Brent observed her closely wondering where she was taking this conversation. He was also curious to know who she spoke with. "Don't you think that was a coincidence and a bit strange?"

Brent notices when she suddenly pauses and her brow furrows, he knows she thinks quickly also she thinks out of the box which he likes about her, "Yes, go on Miss John, I am listening."

"Boss, I was wondering if there was anything strange when you reached Red Hill factory, but from what I can see you are fine, and a week has already passed by and nothing strange had occurred, or so I think."

It didn't cross his mind earlier when Jason spoke to him but now that she mentioned it, that vehicle was following him putting him in a difficult position. They were boxing me in but I was able to squeeze myself into the burger cafe entrance and escape.

Brent asks looking unconcerned not wanting to alert her knowing she thinks quickly and is very observant, "Miss John, who did you speak with Saturday when you canceled the appointment?"

Brent whispers to himself, knowing Miss John was looking at him, "Thank God that happened, I got the opportunity to meet Jessyminthia and hear her dream. Now, I can pursue her and fulfill her dreams for her. Maybe God allowed that to happen so I could meet her just like when I went to visit Johanna. He knows my heart and wants to grant me my heart's desire to find true love." When she answered, "Sir I spoke with the Assistant Manager, why do you ask?"

"Miss, John, thank you and did you say Jason was in an accident?" Trying to shift her focus or she will continue to probe and pester me with questions and meddle in my personal affairs.

"Not him Sir, his daughter but he was called in seeing it was an emergency, Sir, if you recall he had informed me they would be late at the office. Sir my thought when he told me that, all that was on my mind at that moment was, it was a distraction to get them away from you, so you will be alone and unprepared."

At that moment she also wanted to seize the opportunity to mention the uniform issue but held her tongue seeing that his mobile phone was ringing and he took it up immediately.

When he raised his hand, she quietly left his office, only to hear him mention the Assistant Director's name.

Brent only responds when he sees the door closed, "Have you heard something, Elliot? If I recall clearly from what you mentioned last Saturday, Mom told you I was being followed."

"Yes Boss, but I am calling to inform you that there was another incident at Red Hill. today and I will bring the report of what I have learned thus far."

"Okay, very early tomorrow before you come to the office I want you to visit the factory and see how you can settle the workers down, and get the factory working, then we will deal with their issues. And another thing Elliot, Miss John said she spoke to the Assistant Manager to cancel the appointment on Saturday, Quarry why he didn't inform the Manager. Another thing quarry who called my office to request my appearance. Also, can you send someone to check and see who has been following me and how long ago it has begun? And Miss John mentioned an incident about Jason's daughter, check that out to see if it had any connection with the same people following me."