Carramel's POV

I'm fidgeting in the passenger seat as we make our way to the local mall for some things Sloan wants to pick up. My body is already starting to heat up dangerously, and I just pray that we're able to get back home before I slip into my Heat.

Our monthly is bound to hit at anytime now, and Sloan and I decided last week that we wanted this one to be for us, our first in many to come. The most the two of us have done is kiss, so I'm excited but very nervous about how this will work between us. I look over to my left and see Sloan driving us, his mental image beautiful to me as always.

"Stop staring." He tells me, his lips twitching up into a smile that he tries to hide and I giggle.

"You're gorgeous." I tell him, trying to ignore the thoughts of him kissing all over my body with his pink glossy lips. He laughs before lowering his hand to tangle with mine.