claiming my heritage part 2

here's the second part hope you enjoy

onto the chapter

3rd pov

Kai had asked if bitoku and yūga would be ok with waiting for him since he doesn't know how long it will take for him to get back out since they don't know the layout of the vault nor do they know what traps have been set up

but they said they were ok with it won't mind waiting since they came this far and so he entered the vault as it opened slightly allowing to pass as it closed shortly after

when bitoku and yūga saw the doors close they decided to head back to the village to look for a building to make shelter in as they are walking yūga spoke up " I wonder how he will react when he sees the ' gift ' the mistress put in the vault for him " bitoku smirked " he will definitely be surprised but will almost immediately ask for training if anything the mistress told us about him is true " they shared a chuckle as the two of them went on their way

Kai Pov ( been a while )

as soon as the doors shut behind me the place became pitch black so I activated the sharingan and noticed small chakra light ( can't describe chakra from the sharingan Pov ) and they looked like seals so since I can't disable I will have to avoid them and than I also noticed there explosive seals that lined the floor in a random configuration that active changed every five seconds in random patterns ' the fuck is this! Tomb raider! ' I thought in anger but I just sighed and went forward

after a while I made it to the other side while thinking ' there is no way through that shit I had to throw a kunai to the other side and substitute with it I got blown up ' I have no idea why they went this far to protect the clan scrolls it better be worth it

than I looked at the next area I had to pass and it was pitch black I couldn't see anything no matter how much I tried so I decided to use a technique I created increase my vision was ever impaired I inhaled deeply and breathed out chakra particles mixed with wind manipulation and used it to create a mental image in my mind through the objects that cut through, redirect, or block it altogether and soon I had a image in my mind

in front of me is a large wheel with spikes and seals on it along with twelve more every 3ft and they all moved at a different pace and speed up at random , slow down ,or even stop and move

' where is Indiana Jones when you need him ' I thought sighing at how they are making things difficult as I than stepped forward and my foot triggered a switch a I felt multiple small projectiles heading in my direction at a rapid pace I used Madara's kamui he borrowed and made myself translucent as they passed through me and I noticed thad EVEN THEY HAD SEALS WHY!!! they went to far * sigh * let's get this over with

after getting through them for what felt like hours since I didn't know what the seals could do and didn't want to risk it ( good thing he didn't since the absorb the chakra of those who touch them to reinforce it and Lock on to your chakra signature ) so I took my time hoping the girls will understand why I will take abit longer to get back

I heard flowing water so i followed it and arrived in front of a waterfall and when I looked down I saw that it is too steep for someone to survive and I can't see inside the water so I can't see if there are large jagged rocks down there I than chuckled ' reminds me of my adventures with ezio auditore to find the apple of Eden ' I thought remembering just how far I have truly come

I than took a leap of faith and divided into the water and manipulating it to cushion the impact just Incase I than stuck my head out of the water while taking a quiet breath so I don't get attention and after I checked the area than I swam to the shore and when I got out of the water I heard a voice say " welcome Kai I have been waiting for you "

ok that's part two done and soon the third along with the return to the village and a visit to Tsunade stay tuned for the next chapter bye