first mission

the mc is going on his first mission and he is going to have his first fight since the beginning of the story and I want to say that I won't do effects but I will try to put as much attention to detail as I can for you to enjoy

onto the chapter

MC pov

after the celebration I followed kakashi to his office to get my headband and also meet my team

when we got to his office I stopped halfway toward his desk as he walked on to sit on his chair than he reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a black headband with a darker metal engraved with the hidden leaf village symbol

" Kai you are now a official genin of the hidden leaf continue to grow as you protect the village and show the brightness of the will of fire and make your family proud " kakashi said as I moved closer to collect my headband and put it on my forehead

( this feels like something hiruzen would have said to Naruto if he passed the genin exams in part 1 )

3rd Pov

after Kai finished putting on his headband kakashi continued " ok now I want to you to meet your teammates " just as he finished two people entered the the office and Kai turned around as kakashi had already gotten up from his seat and walked behind the two newcomers to introduce them

" ok Kai these are your teammates the first person is bitoku ( meaning virtue ) " bitoku is a female teen with smooth black hair tied into a pony tail that reaches her lower back with bright emerald green eyes with a small nose and thin lips with black lipstick

she is slightly taller than average with a muscular build that doesn't take away from her looks as a woman while she had double c- cups along with wide hip and we'll muscled thighs that show off her trained body

her outfit consist of a fishnet to top covered by a crop top showing of her eight abs along with spiked fingerless gloves that might hint to the type of fighter she is

while she wears anubu pants that hug her legs along with combat boots with steel toes and steel shin plates

kakashi than continued " and this yūga ( meaning elegance ) your other team member " she has navy blue hair in a bun with two pins through them along with dark blue lightly frosted eyes with a small nose and blue lipstick

she is of average height while not as muscular as bitoku she has a fit body with d-cup along with wide hips and slim but toned legs

she is wearing a blue fishnet top with dark blue jacket that is zipped up to just under her cleavage along with two katana strapped to her back and blue nails

she is wearing a blue short skirt with tights underneath with fishnet stockings on top of the tights along with blue steel toe boots and steel shin plates

Kai had to admit they are both beautiful and powerful in their own rights as he walked towards them before standing in front of them and saying " nice to meet you both I hope we get along well and get stronger together "

MC Pov

I noticed that bitoku had a battle hungry look in her eyes with well hidden intelligence while yūga had a noble and charismatic gleam to hide her intelligence and than kakashi said " they like you are already jonin level in all aspects and only lacking in experience like so I paired them with you and since you guys only need experience I didn't feel the need to give you guys a jonin sensei "

it made sense cause we are all at the same level as him only lacking in experience so it's pointless to get one _ than someone walked and gave kakashi two scrolls he opened one and closed it shortly after as he looked at me

" ok the new daiyamo has sent a delivery mission and requested your team to do it so you will be team leader on this mission and take this * gives me second scroll * this is what you're going to deliver, you leave in a hour " I nod than left the office with my teammates than I stopped and turned to face them " ok let's meet at the village gate than we can get introductions done and start planning " I offered and the both nod with a ' hai ' at the same time as I leave

time skip

after a tearful goodbye from himawari and Boruto along with calming Hinata since she was worried about getting a mission immediately after graduation which I also noticed but my gut told me that the payoff may answer my question

I than arrived at the to meet my teammates as we set off towards water county and while we were traveling I asked them about their overall skills and speciality bitoku was good at ninjutsu and genjustu while she specializes in taijutsu having numerous fighting styles and yūga is the same as bitoku only she specializes in kenjutsu

when we got to the border it was already well into the night since we left the village early afternoon but than I signaled the others to stop they were confused until I said " I can sense your presence come out " than after I said I saw two people I never expected to meet

they are Akame and her sister akane I was shocked but managed to hide it well

3rd Pov

after they revealed themselves they immediately attacked Kai acted quickly and made one hand sign saying " great fireball justsu " and spat out a large fire ball said bitoku deal with akane while I help yūga deal with Akame and watch out for their swords they are not normal " and substituted with a log as akane cut through it while the force behind the swing created a air vacuum that sniffed out the flames

akane vs bitoku

akane rushed bitoku as she took a wide stance with one foot positioned in front of another with her hands in front of her facing akane and just as akane got close enough to swing her sword she vanished from her place to cut down bitoku from behind but she dodge's by twisting her body and sending a kick at akane's head but she managed to block but was sent skidding back slightly

no words were said as the circled each other ready to strike and than bitoku charged towards akane who stayed still waiting for a opening and when she sees it and thrusts her sword only to caught of guard as bitoku used one hand to redirect the sword than used a chakra enhanced fist to punch her with enough force to spit out saliva and crash through multiple trees losing consciousness on the on ground not to far from a river with a path of fallen trees behind her

as bitoku say down to catch her breath she noticed that her palm got cut through her glove since it came in contact with the blade as she deflated it " if it was a second earlier or later I would have lost a arm or worse " she muttered expressing just how her gamble could have cost her life

she than looked back and saw the fight with Kai yūga and Akame

Kai and yūga vs Akame

yūga took out her twin katana that gleamed a beautiful blue in the moon light as she coated them with raiton chakra and charge towards Akame swinging down both her katana which was blocked by Akame than she used her katana and forced her katanas up opening her guard as she quickly rotated to slash her gut but Kai substituted with her and blocked with his body reinforcing mesh shirt at the last second preventing it from cutting through and killing him he skid back and stopped next to yūga and said" avoid the katana it's a cursed weapon that can kill after you get cut and use one katana to defend while fighting with the other one and yes I started the plan don't hold back " she nods than muttered " dance of the moon: severance " she than moved in a elegance almost angelic manor with her katana have blue lightning flashing through them than she suddenly vanished

and reappeared behind Akame who blocked the strike that would have decapitated her but than she suddenly fell to her knees breathing heavily and before she could get up Kai appeared behind her and knocked her out

" what did you do to them " bitoku asked as she dragged a tied up akane with her sword in her hand as yūga also nods curious as well since it was abit too easy Kai replied: when cast the fireball justsu I lined it with chakra than entered their system since they breathed it in and manipulated it to heat up their body higher than normal when in combat which led to them expanding more energy than necessary which led to them making mistakes " he knew that they were outmatched when that appeared so he hatched the plan and it worked but the drain of manipulating chakra while it's in someone else's body and use it to fight at the same time only drained him mentally due to the concentration required

after the fight he suggested they setup camp to rest up after making sure Akame and akane are tied up and their katanas are sealed in a scroll

as the sat by the fire Kai told them that he wanted to get some rest to which they accepted telling him he earned it and as soon as he feel asleep Akame opened her eyes and said " is he asleep? " bitoku nodded as akane whole opened her eyes said " huh too think he would use a natural process of the body to slow us down the mistress was right about him " to which they all nod " and he achieved all on his own I will admit he is quite Special " yūga adds

" he is indeed " " mistress! " they acknowledged as she made herself known " well done girls I am glad you can see one of the reasons why I love him Soo much and now do agree now that you saw him in action.... esadeth " she also appeared beside the mistress and said " I admit he is something but you guys best keep an eye on him ok " it's unknown what she meant but the girls acknowledged it and esadeth and the mistress both disappeared at the girls went back into character

whew longest chapter so far hope you enjoy if I have enough time I will try a third chapter today