Haunted Theme Park!!

Manu and Raj sat in the backseat of their parents' car and talked all the way to SpooksVille. After four-five hours of their ride. Mr. Thakur cranked up the radio as loud as he could. The kids stopped arguing. That was his subtle hint that they should take a break.

"You two are chattering like crows," Mrs. Thakur said. "Why don't you two enjoy the scenery for a while?"

"Yeah. For sure," I said.

Manu and Raj went back to their conversation. They were totally psyched.

Their neighbors Karan and Jyoti went to SpooksVille last spring. They said it was the coolest place they'd ever been.

"They have a werewolf pet zoo…," Karan said. "Do you believe it?" He laughed. "The werewolves looked totally real! It was awesome!"

Jyoti liked the rides. She said to be sure to check out the Boom Slide, the world's largest slide. "And don't miss the Black Whale Water Ride," he said.

So, here they were, on our way to the famous scary theme park, riding through endless farm-land, all the windows down because the air conditioner stopped working, talking nonstop.

Finally, the park came into view. They drove through the wide-open mouth of an enormous green dragon. It had to be tens stories high! Into the endless parking lot, jammed with cars.

Up ahead, they saw a tall green-and-slimy bill-board. It said:

Welcome to Spooksville.

"Where Screams Comes Through."

Raj slapped Manu a high five. "This is going to be awesome!" He cried.

"And its all free!" Mr. Thakur chimed in. "Raj, what did you do to win free tickets?"

Raj shrugged. "I didn't. I didn't enter any contest or anything. I don't know how I got picked."

"They seemed to know a lot about us," Manu said. "They knew my name It's totally weird."

"This is one of the biggest theme parks in the world," Dad said. "They do a lot of research on people."

They climbed out the car. The afternoon sun beamed down from a clear, cloudless sky. Large balk birds circled high overhead.

Raj tried to see into the park. But, it was surrounded by a tall green fence.

Deep, scary sad music poured out of speakers above their heads.

Mrs. Thakur frowned. "That kind of music they play freaks me out," she murmured.

Manu tugged the sleeve of his T-shirt. "Hear those kids screaming?" she asked. She suddenly looked frightened.

"Sounds like they're on a roller coaster or something," Raj told her. "Remember? Jyoti said the rides here are incredible."

Mr. Thakur pulled out his new digital camera and snapped some pictures of the park entrance and the big WELCOME sign. Then they carried their bags down the long rows of cars. Raj spotted a ticket booth next to the wide iron gate. It looked like a little castle and was green like everything else at SpooksVille.

Manu laughed. "Check out that sign." She pointed to the fence beside the ticket booth. The sign read: ENTER FIRST AND DIE PEACEFULLY! Mr. Thakur pulled out his camera and clicked a photo of it. They lined up on the walk and stepped up to the ticket booth window. No one in there.

So they waited, And waited some more. With the hot sun broiling them, sweat making the back of Raj's neck prickle.

"Something is wrong," Mr. Thakur muttered. "If this is the only ticket booth. I think-"

He never finished his sentence.

Suddendly, a hideous horned creature-purple clothes and green skin with pointed fangs and giant curled claws-leaped out through the ticket window.

With a low, nasty growl, it wrapped its claws around raj's throat.

And he started to scream. A tick fog covered the family. The green monster growled at the top of his lungs, he let out a blood-curdling laughter. They disappeared.

The horned-monster smiled. "I'm am just doing my job!" He didn't blink. "HA! HA! HA! HAHA!"

The End.


Copyright © MOHAK ROKADE. 1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author MOHAK ROKADE.2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post© MOHAK ROKADE., all rights reserved.

*Author MOHAK ROKADE* who holds the copyright.

Copyright © MOHAK ROKADE (all rights reserved)

© MOHAK ROKADE., all rights reserved.