chunin exams! ???

sing my laptop to type this chapter so I will just gonna until I fell it's far enough into the arc

Onto the chapter

3rd Pov

kai froze as he recognized the sweet melodic voice that spoke ' I am honestly surprised my hypotheses was correct ' kai thought wondering how she became a reincarnater as well and how she got powerful enough to infulance his reincarnation cycle but he discarded his thoughts to see her again even if he saw her a lot sooner than he expected

she has navy blue almost black hair that reaches past her shoulders with growling orange tips her eyes being black with glowing orange pupils that almost make you think you are sing a black whole in space just from looking at her eyes, she has a beautiful smooth face with black lipstick, she has double G-cups just under her hair tips, with a black dress that covers her breasts along her toned stomach, to her wide hips and muscular legs that look like a certain street fighter character

This is kanami ( one of the meanings is rain ) her girlfriend from his first life who would have become his fiancé if she didn't die from the mental, physical, and sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her own father just because her mother decided to run away and left her behind.

when kai first met her she was a isolated and broken girl who feared people getting close to her because they would look down on her because of the abuse from the age of 10, ( I don't like putting this here as much as you guys do ) so the fisrt question he asked her was " you look like you had quite the life before today didn't you? tell you what I will tell you mine if you share yours? " yeah it is something for a 15 year old teen to ask but it worked and by the time they shared their stories she felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders,

and less than a month later her father was found dead in a pub and all his wrong doings had been recorded on audio that was left next to his corpse, she wandered who did it until kai came to her front door covered in blood which shocked her at first but she cried tears of joy and hugged him blood and all, after which she bathed him in her apartment she got form kai a week before, when she asked how he did it al he said was " it wasn't me I just told the school to send a ' letter' to your dad "

she didn't question more because she knew he wouldn't answer him and they spent their time together eventually becoming lovers over the years before the internal and external scars from the abuse caught up to her killing her at the age of 22 while kai followed after her five years later due to nuclear warfare during pandemic off all times

kai came out of memory lane when he felt kanami's gaze on him and all he did was look at her with a small smile with a light nod in response which made her ' all business ' smile grow slightly, ' looks like she is really going through with her dream isn't she ' he thought while shaking his head slightly at her absurd dream that he would expect from a guy

" I welcome you all to the first ever chunin exams to be hosted outside if the five great villages! my name is kanami the first daiyamo of all the countries and the elemental nations! " she announced as the crowed cheered while kai snortred seeing the men putting a bit more effort while leering at her while making sure the women next to them don't notice which didn't work and almost all of them got slapped

" I thank the kages for sending their shinobi even though they couldn't attend with the exception of the sixth hokage who came representing konoha " she countined after gesturing towards kakashi who casually waved and tired his best not to shift his gaze anywhere in her direction

" now those of you who passed the first test are now going into the second and final test " this confused the people as they were not expecting it to be two stages, but kanami ignored them and continued

" now I am sure you all noticed that the forest surrounding the capital is very different from what those of you who live here and those who pass by here are familiar with, it's because we released four elemental beast's into the forest and gave them time to claim their territory " she paused as people looked at the surrounding forest and noticed just how diverse it is

The north was covered in hot flames and magma, the east was covered in ice and snow, the south was covered in thick forest compared to how a normal forest would look, and the east looked normal a bit too normal

but kanami continued again before any questions could be asked " inside their territory is a scroll that will reverse summon you here to the arena, and yes there are three and it's not a mistake this is a test to see how you handle tough conditions during war times, so if you can't survive this than you are worthy of becoming a Shinobi! now begin! "

as the others were scrambling to get to the scrolls Kai nodded towards his teammates as they nod back in understanding, the plan was simple get the other scrolls while the others rush east into the ' easy zone than head there last to guarantee their promotion since kanami never said they couldn't collect all of them

Kai than glanced at kanami one last time than ran north while bitoku went south, and yūga went east

well this is it for today hope you guys like my idea for a proper do or die chunin exams for a world like Naruto and the reveal of kanami I will post another chapter on Saturday bye guys