Chris' POV

  I wave to the last of my kids as they leave the room and I allow myself to sit in my chair and finally relax. It's been a good day, despite the argument that broke out between Ruth and Lisa over pickles. Those two are going to be the death of me and everyone here.

  I chuckle to myself as I stand up, grabbing my satchel from beneath my desk as I begin to put in homework, and other things inside. My homework isn't stupid worksheets about what we learned in class, it's all about what you learned about yourself today or things that apply to the real world.

  It makes me miss teaching Mental Health even if I did only just finish teaching it last semester, though there's no one to stop me form using the same lesson plans. Once my bag is packed and I'm sure I have everything, I pull the bag on to my shoulder and make me way out of the classroom, closing and locking it behind me.