decision and chakra

It's been three years since then and I decided not to do anything about the tattoo since I would be risking too much too soon than I continued to train and balance what's left of my normal life and now I turned eight a few months but held back on unlocking my chakra because Naruto's friends came by to visit too frequently for me to get the chance so I just decided to amp up my exercise routine

time skip

I arrived at a private training ground near the forest of death so I could unlock my chakra since I told Naruto and Hinata that I wanted to start my Shinobi training their reactions ? they were surprised while Hinata was mostly worried and Naruto was both proud and worried but Hinata was worried and told I while she ' nicely ' asked Naruto to very which he did with a rather pale face but I told them that I only want to start with basic exercises which I have been doing behind their backs along with Some meditation to Which she found exceptable but told me to be back before sundown so after that I walked into the village for the first time on my own and to be honest I was disgusted by what I saw many people simled and greeted me now youay think " isn't that how kind people are supposed to be " but here is the thing from my first life till date I have always been able to tell the difference between a simple to hide hatred and a smile to manipulate and benefit from someone and most of the older or adult populence had that type of smile when they greeted me and some told their kids to do what they do when they see me or my family

so to prevent myself from doing something I might regret I ' borrowed ' some chakra paper to test my affinity as I sat down in meditation position closed my eyes and reached out to my chakra and after what felt like a few minutes I felt something and instead of pulling on it I simply created a ' door ' for it to flow into my system without forcing it out while slowly and safely filling up my reserves and as this was happening I thought back to Madara after my training was completed with him I asked him questions and confirmed some of my theories and my biggest question was

' how am I your reincarnation without Uchiha blood ' since the process would require his blood to replace Naruto's blood ( imagine Naruto clicked from beyond the grave XD ) but he explained that Naruto was the reincarnation of the sages body therefore had some otsutsiki dna in him since being a jinchuriki is one of the requirements on his part while Hinata is the reincarnation of hamura hagoromo's brother therefore I have dormant otsutsiki genetics and all he had to do was awaken them and use it as a catalyst to reincarnate into me which led to getting the sharingan mongeku and rinnegan since all of the otsutsiki have a rinnegan but the mongeku at least in my mindscape I mentally taxing and rinnegan makes me pass out and wake up so still need to train and now I will be able use them out here since I opened my ' door '

after a few minutes I felt it settle in my body as a warm feeling though malicious due to indra's chakra I felt happy I didn't blow myself up than I took out the chakra paper to test my affinity so I channeled my chakra into the paper than watched it split into four as one part caught fire, another crumbled with lightning, another got wet, and the the another crumbled into earth ' so I only lack air oh well I will make the most of what I have ' I thought as I was very happy with the results and began my chakra control exercise since my reserves are going to passively grow till I reach my maximum capacity to begin elemental training

3rd Pov

unknown to Kai his tattoo gave of a dim glow as it's eyes glow a deep orange and yellow mix and the rest of the black part give off a thin dark smoke


In fire country capital inside the office of the daiyamo we blood spilling onto the carpet are the lifeless corpse of the now former daiyamo is bleeding all over it as a mysterious woman appears and calmly walks over to his desk and sits on his chair as he looks coldly at the corpse she snaps her fingers and another unknown woman appears

???: yes mistress you summoned me

mistress ???: yes get rid of this corpse along with all the other ones and prepare to announce the new daiyamo of fire country

???: at once mistress

after that the mysterious woman picks up the corpse with unatural strength and leaves the room and as she exits the woman in the chair suddenly smirks and says " it appears you have begun your real training after merging with Madara my love I can't wait meet you after Soo long " her eyes turned black while her pupils glowed a familiar orange and yellow mix

well bet you didn't expect that Soo soon but alot more is to come so get ready for the next chapter and again thank you for the support