Standing at his door listening to the murmuring, Lystra wanted to know who he was speaking with. Becoming hesitant to enter she knocks and waited a few seconds then dips her head inside his office announcing, "Sir, I am leaving now, will there be anything else?" Noticing the way he lifts his hand gesturing okay.

Scoping the inside of the office seeing his phone still on top of his briefcase and his jacket untouched. There was not a soul in his office, 'So who was he speaking with? I thought someone came to him while I was busy making the call.'

Pouting her lip thinking, 'I just hope he is not tripping because his behaviour today was so weird. Maybe he is overworked because his parents were away.

Hearing the click he look at the door, feeling such relief, his intention right now was to relax, and enjoy the sweet solace.

There shouldn't be anyone on this floor right now, just I alone, now I should get a fair amount of rest without any disturbance."

With his eyes closed, he was reminiscing about his first true kiss with Jessy, when the phone rang in the office.

Brent was suddenly awakened becoming angry wondering which one of the fools had called him.

He snatches up the phone so the peeling sound won't irritate him and cause him to become more upset. "Hello, Brent Larson speaking."

When he heard what the person said, "Mr Larson, can you please come to the factory in Red Hill we are faced with a crisis."

Not recognizing the person's voice Brent asks, "Who am I speaking with?" Realizing immediately that the caller had already disconnected, and the phone went dead, before getting an answer.

Brent was left with no other choice but to call Miss John to accompany him because those fools haven't come to the office yet, and he didn't want to go to the factory alone, but he only got Miss John's voicemail on her phone.

He also knew his board members has elected those two fools because they say I am young and needed a bodyguard at all times, which is why I took Lystra to accompany me.

Being left with no other choice he calls his two assistants recalling Miss John said they will be in the office after lunch.

Brent could not still get in touch with them so he decided to drive up to Red Hill alone ignoring the thought of any danger.