Rat Hunting (Part 1)

Chapter 8 – Rat Hunting (Part 1)

Just as Ren was beginning to see the conclusion of the fight, a quest notification appeared, and one that involved getting into the trouble of the two women below.

Quickly thinking of the pros and cons of accepting the quest, Ren opened the quest to see the rewards and see if she could abandon it after starting it.

[Questline "Rat Hunting"]

— Save the agents of the intelligence service. (1/3)

— Difficulty: Medium-Low

— Reward: 10 Amber Points – Book [Art of Talisman Creation]

— Punishment: if he abandons the mission once started, the bearer will be deducted 100 Pt Amber

[Accept] [Deny]

After seeing the mission and analyzing the situation below, Ren predicted that the benefits of the mission would probably outweigh the problems of doing it. Ren put on a mask and pressed the accept button, and so she began the mission.

"Take damn bitches [Heat Cut]" from the rage at her disfigured face of her what she said and towards john she no longer had a relationship and attacks them both immediately.



Just before the explosion sounded, a beautiful and melodious voice entered the ears of the three of them.


John's attack was blocked by a beautiful blue and green 'crystal wall' interspersed with each other giving it an otherworldly mystique and beauty.

"Do you girls need a hand?" a beautiful and melodious voice reached the ears of the three again, directing their gaze towards the roof of a building there they saw someone.

A person of unknown gender was found sitting on the edge of the roof of the building having one knee flexed in which he supported her elbow to finally settle his cheek on the back of her hand.

Featuring a shiny black cape edged with gold runes, a hood with a red background, and a white bunny mask with red and gold accents.

Seeing that they did not answer him, Ren asked again.

"So do you want my help girls? I don't charge much just a few purple coins" Ren said with a hint of a joke in the last part of the sentence to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"Get out of here if you don't want me to kill you" Seeing that someone was coming to help them, John panicked and began to threaten him in the hope that he would leave, because even if he saw himself with 'only' a disfigured face and some cuts In reality, there is only a fifth of his prana left and besides the fact that he was struck by lightning and because of that he has internal injuries, in short, he is in a bad state.

Ren knew this and that's why he wasn't worried about him, on the other hand when elizabeth and elena saw someone appear they became even more alert, but seeing that he is selling them his help they calmed down, since it is safer in these situations those who leave His intentions clear from the start.

Taking the resolution to buy the help, Elena spoke:

"Kill that guy the SI (Intelligence Service) will pay for your services" Elena said with a hoarse voice.

When Ren heard that they accepted the deal, he jumped from the top of the building, the force of the wind moved his cape upwards, thus revealing his black academy uniform, since he did not go to his department, ren could not change, reason why yet he was wearing his uniform.

When John saw his uniform, he calmed down since it could make him a student at the academy, those children, despite being strong, lack experience and will also be 18 years old at the most, which means that their rank will not be higher than B-, there are to know that john is an A rank.

Elena and Elizabeth's faces also changed when they saw that he was a student.

Ren on the other hand was grateful that they agreed to buy his help, the reason why Ren sold them his help instead of offering it to them for free was because he knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and these agents knew that too, so that they were more likely to accept if you sold them.




Walking at a leisurely pace Ren stopped two meters away from John.

"HAHAHAHA kid you should have left when I offered you kid now you stay here" john yelled as he ran up and slashed at ren.

Dodging the attack ren moved quickly and in an instant slashed john's throat with his hand, what made this complete faster was the fact that john underestimated him too much for being a student.

"heh" a groan of surprise came from elena and elizabeth's mouths when they saw that ren killed john in an instant.

"haaa, he was weaker than he thought" with a sigh, ren released a sentence that made elizabeth and elena angry a little.

"Thank you for his service, the SI will pay you as soon as the reinforcements arrive, could you tell us his name?" Elizabeth said.

Now that everything calmed down, ren was able to take a better look at these girls, elizabeth who had just spoken to him was a tall woman around 170 cm, breasts that were neither big nor small, but a perfect size, small waist a big body with slim legs and medium thighs, dark navy blue hair with red highlights on the tips, red eyes and smooth white skin, if she called herself beauty no one would correct her.

On the other hand Elena was a slightly shorter woman than Elizabeth, around 167 cm, her chest, butt and body measurements were similar to Elizabeth's, what defines her is her golden blonde hair with hints of green in it and her beautiful green eyes.

"You can call me...Grim Reaper (Death)" Ren said.

"Um, okay, I'm Elizabeth-" Just as Elizabeth was about to introduce herself, a startled sound was heard behind her.

