Resting her left hand on top of the spot wondering 'what was going to happen?' she knew it was a sign. 'The last time that happen she got a bad drive from a drunk driver who overtakes a car and pulls right in front of me causing the front bumper of my car to collide with his rear bumper and both vehicles were dented. That cost me a nice piece of change. I can't afford to allow something like that to occur again.'

Checking her review mirror to see that all was clear at the back before crossing to the other lane, feeling relieved she continue to drive, when suddenly out of the blue a heavy-duty van overtakes her, the person was speeding so recklessly colliding with another vehicle that was waiting for the red light to change.

Realizing what was going on Lystra see an opening on the left and pull away from the collision. Unaware that everyone was thinking the same as she. When she heard the loud bang behind her vehicle.

Feeling as though her heart skip a beat, she was relieved it wasn't her vehicle. When she look in the review mirror only to see one of the cars that were in the parking lot was right behind her and the vehicle behind it had crashed into it.

Fleeing from the scene as the vehicle at the front gets the green light to go. Noticing the way her hand was trembling on the steering wheel, and her body was a bit shaky. Her forehead was sweating uncontrollably.

She recalled the security saying the vehicle was waiting on someone. Considering for a moment, the situation she in, she was happy that the car was held back if it was she they were following.

She was clearly a good distance away before she relax when suddenly a pick-up reversed out of a business place without even looking back.

She had to stop suddenly without warning to avoid getting hit when she heard the "Bang" the impact from the rear of her vehicle shook her so badly and sound so loud.

Crying out, as her head crushed on the steering wheel, Whispering, "Oh Lord, please help me, I really don't know what is going on today, everything was so very disappointing, and now this disaster."

As fear slowly seeped in Lystra felt the hot wet liquid seeping down her face, and then there was total blackness.

Hearing the alarm from his watch indicating it was six, Brent paid for all the items and head off to his vehicle. When his stomach grumbles, he recalls that earlier in the day he had rushed out to the soup kitchen and then hurried back to the office without eating lunch.

Stopping on his way to his apartment to get dinner for the both of them buying an extra portion of vegetables for himself knowing he was hungry.

Brent drove into the yard and then decided to go into the garage so no one will see his car.