
zero_agnis: I got your comment but couldn't reply since it didn't want to open for some reason so I will give you a shout-out and answer your comment here

answer: I also saw it coming and found a loop whole and theory that might help but I will keep it secret for now as for his pairing I have a rather interesting surprise

onto the chapter

In konoha clinic a woman with lavender eyes and beautiful blue hair with a body that betrays the fact that she just gave birth is Hinata uzumaki hyuga and in her arms is a rather unique looking newborn baby boy with blonde hair that fades into a dark blue along with a cute baby face as he sleeps quietly this is our MC who is yet to be named by his parents as Sakura Haruno a close friend and medic who helped with the safe delivery of the child " well congratulations Hinata you have a cute boy and he has something from both you and Naruto " she said happy for her friends have a child while thinking ' when is Sasuke going to give me a child to keep me company ' as she was a little bit envious but she like was willing to wait for her Time as a parent than Hinata replied " thanks I'm glad that I have as a symbol of our love and hope to be the best mother I can be for him " with simile thinking back to all she and Naruto when through individually and together to get here than suddenly the door burst open as three people rushed inside waking up our MC to show his dark almost navy blue eyes with pupils slit like kurama's and surprisingly both Hinata and Sakura missed it

MC Pov

I opened my eyes due to a loud noise and noticed that I was in the embrace of someone and turned my head slightly to get a better look ' damn new born short sight vision ' I thought as all new born babies have short sight vision due to being in the mother's womb made their sight develop short sight due to the confines of the womb so I think my sight will improve after a few months or at least get better but at least I recognized Hinata my new mom due to her blue hair ( from a very blurry perspective ) than I heard a annoyingly loud " Hinata !!!! " ' damnit I maybe a new born but am not deaf Naruto ' I knew it was him cause who else aside from rock Lee would yell this loud in a hospital of all places than thankfully Hinata spoke up " Naruto don't make so much noise you already woke up the baby by barging in and now you want to scare him " I didn't need to see clearly to know she had a serious look and it was aimed at him as I heard him nervously chuckled " he he sorry Hinata " ' too late to apologize my dude it's too late ' and I was right on the mark as she almost immediately said " than you are going to be last one to hold him and that's final " all I heard was a sign and a ' yes hima ' than I was passed on to my grandfather hiashi and aunt hanabi who pointed out my unique appearance and her only answer was " I think it's because of his genes taking both traits from his parents instead of taking more from one or the other which might explain the the hair and lack of wisker marks on him " wee she was half right but I got to tired and fell asleep before they could name me

I appear I what I would think is mindscape and I liked the stars and milky way above me along with a terrain that is a good amount of rocky with fozen likes and a mist just above it " about time you got here boy it's time to start you can ask your questions during your breaks understand " said Madara as he appeared on top of the mist with a weapon in hand looking at me " yes I am " as I walked forward to meet him and begin " good this will be the longest amount of training you will ever have ..... Kai "

; Thank you for almost one thousand views in less than twenty four hours so please enjoy this chapter and any comments or questions I can't reply to immediately I will give you a shout-out and answer your question or comment without spoiling too much see you next chapter