Walking out of the ward the thought strikes him, 'Is she infatuated with Boss? From my observation, the boss didn't come rushing to her side. I never paid much attention to the members of the staff but looking at how disappointed and disgruntled the expression on her face is, I am sure my intuition is right.'

Making a call to Jason instructing him to only relay matters concerning meetings to Miss John, shortly and nothing more."

Hearing Jason ask, "What was going on?"

Roland replies, "We will discuss it when I come to work tomorrow."

Lying still on the bed Lyster felt so disappointed, 'knowing that she had exposed herself to Roland, but what was even worse was Brent didn't seem to care a bit about her, and she was willing to give her leg and arm for him.'

When Roland returns to her bedside he says, "Boss is busy as you overheard and he asked me to take you home when they discharged you."

"Mr Roland, thank you for being here but who called you? Everything happens so suddenly."

"I was calling to let you know that Boss called me at half five to inform you to be early at the office in the morning, he is expecting someone to be there. That was when someone answered your phone and said you were in a vehicle accident and were taken to the hospital. What happens? you were recently in an accident, if you continue so, soon they will confiscate your driver's permit."

Roland listened to her explanation, she looked so distressed and afraid. He could see the confusion all over her face.

"Okay, I understand what you are saying and I am trying to put the pieces together, but do you still have the number plate?"

"Yes, yes, I was planning to give it to Boss in the morning when I reach the office"

"Okay, give it to me and I will get someone to check it out, and then I will speak with Boss about what transpired. There's no need to worry him for now."

Hesitating for a moment she wants to give it to Boss herself but Roland is right.

Roland sees when she looks around, and asks, "Where is my purse, my phone is inside it?"

When the nurse nearby heard her, she said, "The medic gave us this bag when they brought you in."

Lystra immediately took it and opened the bag, seeing everything neat just as she had it, not suspecting anything she took the phone out and went straight into the gallery.

Suspecting something wasn't right with the way she kept flipping through, Roland asked, "What's the matter?"

With tears in her eyes, she whispers, "I don't know what is happening, I took the pictures this evening and it is not in my phone any longer." Seeing how scared she becomes Roland becomes concerned, the fear in her eyes alone shows this was no act.

"Miss John, maybe you thought you took the pictures but you didn't."

Observing the way she was shaking her head, "That is not true, when I went and sat in my car I checked and it was there."