Chapter 5:

Chapter 5:


"And we're open for business." Jiahao said cocking his weapon, now primed and ready. "Let's get ready for them shall we." Without waiting for a reply, he already began to take his position. His eyes looking through the holo smart scope of his DH-72 Semi-Automatic Shot Gun. With a Magazine that can hold up to 15 shotgun shells, cambering rounds of the twelve-gage armor precising slugs' variety He picked these rounds knowing that the eight-gauge shells containing of 5 smaller pellets. He wasn't certain if these rounds were enough to break through the invisible shields of their foes. Though the worrying thought that even the twelve-gage slugs wouldn't necessarily succeed either. He pushed those thoughts away. That was a concern he would worry about later, with his weapon now aimed towards the corridor hall held one handed. Because of the design of the DH-72 it could be operated with a single hand, allowing the other hand to be used for other interactions.


He fully utilized this feature, holding the weapon up with his left hand. The trigger feeling light to his touch, leveling the muzzle of his gun at the open portal. His right gripping tight on his Type-5 Pulse sword. It's keen edge humming with power. His heartbeat again in his chest hearing the rapid approaching footsteps. However, this time wasn't because of fear and uncertainty like before, now was more in anticipation. The footsteps creeped closer now they were just around the corner.


"Prepare to fire~!" Jiahao cried out, eyeing the scope, finger squeezing down just before igniting the weapon. The first figure then rushed out from beyond. Before Jiahao could do anything else, A hand had smacked his barrel down before the voice belonging to it boomed beside him. "Hold your fire! Greem-green, friendlies-friendlies!" more figures rushed out from the corner. All of whom wore the familiar uniform of the student body cadets. Seeing each other the newcomers quickly rushed over past Jiahao, along with those who formed a barricade in front of the armory portal.


Jiahao sighed letting out a breath of air. His disappointment sang with it. "Well, that really blew the mood, so much for the pump up."


"What?" one of the newcomers asked, head swiveling around to question Jiahao, clearly having heard him mumbling to himself. "Nothing just some random mumblings don't take any heed." Jiahao simply said. "Hmm~, Sure."

"Anyone else?"

"No, it's just us the others that were with us are all dead."


The young lad replied turning back around losing all interest. As he went along with his group into the armory. "Alright pack whatever you guys can but pack light we move out in one minute!" Jiahao was already moving before the chorus of acknowledgment came from several throats. The rest, he couldn't care if they willingly followed him or not. A light pitter patter footfall came up beside him as he stood before an opened container unit as he retrieved the article within.


"Hey, didn't I say that you're staying here." Jiahao didn't turn his attention to face the oncoming soul. As he donned on a piece of the article he retrieved. It was large almost something resembling a skin suit. He doffed off what little clothes he wore slipping into his newly acquired suit. "Yeah, sure just sit here on my ass. And wait for death huh? Great plan besides I'm well enough now I'm not helpless. I can fight too."


Once fulling donned the frame of the suit seemed bulky even on Jiahao. He then fiddled with something on his wrist. The suit then suddenly compressed itself, as he had activated a switch hidden within the wrist. Having decompresses the air inside the suit, now became skintight hugging Jiahao's body. Only then did Jiahao turn to look at his friend. Turning his head around to see the limping form of Johnny hefting a suit of his own. The rifle in his hand having been set aside. As he struggled into the article.


"Stop giving me that look, now hand me a set of too and help me, we're short on time."


At another location standard local time 1130. Front Entrance Gate.


"Hold them back~!" a voice filled with the tone of authority boomed through the cacophony of swears and oaths bellowing in the air. "Hold them back I tell you! Put your backs into it. Do not let anymore into the academy grounds!" Other shouts of acknowledgement sang through the air in return. The scene was chaos. Piles of bodies huddled together, pressing against on opposite sides of the front entrance gate, admis the meld forms of bodies one figure look back. Back leading into the sacred grounds of Genesis Ark; within Module 666 the prestige grounds of this Battle School of New Phoenix.


The figure in question, a middle-aged man donning a full combat kit standing behind a formation of similar gear. Holding together in what resembles an ancient battle formation, known as a testudo formation. Shields clashed against invisible walls, aetheric energy sparked shouts and swears echoed and melded together in one single note in a cacophony pot of sound.


Looking over the proud tall walls that encircle the inner sections of the school. The inner domains of this Battle School of New Phoenix. Of Module 666. Before looking back towards the 'outside' world once again. The scene in front of him resembled nothing of the familiar sight of the environment within Module 666. What had originally large, mirrored panels that only mimics the natural sky of earth. Had disappeared entirely, the sections and indents that marked the boundaries of the fortified glass structures. Of the glass dome of the Module is truly gone.


