
Chapter 6 – Authority

Living beings have yin and yang, women have a predominance towards yin and although they have yang in their body, this is only to maintain a balance in their body, and vice versa, men have yang in predominance and yin for balance.

And with this introduction on the body you can see the problem with the Pure Yin physique, Pure Yin physicists are as their name says, pure.

There is no yang in the body, a pure type physique usually creates a natural balance to the wearer with only pure energy, but only in the event that the person has predominance towards that energy, to put it more simply if a woman is born with a Pure Yin body they will have a great advantage without problems since they have Yin predominance and but not for men, since they have Yang predominance in their body, that is why this type of body leaves men weak and almost always ill.

Having no yang, I wouldn't have a long life and wouldn't live past 20, couldn't cultivate, and would be bedridden for the rest of my life.

The only reason I'm here is because of my... Envy.



- Authority of Sloth.

- Authority of Lust.

- Authority of Envy.

[Envy Authority]

-Ability to devour everything, an authority born after the bearer of the authority of gluttony and greed wanted to have what he did not have and take it from the one who had it


This is how an authority is, I was born as a fallen King, and for which I had an authority at birth, or rather two, not only was I born as a fallen king but I was born with two authorities, that of gluttony and greed, after wanting to desire that that I didn't have and wanting to take it away from the one that did have it, my authorities merged thus becoming the Greed Authority.

With my authority and race traits I was able to gain balance by taking yang from living beings, I gained the ability to take yang from the environment and living beings just by being close to them, but in the end it's still not enough and to maintain balance, I take all the yang from some.

"Some of you may already know but I'll still explain how to open your status window" Alice said

Status windows ehh, listening to what alice said and seeing the expressions of joy and surprise from some of my classmates I remember having the same reaction as them when I opened it.

"Well now open your status windows, but remember not to show everyone your status windows, since all your information is there from your name to all your skills, with the world knowledge teacher, you will learn how to show only some sections of your status window"

Listening to what Alice said I open my status window


[Status Window]

[ General information]

Name: Ren Kurobane?

Rank: A-

Gender / Age: Male / 15

Height / Weight: 176 cm / 65.9 kg

Race: ?????

Current Condition: Good


— Double Swords – Main

— Stregone – Secondary

- Others.

Place of Origin: Forest of a Thousand Beasts

Membership: ???? and Babylon Academy

Titles: ??????, ????, ????, Others

. Fitness:

— Genius (A true Genius in almost everything that is proposed)

— Elemental Affinity: Lunar, Blood

— Magica Affinity: Spiritual Power – Qi

— Magical energy recovery: A

[ Physical level]

Strength: A

Resistance: B+

Agility: A-

Vitality: C+

Magical Energy: A-

Luck: Y-

Charm: S-


1. Innate abilities (?)

2. Class skills (?)

—Magic Energy Application: S-

— ????

— ????

3. Other abilities (?)


- Authority of Sloth.

- Authority of Lust.

- Authority of Envy.


"Hey, I raise my charm again!"

Due to the surprise that my charm increased another lower rank and thus entering S-rank I mistakenly ended up saying my thoughts out loud.

when everyone heard this they turned their heads towards me.

"Oooh, how cute"

"Cute? You mean beautiful"

"How come I didn't notice someone so beautiful in our class?"

"Oh look at his skin it's so perfect and it looks so soft"

"What beautiful gray eyes"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Gulp, if I weren't a man I would give him all my riches to spend a night with him"

"Hey, if you want I'll keep you in exchange for being my boyfriend"

Listening to the murmurs and compliments that were thrown at me, I began to curse myself inside for speaking so loudly.


(third person POV)

Hearing a soft and pleasant voice escape someone's lips, Alice was momentarily stunned by the pleasant voice.

Coming back to her senses, Alice turned her head in the direction of the person who spoke.

There he saw a boy with beautiful platinum hair and a touch of violet in it, beautiful gray eyes, white and smooth skin to the naked eye, a handsome face that did not unbalance his poise and elegance, and an aura that demanded respect from others. .

Seeing a slight blush come to her face at the perverted comments from some girls and weird comments from some guys, Alice's head shorted for a moment before she raised her voice.

"Silence, today's class hours are almost over, I will finish today's class by telling you that even if you are the Elite Class of this generation, don't get carried away by your ego because there has been no elite class that has graduated with the entire starting generation, so if you don't want to lose your place in this class, your grades must be the best." Following these words from Alice, all the students turned serious in an instant.

And they can't be blamed for being serious about these words, as graduating from the elite class gives you a lot of opportunities to join mansions, houses, sects or guilds, for which better income.