Ares' POV

  I shake my head as I try to curve my wayward thought knowing my kitten will surely be sore this morning since I didn't take it as easy as I should have last night. I'm thinking about all the things I can do to help with his soreness when suddenly my little spitfire begins shifting and squirming in my hold.

  I turn my gaze back towards him and smile when I see his eyes begin to flutter open, doing their best against the glaring sun. Once his eyes get adjusted they lock on mine and I watch in pure surprise as a furious blush skates it's way across my lovers cheek.

  I decide not to bring attention to it, and instead smile softly at Thomas before I greet him. "Good morning, kitten." I say and he mumbles his response back, his face turning to hide away from me.

  I frown in confusion at the action not understanding the problem when everything was just perfect yesterday.