chunin exams! part 2

here's part 2

and those who didn't see their waifu on the list don't worry they still have a chance

now onto the chapter

3rd Pov

Kai and his team along with other genin appeared a training ground not to far from the hokage tower where the scroll said to meet up with the genin roster, and when they arrived kakashi was already there which surprised them since Naruto was already declared as the seventh hokage so they were curious but waited for his announcement

" welcome genin of the hidden leaf I have called you all here today to inform you about the chunin exams you were all informed about, the new daiyamo has decided to hold the upcoming exams in the capital since she said and I quote " the best way to test a Shinobi is to take them outside of their element and push them to their limits " so I was nominated as a representative for the village to travel with you guys since the seventh still needs to get familiar with his new role as a leader of the village, now go and prepare we don't know what they have in store for you so be prepared for anything we leave at dawn dismissed " kakashi said which was followed by ' yes Lord sixth! ' after which he left via shunshin ( please correct me if I misspelled it )

shortly after he and his team went their sperate ways after a quiet goodbye as Kai was headed towards his home, ' it's funny to see himawari knock out Naruto like she did even though his guard was down and he underestimated her strength at the time ' Kai though with a chuckle as it's one thing to watch it happen and to see it in person, but he also chucked it up to the training he started to give her when Boruto wasn't annoying him.

at first Hinata was worried thinking that Kai wanted to be a Shinobi and take away her innocence ( not that far you cultured folks! ) and her childhood, but he calmed her down explaining that while he won't mind her remaining a civilian it doesn't mean she isn't allowed to be strong enough to defend herself especially if people target her to get to Naruto or try to take advantage of navie nature and innocence

but what made his heart ache was when Hinata broke down in tears Infront of him and himawari as Kai was in the middle of training her, himawari stopped her training and rushed towards Hinata while Kai caught her before she fell onto the floor and held her tightly as she was shacking slightly, himawari approached Hinata and asked if Kai did something wrong by training her and apologized asking for Kai not get punished

but instead Hinata answered " I am crying happy tears himawari I am happy you are being trained by your brother to protect yourself, I hope you can forgive me and your papa for trying too much to make you your childhood which we didn't get the chance to enjoy and forgot just how dangerous this world truly is in reality harsh and all we are doing is delaying the inevitable, reality will always catch up to us, so himawari please forgive us "

her statement shocked him and himawari to the core and all himawari did was smile with happy tears hugging her mother telling her she understands and hopes she lives happily with her and the rest of the family which made Hinata smile as she and himawari relaxed in kai's embrace

not to soon after himawari fell asleep so Kai tuck her in and returned to meet Hinata in his room as they had a deep discussion as Hinata told him about her life and the circumstances surrounding her life and why she decided to stay away from the conflict and bloodshed after she first got pregnant, Kai understood and told her the truth about the Shinobi world and what it took to unite them after all the wars that followed to which she understood what he meant and made her decision

Hinata said she would begin her training again and take himawari with her every now and then while she would let him continue to train her

Kai agreed and a few days later on one of the days Naruto had the chance to come home early Hinata had a talk with him, while Kai didn't know the details he had a idea why and the tension that followed made him frown

' I have to talk to him myself ' he thought as he arrived Infront of the house, Kai knows that Naruto's determination and hardheaded attitude would cause serious problems as he is incapable of accepting things that go against his Ideals no matter how true they are at times and this is one of them

Kai was broken out of his thoughts as heard someone striking a tree in the back yard and decided to go and see who it is and saw Hinata training Himawari, he smiled but it soon disappeared when he saw the worry hidden behind Hinata's eyes and knew the situation with Naruto was stressing her mentally since Naruto acted as her anchor through out most of her life wether he knew it or not and now that she is practically opposing her she is lost and if it wasn't for Kai, Boruto, and himawari she would suffer greatly

' damn your stubborn streak Naruto your wife needs you now more than ever you nose deep in your paper work'

ok emotional chapter and I honestly don't know where this came from but it's interesting to think about so please share your opinion as well bye