"Y-you y-you're a g-g-grim reaper!" A look of alarm, fear and resolution appeared on Elena's face before she spoke again in a cautious voice.

"Yes, girl" answered ren

"What do you want by coming here Mr. Grim Reaper" Elena said with a voice that cracked with fear at the end.

"I came to eat but I found out there are some rats hanging around my restaurant so I'm on a rat hunt" Ren said softly.

Elena's face changed upon hearing this, she was glad they weren't in danger. Elena's face lit up a bit and then she asked respectfully towards Ren.

"Mr. Grim Reaper, you could accept a request, of course you will be paid properly" Elena said while she waited for Ren's answer.

"Hum, it depends on the request, as long as it's within the acceptable range and I'm paid correctly I won't have any problems" said ren.

Even though he said this he will accept the request after all it is very likely that what he is asking for is related to the second part of the quest.

Clearing her throat, Elena spoke in a clear, professional tone.

"The lair of the Hearts of Blood organization has been located, this organization is dedicated to the slave trade of different races, as well as the buying and selling of demonic beasts, it is suspected that this gang has not been caught because a high noble level has been helping them cover up their crimes with their various shops, which exist both in their territory and in the capital.

We are from the Alpha Team of a group that infiltrated their stores, thanks to an almost perfect job we had located the hideout and we were going to attack it together with the Omega Team and the Gamma Team, but..." said Elena

"But they were betrayed by the children in the back, right?" Ren asked.

"That's right we were betrayed by Team Gamma, they sneak attacked Team Omega and the rest of our Team sacrificed themselves to buy us time, but as you can see there wasn't much they managed to do." Elizabeth said when she understood what Elena was going to ask, although she doesn't know where the confidence that this man?, could destroy the organization comes from, she knows that Elena would not make such a request without a good reason.

"I see, so the request is…" Ren asked.

"Help us dismantle the organization, it is very likely that they will vanish today as soon as they know that we have located them, it is best to dismantle it immediately, we send a message of what we know, but the reinforcements will take time to arrive."

"Fine, but first I must heal them, they will be more of a burden than a help in their current state" said ren, just as ren headed towards them a notification appeared in his vision.

[Save the intelligence service agents. (1/3) (Completed)]

The notification that she had completed the first part of the quest, and along with it the notification of the second part of it.

[Questline "Rat Hunting"]

— Break into the Heart of Blood organization and help dismantle it (2/3).

— Difficulty: Medium-High – Warning: be careful, lots of enemies.

— Reward: 20 Amber Points – [Water Archive] [Ice Prison] Spell

— Punishment: if you abandon the mission once started, the bearer will be deducted 100 Pt Amber

Seeing the rewards, Ren's resolve to finish the quest increased even more, as despite being strong, Ren doesn't really have many spells, the few he does have are low level spells, as he commonly uses his abilities and authorities. for fight.

"Oh thanks, but he has healing abilities" asked elizabeth, they didn't say anything about being a burden since they understand very well that they are in no condition to fight.

"Yes, sit on the floor, I'll treat you" Ren said.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Ren began to take out bandages and some sterilants.

"Miss Elizabet you are the one with the worst injuries, come and sit facing me with your back" elizabeth was momentarily surprised that ren knew her name, but she recovered quickly remembering that ren was watching them the whole time.

Ren reached out his hand created a small ball of water and then slightly opened Elizabeth's wound, then gently ran the ball over the wound to clean it, and poured the sterilant on her.

"Miss Elizabeth, I'll rip off what's left of her shirt to put the bandage on." Elizabeth blushed slightly at this but then nodded knowing that the man was only healing her and had no indecent thoughts of her.

After placing the blindfold on Elizabeth, Ren did the same procedure on Elena, then gave each of them a black sweater.

"Stay together for a moment" seeing that Ren hadn't finished treating them yet, they paid attention to her and stood next to each other.

"Snatching life from the forest I was born [Vine of Life]" after the short chant vines of thorns came out of the ground, glowing green they grew as big as the two girls, the vines coiled around them and they began to grow beautiful Leaves that looked like sparkling crystals blossomed and finally died, turning into points of green light.

"How are you, better?" Ren asked after seeing the two beautiful girls under the effect of the spell, Ren had to admit that the two girls looked like fairies of the forest, when they were under the spell.

"eh, um, yeah, we're better now our wounds don't hurt thanks to the spell, we're also healing faster" answered elena still a bit stunned by the beauty of the spell.

"In that case let's immediately go after the organization" Ren said although in reality he healed them in just 10 minutes.