reasons and the beginning of training

ok this will be the last chapter before the time skip to canon with another oc Arc and revealing the identity of the ' mistress ' along with the MC's backstory

now onto the chapter

3rd Pov

" why do you want to learn it Kai? " Tsunade asked, while she is happy to teach as she has witnessed just how skilled he is they few times she saw training at one of the private training grounds, but she wanted to know why because it's the reason that matters the most to her since her past apprentices both had their personal reasons to learn form her so she wanted hear his reason as well.

Kai looked at her showing no visible reaction to her question as he expected it, but he also had a second request he wants to ask but he will decide based on how she takes his answer.

Kai took a deep breath and than gave his answer " I want to learn medical ninjutsu so that I have a wide arsenal of capabilities on the battlefield and to also support my teammates when I decide to let them take charge and they get injured " Tsunade looked at Kai for a moment and then she smiled at him

Kai looked confused at why exactly she smiled but she answered his unspoken question " I am happy you are not only looking out for your team especially since yours doesn't have a jonin sensei as well as seeing the potential of medical ninjutsu on the battlefield " she was happy with his answer as it showed her that Kai wasn't some prodigy that got arrogant the stronger he got, but instead he focused on learn as much as he could to not only get stronger but be able to shift the tide of war if he gets powerful enough.

Mei feeling left out spoke up " ok ok while I am happy I also want in on this quality time you two will have so how about this I will train you in my bloodline and better your understanding of sub elemental manipulation so that even if it doesn't bare fruit at least your understanding of sub elements of expended "

Kai was shocked but happy since someone with a sub elemental bloodline would expand his knowledge and make things easier for him to master all his sub elements and maybe even create a Keke mora or is it tota?

while Kai was lost in though Tsunade had an annoyed look on her face knowing what Mei was impling and seeing her teasing smirk made her eyebrow twitch, but she suddenly got a idea that made her give Mei a look that said ' let's make this more interesting ' if that is even possible and looked at Kai who paid attention to her as she said " ok than of that's the case than I will bring shizune and Sakura as well since they also have skills they developed which might help you, so what do you say Kai? "

Tsunade looked at Mei from the corner of her eyes and saw her twitching eyebrow and quietly chuckled at one upping her friend as she heard Kai answer a simple ' yes '

Kai than said his goodbyes to the two of them which led to a hug from Tsunade had a hug from Mei with abit of teasing and light humping that almost made him blush and lose what little self-control he had left but managed to survive and left heading home to meet his family

short time skip

Kai Pov

I arrived at the front door and and took of my shoes before knocking, I didn't wait long as someone opened the door and jumped me yelling ' big brother ' I almost fell down but I managed to get my balance back while I wrapped my arms around my perpetrator and looked down to see himawari looking at me with a cute smile on her face ( must protect must protect! ) than she said " big brother your back just like you promised yay! " I just gave a laugh and pat her head as I decided to carry her in

as I entered I saw the rest of the family in the leaving room as Hinata came to give me a hug, but thankfully I put Himawari down so she doesn't suffocate from a mother's tight hugs which was followed by her fussing about me and asking about the mission and if I got hurt, but I managed to calm her down

I sat down with the family and we had a chat that was mostly me telling them about my mission excluding the visit too uzu, and telling them about my training plan and Tsunade accepting to train me which made them happy and Hinata promised to visit since she hangs out with Sakura and the other girls during her free time while Boruto kept talking about one day beating him in jouken fight so he gets to learn a jutsu from him while himawari just cuddled him as I Pat her head since she always enjoyed it and almost always feel asleep like this

* sigh * it's a shame peace like this is always destroyed by people who could care less about others

the next day

I got up early and left for the private training ground I trained in to meet my teammates and begin my training with Azrael

3rd Pov

Kai arrived at the training ground as saw only Azrael there but didn't question it as he knew she either sent them away or they would come and join later on as he stood in front of her

Azrael looked at Kai and saw he has huge potential, and to make it even better he has shown that he is well aware of it and has tried to bring it out multiple times only to realize that he unleashed a fragment of his infinite potential ' looks like ' she ' did the right thing in sealing his power as it would have destroyed the soul that was attached to him before the reincarnation even began ' she is very curious to what kind of power he has that would require it to be sealed in order for the reincarnation to happen ' and more importantly how he still has it after multiple reincarnations '

Azrael than created her scythe and made a replica which she gave to Kai who looked at her with a questioning look and simply said " we will begin your training with the scythe than we go on from there don't disappoint e "

Kai looked at her with a serious look on his face, he didn't need to hold back , he didn't need to hide his true skill set, as he thought that Azrael noticed the change in his demeanor

his looks showed experience far beyond his physical age and the air around turned cold and empty, no blood lust, no killing intent, no emotions, just a cold presence that would make the likes of hashirama take him seriously as he held the scythe in a low stance and said in a empty voice without emotion " let's begin sensei "

ok I used my time waiting for something to write the the voting pole will closed and harem announced before next chapter of the day bye guys