decorated with patterns and details in gold, the edges standing out with the white that the door is made of, I stopped my steps and admired the work for a few seconds. .

Passing through the gate, constructions of student accommodation buildings could be seen, buildings that are invisible without passing through the gate due to the barrier that protects the place.

An isolated place and united to the world, the Babylon academy created more than 600 years ago at the end of the Age of Empires or also known as the "Fifth Era", the "Eras" the periods of time in which many things were established and with variations in their time durations.

Currently there are 6 "Eras", which are:

The First Age or the Age of creation: The age where the progenitors existed, the first to exist, they created the heavens and the earth, life and nature. In this era the progenitors felt alone and created some living beings, some of them created in their image, others created them from a portion of themselves, and others created them as they pleased, creating everything from every detail of their feet to the last fold of his eyelids, these were the first gods. The length of this Age is unknown but it is speculated to be at least a few hundred millennia.

The Second Era or the Establishment Era: After the Gods were born, they felt alone just like their creators and that is why they created the different races that move through the earth, but they saw that despite being intelligent they were not very strong. but to say weak, that is why from the following generations of children, the first Gods helped their creations to have access to the different energies that existed, just as their creators did with them. This Era lasted about a thousand years according to the oldest records.

The Third Era or the Era of Wars: After having obtained access to the various energies they began to 'Cultivate' the energies that existed in the atmosphere, and began to practice techniques and skills as they were related, and thus a hundred years passed and they became They established different ´Mansions´ and ´Sects´, these in search of more places to cultivate their power and better resources entered into wars between them, first they were Wars in the same region but then they began large-scale wars and that is how it began, "The First Great War", this is estimated to last 90 years and all sides suffered great losses and without any winner, in the Second Great War, it is unknown how long it lasted but it is known that the same thing was repeated as in the first without any winner and so on We entered the Third Great War. The duration of this Era is unknown.

The fourth Age or The Age of Heroes: After the start of the Third Great War there was a triple increase in atmospheric energy, with this the warriors became stronger, and the 'Heroes' were born, the Heroes as they were named the different mansions, sects and races, were beings that reached a level of abnormal power that had never existed, exceeding the highest limit that had been reached, due to this the third Great War lasted for almost 800 years, at the end of this war the ´´Heroes´ each went to different places or stayed with their race or in their mansions. In this era, any trace of the record of time or reasons that triggered the first wars and The Great Wars was lost, everything from the beginning of the third Era to the end of the fourth was eliminated and what is known about these two eras is by legends, stories and records transmitted by word of mouth to different leaders of mansions, sects or races..

The Fifth Era or The Era of Empires and Nations: When the Third Great War ended, the 'Heroes' who were affiliated with a faction, as well as those who were not, began to establish nations, at first these nations were not large but Over the years they began to grow in population and in turn in needs, so these nations began to create armies and conquered nations, creating empires that sometimes lasted a century or a decade, this era had a great period of wars as in the third and fourth era, but it is unknown if they were just as bloody, since these could be considered medium scale if compared to the previous eras, after almost at the end of this era there was a great period of peace before entering the beginning of the Sixth Era. It is known that this Era lasts for a period of eleven thousand years.

The Sixth Era or The Era of ????: After almost reaching the end of the fifth era, the period of peace arrived. This Age is currently 197 years old.


After leaving my thoughts I arrived in front of a glass door, gently pushed the door open and entered the two-story building.

Walking towards the counter I couldn't help but marvel at the fine and elegant details within the building, stopping in front of a column with carvings of people brandishing swords, bows, spears and halberds against a great beast four times its size, with its notorious three eyes, two tails, a body similar to a tiger but with bat wings, claws that looked like sharp daggers, and an imposing aura, I could recognize the beast as a Two-Tailed Demon Tiger, a catastrophe-class beast.

After admiring the column I continued my way to the counter.