James' POV

      Once we got home last night Jessie let Carramel come back and my small bean cried into my arms for hours until she finally settled down. She didn't ask about what happened after Jessie took over, and I didn't tell.

        I think we all know that this is one of those things that Carramel doesn't need to know.

      The sun is rising over the horizon and neither of us have been to sleep. There haven't been any nightmares or really any talking, we've just watched each other through the night, soaking in each other's company and proximity. I called the school last night and explained the situation, and they we all agreed that it would be best if we finished out the school year at home.

      Carramel had rejoiced over that, making a joke about not having to get up early but all I could think about is how I should've let her stay home yesterday instead of forcing her to go to school.