James' POV

After we woke up and Carramel went back to her room, it took me a little over an hour to calm myself down and remind myself that she isn't here anymore. That as demanding and controlling as she always was behind closed doors she's not here and she can't touch me or Carramel. This morning though, I woke up feeling good before I went down to grab my little bean and started us off to school with a smile on my face.

I turn my head to look down at her, smiling lovingly at the way she swings our hands between our bodies as she skips a little with her steps. She catches me staring at her, and though her cheeks still flame up, her sassiness is stronger than ever as she sticks her tongue out at me scrunching her nose up adorably.

I chuckle at her, shaking my head as I pull her closer to me to tuck her beneath my arm. We cross the last street on the way before we come up to the courtyard of our school. We walk up the walkway, me laughing at the silly faces she's making, completely ignoring the attention of friends greeting me on the way in. The only person I need, is currently trying not to bend over at the force of her laugher at my attempt to whistle.

I pout as we make our way up the stairs gliding easily down the hallway to my locker first since it's e closest to the front of the building. I let Carramel hug me around my broad chest and nuzzle into my neck as I work around her, grabbing the books I need for class, until I hear a throat being cleared behind me and manicured nails tapping on my back.

'Oh kill me now. I won't mind.' Sloan complains as we turn to face none other than Jessica. I tuck my bean beneath my arm, knowing the stress of having your Mate's ex girlfriend confront you was not the best thing in the world.

"Hi, James!" She says cheerily as if we've been good close friends all along.

"What now, Jessica?" I ask, annoyed already with her face and this conversation. She bats her thin eyelashes and steps closer to me making me stiffen at the proximity.

"Want to come over to my place later, ditch your little friend? My parents are on a business trip." I shit you not, bile rose in my throat so fast I damn near choked on it but before I respond, I hear a soft little growl coming from beside me and look down at Carramel with awe and surprise.

"He'll be busy tonight. Thanks." She says glaring hard at Jessica who looks taken aback as I just laugh and pull Carramel closer to my body. Pride makes me puff out my chest a little loving the way she claims me so openly.

I roll my eyes as Jessica stamps her foot in annoyance. "You're just going to let her talk to me like that?!" She half yells at me grabbing the attention of half the hallway, Alex and Art being among them as they make their way to us.

I look down at Carramel who's teeth are still bared and back at Jessica before answering with a, "Yup." Making sure to pop my P extra hard.

'She better watch what she says next.' Sloan warns his teeth baring at Jessica. 'Because I got time today for her manipulative ass.'

"And who the hell is she to talk to me like that, the stupid runt." She spits. I shake my head wishing she would've just taken Sloan's warning, struggling to hold him back as he gives her every insult in the book. But again, Carramel surprises me by saying something first.

"Your Luna, you ignorant hippopotamus. And we don't use that word around here, slut." A collective gasps flutters through the hall before hoots and hollers of laughter erupt coupled with shouts of congrats throughout the corridors of the school. Jessica's look of shock turn to rage before she leans close to the two of us so only we can hear the unveiled threat.

"You can be happy now. But one day, when you least expect it, this day will come to bite you in the ass." She hisses and storms away sullenly, everyone booing her on the way out. I shake my head to rid myself of such thoughts and instead bask in the cheers crowding the halls. I look down at Carramel, only to see her shrinking away from the cheering crowd.

I look around for Alex only to find him to my right looking at me at as if for a signal. I nod my head at him and he instantly motions to Art and they start dispersing the crowd. I silently snatch Carramel away heading towards the library before first bell, reminding myself to get a gift for my friends.

I lift my little bean up in my arms, loving the way her legs and arms wrap so confidently around my neck even here in public. The action makes me want to beat on my chest and scream from the rooftops that this cute little sexy tempting bean is all mine.

'Is she though? 'Cause I could steal her easily.' Sloan claims his imaginary acrylics tapping away.

'If you try, I'll tell her that you lost the Little Miss Pageant contest when we were in middle school because your tiara was on backwards.' I threaten him, inwardly chuckling at the growl he sends my way, obviously not happy with the open promise.

'Screw you.' He mutters.

I smirk as I open the Library doors after finally arriving. 'If you weren't my wolf, I bet you would.' I throw back and the silence that meets me is astounding as he disappears into the corner of my mind for a "nap."

I focus my attention back on Carramel who is struggling to pull down the neck of my Avengers hoodie to reach my neck. I take us to the back corner of the room, settling down into a plush chair, letting Carramel straddle my lap. I look up at her, nerves shooting me in the confidence as I look around, stressing that somehow she will pop up out of no where and show me how a real alpha male is suppose to act. I try to push all thoughts of that man to the hind part of my mind, focusing of the soft curves of Carramel's hips as she squirms on my lap.

"Need help, bean?" I ask her referring to her struggles with my collar.

"No, if you do, they won't be able to see it." She answers, the look of concentration on her face making my heart flutter in my chest. I open my mouth to ask her what she means when the little minx leans over and attaches her lips to my neck, right over my sensitive spot that will bare her Mark with pride.

I bury my mouth in her shoulder trying to contain my moans as Carramel attacks my soft spot making my hips thrust up unconsciously. My eyes roll, loving the way she so boldly marks me in public, not caring who could walk over and see. In fact, the idea that someone could walk over and see my little bean so enticingly marking me as her, has my dick jumping in my pants, begging to come in contact with our sexy Mate.

One of my hands leave her hips and works it's way beneath her shirt, loving her smooth silky skin that produces goosebumps at my light touch. I take my other hand from her hip, going to grab her ass, but at the exact moment, first bell decides to ring.

"Ugghhh," I groan letting my hands drop into my lap, being careful to avoid her ass, knowing temptation would have me recreating last night if i'm not careful, anxiety attack and all. I stand up, reluctantly setting Carramel on her feet as I grab her bag and my stack of books as we head towards the door, her hand tucked nicely in the crook of my elbow.

I open the door for her, bending in a mock bow. "After you, Your Beanliness." I call, smiling at the way she giggles at the name, stepping out the door before giving me a little curtsy in return. I step out behind her, grabbing her hand to swing as I walk her to class, ignoring the stares as we bask in the bond that is ours. So new, so fresh and lovely that my heart is in a constant state of fluttering and glowing as the days go on.

When we reach her class I look down at her in a half fake, half real pout as I beg her with my eyes not to go, knowing well enough that she has to. She giggles at me before standing in her tip toes to present to me a ducky face I can not ignore under any circumstances.

"Kithes pwease." She asks through her pouty luscious lips and I would lie to you if I said Sloan and I didn't swoon at how adorable she is. I lean down to oblige her with one, two, three pecks on the lips and a extra special one on the forehead before pulling away, solemnly handing her her book bag with a pout. She giggles as she grabs it out my hand before turning around to head into the classroom opening the door to slip inside. But right before she shuts the door behind her, she blows me a kiss that I catch in my hand, shoving it in my pocket for later. After she's safely tucked into her classroom I start my way to my own, completely unaware of the eyes watching my every move.