Brent considers as he continues to be mesmerised by the first meeting, 'Although this young lady sounds very sincere and her dream to help others are very touching and interesting I am not going to get distracted.

Brent recalled that night when he switched the light on in the room her hair was blond just like Johanna's, and this young lady's hair is the same. The dress she was wearing for the wedding was elegantly arrayed on her body and pretty expensive from what I had observed.

Even though her face was all messed up with all the crying and sniffling of her nose, and her makeup smudged all over her face she look beautiful. With her face swollen the black in her eyes becomes so deep like black ink. Even her gaze was so gentle when she looked at me, but from the way she expressed herself, it seem as though she doesn't care what others think about her.

My search from that Saturday to now was a complete disaster and a waste of my time, every day I passed after work that week to see if she returns to Johanna's place but to no avail.

If only I didn't turn my back on her to take that call who knows what would have been resolved by now? My main concern is, supposed she is not the person I am looking for but I felt so drawn to her, why is that?'

Feeling dispirited in his heart with all the disappointment, but the nagging thought that soon she will return to her family and he may never meet her again brought despondency and despair to his heart. Brent knew he was running out of ideas and options which is very frustrating.

Feeling as though his head will explode not being able to meet her. Having no choice he cried out to God for a supernatural intervention. "Oh Lord, she is not from this city and she might leave any day now to return to her home, I need Your help to find her before she leaves."

Sitting in his office Friday afternoon feeling like all hope is gone, unable to think straight much less to work.

Brent stretches out his long slender legs on top of the office desk and takes up the newspaper to try and shift his focus knowing in a little while the meeting will start.

He knows he has neglected his work and his mom will need a report when she attends the meeting this afternoon after being away for three weeks.

Drawing in a long deep breath wanting desperately to focus on the task at hand, he close his eyes when he saw her face in a vision.

Having no idea for how long but he overheard himself snore and open his eyes, "Oh God did I fall asleep for a few minutes?" Checking his time seeing it was twelve-twenty.

Brent felt as though he was in a deep dream becoming alert as he looked at the headline in the newspaper and read, then he flips the page.