Roland recalls the day Mr Larson and Mr Elliot interview him and Jason. Their duties were to ensure his safety in the building, but mostly out on the field.

All have been well but since that last Saturday when Jason's daughter was hurt I have seen a change he seems very slippery. We have to be more on the alert.'

Walking into the house, still, mesmerized by her kissing, Brent's watch beeps alerting him it was 10 pm' "Brent" his mother calls, "Son, why is your mobile off? Brent, I am talking to you."

Florence was angry seeing the way he was ignoring her, but he looks so tired and worn out. Having to call out to him again before he responds, "Sorry Mom, what did you say?"

"What is the matter with you, I ask why is your mobile off?"

Taking out his phone, Brent realized it was switched off, he turns to face his mom, "Sorry Mom, but it seems the battery's power is low, did you want something?"

"I was calling you to return home earlier, I had a friend over and wanted you to meet her, but where were you?"

'Lord this drama again, good thing the phone was in the car when I was visiting Jessy. She always wants to set me up with some strange young lady.'

Thinking for a moment to make a white lie and say he was with Miss John at the hospital but remember he promised the Lord he won't lie. "Mom, I met a friend and we went talking and I lost track of time."

When Florence said, "Junior, this friend of mine will be great for the project you have in mind, she is beautiful and easy-going, I know the two of you will get along great."

Sneering in his heart, Brent glared at his mom, with concern in his heart, 'What is wrong with mom, she thinks I will just get some fly-by-night decorative young lady to manage this project. This person will have to fulfil Jessy's dream for me. and I must get my heart's desire. I could hire anyone with a passion to accomplish the task, but when it comes to what she has in mind to accomplish for the Lord's work I just can't make a decision without consulting the Lord.'

"Mom with everything in my mind, I haven't called the architecture yet but when I do, and we visit the site then we will talk."

"I know all that Junior but I wanted you to meet Rosanna and the two of you could discuss the project you have in mind."

"Mom, I already have a plan in my head, it is only to get it down on paper, which will happen in a few days so let us not rush into it."

Brent gives her a sideways glance hearing her speaking, "I am not rushing anything Brent, I want you to meet Rosanna."

Turning around to face her, Brent knows when he lies to her she sees it in his eyes, smiling wickedly when he said, "Mom are you setting me up on a date?"