Alex's POV

I lead Chloe away from the parking lot and towards the entrance of the fair, heart pounding from nerves. As much as I want Chloe to enjoy this, I'm half convinced to just throw her in the car and go home. Today is going to change our relationship, whether it's because Chloe sees how much she's starting to mean to me or because I'm a complete idiot and say something to mess everything up. The pressure is on.

Walking up to the booth at the front of the amusement park, I tuck Chloe under my arm as I order us two arm bands. Once in hand, I waste no time in taking us through the baggage line to get checked out. After we're through the line, I retake Chloes hand and lead us to a group of picnic tables off to the right, making sure to grab a pamphlet on the way.