Thomas' POV

  I stumble down the stairs with tears down my eyes and emotions choking my throat over what just happened. I push the door open in panic trying to get away from the incoming emotional breakdown that's shooting through me. The light is blinding as I make my way out of the building.

  Walking down the street, I feel myself trip and knock into things, but I don't care, my mind on a vicious cycle to tear me down. It's been years since I've had this overload and I can't breath as I push my way through the crowd of people.

  I'm feeling claustrophobic with all the bodies around me, touching me, moving me, shoving me. There's too many people with their hands on me and it won't let me breath. I can't breath. It's like I'm back in that house, curled up on the floor as he takes out every speck of anger and disappointment on me and I can get enough air in my lungs to be okay.