This was a different world, that was the most reasonable and most logical explanation. The breath air that gave a taste, unlike the filtered stale air that was cycled countless times in the module. No matter how clean the fitter air was. It didn't have the same natural taste to that of nature. This wasn't no sick drunken dream, this was real. All of it, even if the mind couldn't process what was happening. It was reality.


Redirecting his attention to the battle in front of him. He scanned and eyed every and any possible factor he could utilize. Not just the scenery in the heavens had changed. For even the landmass before them had been altered. What had originally been columns of industrial complex buildings. Had been replaced with a field of green. Littered with interconnecting structures that seemed to resemble architecture. These seemed more ancient. Like those of ancient civilizations back on Earth. Yet clearly of a different culture than those of humanity.


Which brings him back to the foes that they now face. These people were unlike anything he had ever seen. Except maybe in the most extreme BDSM entertainment industries. Such was the confounding nature of their attire. For certainty they were not of any known nationally within humanity. Looking at their features, they resemble humans but that's where the similarities ended. A notable feature was their slightly pointed ears. Like that of fantasy species. Also, their faces had no distinctive characteristic to their appearance, no one specific nationality. Instead, seemingly of a blend of all characteristics of all nationality with several being more prominent to a degree.


Ranging from a mixture blend of Caucasian, Latina, East-Asians, Indians, Blacks, etc. Another feature is their eye pupil, which turned bright with the color of their iris when using their weird powers. The only conclusion of this phenomenon was magic. Along with the array of Bioluminescent Symmetrical Marking Tattoos. Made seemingly of elemental light particles, this gallery of circuity glowing pulsating current pathways that runs up their whole body to their cheek or forehead.


The BDSM concept comes from their attire. Or lack thereof. For the mob assaulting the school, were for lack of a better term to the man, nudist. Their bare form being visible for all to see. Donning just a bare minimal amount of some harness, to keep the important area concealed. If they have any to start.


Yet they all seem to follow some sort of near-universal form of fashion harness. Most seemingly a type of leather, however there were those that stood out admis the rest of the crowd. These being fewer in number, mixed in more elaborate ornamentation. Even the design was more provocative revealing, overlapping transparently cloth. Exposing their fine toned, budging muscles, these 'men' were larger than any man should be. Other than body builders, even then the proportions of their muscles, would only be possible if they were doping.


Even then, the strength they conjured was also inhumanly potent. However, the man couldn't help but wonder why it felt as if some other force was enabling such feats of strength. As evident by the several corpses laid about. His fellow veteran brothers, all of whom served with him for so long. Their lifeless bodies unceremonious buried underneath sources of others over and around them. He didn't have time to mourn for them. This was how they always wanted to go out. In a field of battle like warriors should. However not like this, not be casted down unremembered in some unknown battle ground.


Which testified the oddity he had been registering in his gut, something about these invaders wasn't normal.


"Instructor Ling, we can't hold them for much longer~!" One the academy student dressed in the same combat kit as the man identified as Instructor Ling. Informed him of the situation.

"Hold them back push~! We cannot allow any more of these-these damn nudist bastards within the academy!"

Instructor Ling roared. His will seemed to rejuvenate those around him. Filling them with as the cadet pushed hard. Pushing back against the phalanx of shields before them. Blasting their sidearms and hacking with their blades. For the shortest moment it seemed they were gaining back grounds. Pushing the invaders back. That all change within a split second.


Boom! As an explosion soon occurred within the foremost ranks sending chucks and bodies flying in all directions. The shockwave alone sent many off their feet's, casting them onto their backs. Instructor Ling included, the blast knocking him away from his initial position his sense off. His vision became distorted. Before he could steady himself, he felt the bite of cold steel hitting his side. Bringing him back down to earth. Before he could even cry out in pain more descend upon him. From the smoke, more invaders came upon the loose groups of survivors. Drowning them in a sea of blades. Through the rising smoke dust clouds stranger, larger shapes began to take form, from beyond the dust.


Thus, the strength of the wall began to fall.


Back within the academy building main section corridor halls.


Jiahao and his party of 27 people rushed through the same halls that they been through countless time throughout the years. Before with casually relaxed grace, without worry, but now with stern hearts and grip hearts tensed with fear. The halls now retained nothing like its original beauty. It resembled those found in the common horror films of the entertainment industry.


This however was no imagery on a screen. This was their reality. Rich ichor spilled from the various corpses littering the ground before them. Filling the corridor with the strong scent of metallic iron. The tile plates slick with fluid. His injured leg still burning with pain. Sending a shiver up his limbs with every step he took with his injured leg.


He had patched the wound with what he could but that was near its limit as he felt his blood pool within his suit. All his injures were in fact. Jiahao refused to let it affect him. Gritting his teeth, he pushed on, his senses heighten once again due to the adrenaline coursing through him. Carefully he made his way through the gore laced grounds. It wasn't the carnage that unnerved him but the bodies. Most of the bodies around him were fallen members of the academy.


