Alex's POV

      "You're being selfish Carramel. She needs time. She needs to heal herself and she can't do that if she's smothered by us and insulted by people constantly." I tell her calmly. Everyone who is upset at Chloe and is trying to force her back are being selfish and blinded by their own hurt.

    They haven't been through what my princess has been through over and over again. They don't have the nightmares and the flashbacks and the panic attacks. As much as all of us have had our shit, they haven't had a lifetime of pain like Chloe has. She's about to bring life into this world and she has to be at her best to do that. So I don't care if our friends yell at me and say I don't love her like I say I do.

    What I'm doing isn't for them, but for my Mate. And as long as she's okay in the end, I'll take whatever heat I have to.