Many of which had died, a most un-glories deaths than those who fought beside him in the showers. Most didn't have a weapon they were cut down where they stood. Jiahao struggled to keep his head up right, as part of him desired, to look upon the bodies to search for even a potential survivor. He fought against it though as he feared deep within his heart. He wouldn't succumb to that feeling, he couldn't.


Others though didn't, as he could hear the mummers and gasps coming from those around him. He didn't let it distract him. So onwards they went, steeling their hearts to the threats to come. Surprisingly they haven't encountered many obstacles. Other than the hurdle of having to walk over the bodies of the fallen. Then as if to mock them, they encountered more foes just as they turned a corner.


The adversaries brazenly stood in the center of the corridor. Plain in view over the corpses of their most likely recent victims. The party didn't think twice before rushing them. There was nowhere for the enemy to hide in these open corridors. Unleashing a hail of leathy bullets upon them. Yet despite the relativity quick contest, it had costed them another two lives to bring down only but a handful of foes.


Coming upon the correct pathway they seek. The group rushed towards it all manners of stealth and caution lost, in place of hopefully respite. Jiahao was at the forefront of the group reaching the door first. Hand on the handle, he rushed to open the portal before. Something roared out from within, before lunging at Jiahao. On trained reflex he defended against it. Unlike before however he had the necessary tools. With a flick of his wrist, the motion triggered a command on the device on his left wrist. A flash of light appeared and hardened deflecting the article of death. Bouncing off the light as if hitting a wall. The project wall in front of Jiahao, seemingly made of harden light. Before Jiahao could regain his footing after this sudden assault the blow came again. Though the blow didn't connect with him physically, the kinetic energy transferred through from impact still sent him back a pace.


This hardened light emitting from his wrist. Is the standardized military defensive device known the Hardlight Shield; it fuses particles of light into a rigid, dissipative barrier. When used, it forms a full-size defensive shield in front of the user. However even as the shield protects the user from virtually any projectile on the battlefield.


"Woah! Hold~! Green-green friendlies~!" someone cried out coming in between, just as quickly as the assault happened, it ceased. Just before Jiahao could retaliate. Now seeing the faces of their supposed assailants, seeing the familiar uniform. All tension ceased as if it never existed. "Sorry there bud, we thought that you guys were the enemy." The figure in question back away, hands raised to indicate none hostilely.

"None taken brother, that was a good strike though, caught me off guard. You're?"

Jiahao looked over the figure in front of him. He was a youth about the same age as himself. Dressed in the academy mechanic dress training cadet uniform the top section left hanging below the waist.


Leaving the lead figure exposed with his top on. "Aurthur." The young man identified himself. Others poured out slowly behind the portal. All armed with tools, sledgehammer, and other articles of machine work alike, all wearing the matching uniforms as the first.


"I see even the mech bays had some uninvited customers today." Jiahao stated out loud. Not to anyone, nor as a question. He knew the answer to that, looking over the large combination wrench in Aurthur's hand covered in bodily fluids. Blood by the smell of them. Along with strands of hair sinew still clinging on. The sprays of the same fluids on most if not all their uniforms. He pushed back the ever-growing sickening sensation in his gut at that realization.


"How many of you are there left?" Jiahao asked.


"Enough to give these sons of bitches a good fight."


"Good to hear, are any of the merchandise inside damaged?"


"None still virgins. Well as fresh as they ever can be."


"Not for long. We'll need to borrow them. How is the situation on the other bays?"


"Out of the question these are properties of our house, you wouldn't even be able to use them anyway. Secondly the other bays, I couldn't give you an answer on that even if I knew." The youth named Aurthur spat out quickly, as if disgusted by what Jiahao had asked of him. The feeling didn't seem to only emit from him, the others of his group also showed disdain at Jiahao's request.


"What~?" that statement blew away any sense from Jiahao. It was as if his mind sudden shut down. Now was in process of rebooting itself. They were in a life and deaf situation; and they still have the mind to play these games with them. Was this a joke? Jiahao then saw the emblem on the groups uniform. The emblem struck something within him. It would also seem that he wasn't the only one. Upon seeing the same sight, murmurs and gossip began behind him. He didn't need to listen carefully, to know what was being said.


"You're of house Farside." Someone behind him said with no less hostile intentions in their voice. At those words, Jiahao his now predatory eyes fixated upon the soul before him. Now he knew the cause of their defiance.

Aurthur too reciprocated that; his eyes now turned hostile towards the group before him.

"That we are. Now run along go back to your own house for your own toys. Our house members will be here shorty. Best you lot now hurry along, if you want any of the glory before we're done with these interlopers."


No one said another word after that. Tension slowly resurfacing between the two groups once again. Hands gripped ever more tightly upon their articles of carnage and death.


"Spaceians." Another member of the group, Jiahao's to be precise spat out hatefully.